try beat this..

20 Replies
R4VENOP8mo ago
rendering is cursed to slow lags i checked faq didnt work here is an quick info i only have 8 gb ram i used 4 gb on it rendering doesnt even work sometimes 1.20.4 am i cooked?
Miki_P988mo ago
Try disabling Distant generation And reducing CPU load preset Both should reduce the RAM usage and Free up the CPU for rendering You can also try the mod Ferritecore to reduce the RAM usage And other performance mods, e.g. Lithium to boost your game overall
R4VENOP8mo ago
still didnt work just the same just a bit higher fps
Miki_P988mo ago
what do you mean by:
to slow lags
If not FPS? . stutter? loading speed? generation speed?
R4VENOP8mo ago
well chunks are to slow so when i travel around its just white blank void blue* these are fixed now so the current problem is to slow chunks loading
Miki_P988mo ago
For innitial generation of chunks and LODs (loading them for the first time): - Try installing mods: - Nosium - Faster Random They increase generation speed of chunks - Pregen the world: - before playing for real, open the game and load a world, - ENABLE distant generation - increase CPU load, - increase DH RD - wait some time for LODs to generate - revert CPU load, DH RD and distant generation to your original prefered settings For the subsequent chunks and LODs loading you can: - increase CPU load preset Or you can tune the overdraw prevention setting to get rid of that void while moving Note taht overdraw prevention is overriden by shaders, so if you would ever use one, remember to change overdraw prevention in shader settings as well . You can also boost you FPS and other stuff higher using mods such as: - Dynamic FPS - Enhanced Block Entities - Entity Culling - ImmediatelyFast - Krypton - Language Reload - LazyDFU - Memory Leak Fix - Mod Menu - More Culling
R4VENOP8mo ago
Mod menu?
Miki_P988mo ago
if allowes for searchink and editing the configs of many mods in game Forge has similar thing included by default, on fabric you have to install it separatelly
R4VENOP8mo ago
ah i see
Miki_P988mo ago
Here is also a list of mods that play really nice with DH and improve immersivness at a usually small cost to performance: But that would require for your game to work properly first...
R4VENOP8mo ago
so i done it but do i need to move around the world cause i need to go to the end of the cunk load to load and its so annoying so nothing happens it just gets laggier thats normal ofc but it doesnt countinue to load far more chunks AAA
Miki_P988mo ago
Disabling distant generation will make it so that only chunk you’ve been previously for long enough will be remembered and loaded, but it is the most CPU and RAM hungry setting Pre generation the world with distant generation enabled and then disabling it during gameplay might be your best option
R4VENOP8mo ago
yea but i turned it on
Miki_P988mo ago
You can reduce the quality preset in DH settings
R4VENOP8mo ago
yea what doesnt work it doesnt generate chunks
Miki_P988mo ago
YAGPDB.xyz8mo ago
If it feels like LoD generation with Distant Generator is too slow: Try increasing CPU Load in Distant Horizons settings for faster generation, but you will experience more lag spikes and stuttering due to heavier workload on CPU. To see if Distant Generator is really working or not: 1) Check CPU usage while in-game, using Aggressive settings of CPU Load. If CPU usage's hovering around 80-100%, the LoDs are generating in the background. 2) Go to DH settings > Advanced Options > Debug > Wireframe, set Enable Debug Wireframe Rendering and Show World Gen Queue to True. Enabling both settings will show you the visualization of world gen tasks queued and working on the map (blue boxes for queued tasks, red boxes for working tasks)
Miki_P988mo ago
Try the second part
R4VENOP8mo ago
No description
Miki_P988mo ago
So it is generating stuff it just does it very slowely

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