Not sure if this is a DH issue or not

I’m super new to Minecraft modding and honestly Minecraft in general. I’m playing on a modded server with some friends, but I’m having an issue where something will be loaded in the distance but as I approach it the blocks will disappear. They’re still there like I can interact with them and break them but they’re completely transparent. It seems to only happen to blocks above a certain height, but also not every block that is at or above the hat height is affected. I’ve included a video because I really don’t know what technical terms to use to describe it. I don’t know if it has anything to do with DH or if it’s something else going on, but if anyone has any idea about what the issue is that would be really appreciated thank you!
18 Replies
Puhpine5mo ago
and restarting doesnt work? you can try without DH installed and see if it still happens
Miki_P985mo ago
What is your modlist?
starkidgivensOP5mo ago
restarting and running without DH did not fix the issue for me, so maybe it isn't DH, but the issue didn't start until trying to use DH. If it's not a DH issue any idea what's going on? it's an adjusted version of the crazy craft modpack so we have like 300+ mods. so yes i know it could just be conflicts with everything in there, but like i said the issue didn't start until trying to use DH and it persists even after disabling it. If i'm not able to use DH that's fine but i still need to try and fix the issue of the blocks not rendering at all
Puhpine5mo ago
ive not seen DH stop render blocks before, so i doubt DH is the issue
starkidgivensOP5mo ago
yeah i just tried lowering my normal render distance and it seems to be when those certain blocks transition from the DH rendering to my actual normal render that seems to leave them unloaded. so yeah maybe not a DH problem then but now i have no idea what the issue would be.
Puhpine5mo ago
me neither. that it happens when transitioning between DH and real chunks is just because DH is rendering the chunks, and vanilla is not. so it looks like DH is working correctly, while something is going wrong with normal chunks
starkidgivensOP5mo ago
yeah im starting to realize that makes way more sense. I thought it might have been DH because it was doing the same sort of thing as when you set your actual render distance too high so you get gaps and it gives you the "DH IS OVERSTRESSED" or whatever it says. but it still happens when uninstalled so i have no clue.
starkidgivensOP5mo ago
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starkidgivensOP5mo ago
the whole mountain top is gone so i have no clue. thank you for the help though
Puhpine5mo ago
thats quite strange lol
starkidgivensOP5mo ago
is there a way to like delete my chunk data or something so that it has to rerender the chunks?
Puhpine5mo ago
no thats not possible maybe if you have bobby, but i doubt that will help you can press f3+a to rerender chunks
starkidgivensOP5mo ago
does it take awhile because it has done nothing so far. it said reloading chunks but idk if its supposed to be fast or not
Puhpine5mo ago
it could be so fast you didnt notice try spamming it see if you notice then
starkidgivensOP5mo ago
i mean i get the litte message but no change
Puhpine5mo ago
thats weird idk about that
starkidgivensOP5mo ago
so i reinstalled the base modpack before i did all the tweaks and that fixed it. but DH isn't in the base pack so that's why i was thinking it might have had something to do with it. but i think i just messed something else up while i was trying to get it to work. Should i delete this thread then? since it's not really solved or a DH issues?
Puhpine5mo ago
doesnt matter that much. you can leave it open or mark it as solved

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