DH working but the Minecraft Render Texture is very low quality + DH renders slow + Game stuttering
Version 1.19.2 (Every Fabric Version doesn´t work)
So I have a Problem that I have basically kinda 3 Render Circles around my character. I have the DH render Circle then I have the Minecraft 32 Chunks render Circle (Where the Texture looks very low quality, which is not normal) and then I have a third render Circle which is maybe 10 blocks and the blocks in there render perfectly fine. And then what I have too, is that DH renders pretty slow and the game itself stutters. I have no clue what it could be or how to even fix it, maybe someone could help me.
109 Replies
a screenshot would be crucial for understanding the issue, mate
could you provide one?
I am converting the video to mp4 right now one sec
What other mods are you using? Just DH?
I can make a list just give me some minutes
But the stuttering would be probably fixed by just playing on a Server because that is Singleplayer
@majo24 , the video looks almost normal to me, what do you think?
as if he had low specs, and just minimal vanilla render dist
The render distance is on 10
isn't min vanilla render distance 2 chunks? seems like less than 2 chunks vanilla texture
also these textures don't seems like DH ones
which mods you use could help further
yeah, like
this looks like extreme optimization, sorta, like Sodium could do

oh, yeah true
btw, if you have a lot of mods, you can take a screenshot, taken the text won't be too small to see
like so:

pity one, if he writes them
yea, i think he actually does
oh no
I can‘t Screenshot 💀💀💀
I am using this mods:
- AmbientSounds
- AttributeFix
- BCLib
- BetterEnd
- BetterNether
- Chunky
- Cloth Config API
- Clumps
- Concurrent Chunk Management Engine
- Continuity
- CorgiLib
- CreativeCore
- DashLoader
- Debugify
- Distant Horizons (obviously)
- Do A Barrel Roll
- Dynamic FPS
- Dynamic Surroundings
- Enhanced Block Entities
- Entity Culling
- ExtraSounds
- FPS Reducer
- Fabric API (obviously)
- Fabric Seasons
- Fabric Seasons: Terralith Compat
- FerriteCore
- Forge Config API Port
- GeckoLib
- Higher World Deeper Oceans
- ImmediatelyFast
- Indium
- Iris
- LazyDFU
- Lithium
- Marium's Soulslike Weaponry
- Memory Leak Fix
- Mine Cells
- Mod Menu
- Model Gap Fix
- More Culling
- No Chat Reports
- Oh The Biomes You'll Go
- Presence Footsteps
- Reese's Sodium Options
- Regions Unexplored
- Server Pinger Fixer
- Sodium
- Sodium Extra
- Starlight
- Tectonic
- TerraBlender
- Terralith
- Very Many Players
- View Distance Fix
- YUNG's Better Dungeons
- YUNG's Better End Island
- YUNG's Better Stongholds
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- owo lib
ah man
My screenshot win combination doesn’t work idk and the snipping tool doesn’t exist for me
so hand writing 🤙🏼
alright boss
what's that
Concurrent Chunk Management Engine
threading for world generation
speeds up generation by a lot
Which doesn’t make problems because I tried without it too
have you change something in dh config like LoD bias?
View Distance Fix is the Fog in Distances
anyway, delete dh config and try default settings perhaps
do these guys worsen the textures in front of you?

Idk I can try taking them out
how do I do that
leave sodium, only
To edit the config, press the button next to the FOV slider to edit the config.
The config file found in .minecraft/config/DistantHorizons.toml
i don't know, but the way it looks, is Sodium'ish
View Distance Fix wasn’t the problem btw
your config is stored here:
try deleting italright I did delete that and I turned off sodium extra and reese‘s sodium options
let's see
nah same problem
I will try taking out sodium completely
do things look bad right in front of you?
the first 6 blocks no but after that yes
what mods could 'optimize' the game so badly?
as you're the author of the modpack 😄
any thoughts?
mhh lets see
ngl I have no clue never had problems with any of those
Dynamic FPS and FPS Reducer seem to have the same task.
Why both
if nothing helps, try this:
Try a binary search and figure out which mod is causing it.
So disable half of the mods, see if issue is still there, if yes disable half again etc etc until you find the mod that's causing the issue.
you right that’s kinda dumb 💀💀
FerriteCore is an optimization mod, too
which reduces the memory usage
but a more 'cruel' one
says so, but how? doesn't specify, lemme see
it could be the most evil one
sodium wasn’t the problem btw
doesn't look too bad:

um no
could be not
I use FerriteCore with Memory Leak Fix and Lithium in combination
all 3 have nothing to do with rendering and are pretty much compatible with every mod only not with mods that do the same thing
ImmediatelyFast could make troubles
I will try without ImmediatelyFast and More Culling
if not,
then go Binary search
that's really a way
I was going to say that
what are your PC specs, really
how much RAM do you give to MC
1050 and a intel 6th gen processor. The pc is pretty optimized tho so it wouldn’t make problems. I have 32GB Ram and I use 20GB for MC when I use Mods and I mean allot of Mods but normally I use 12GB Ram
20gb is massive, cool. aight.
But could you specify is it laptop or PC?
and what's the frequency (GHz) of the CPU
yeah, profanities, wowow
2.50GHz which is pretty bad 💀
But trust me it handels pretty good
um, oh
But ImmediatelyFast and More Culling weren’t the problem
yeah, you can truly expect stuttering while generating LODs.
If you're inexperienced w/ DH, I should mention that
while you generate LODs, you experience severe load on CPU and GPU, too
When you only read them, not much
But that you say um, oh is wild hahahha
when you generate new chunks in the world
generate new LODs of them
then you're in 3x trouble than just playing w/ ready ones
I will get myself a new pc okay so it’s all ight
no, It's not bad
I see
that's so so above the requirements, yet WE ALL LAG
almost all of us do lag if we do so
Why couldn’t mojang use something different then java
If you create a world
and generate new chunks and LODs
then you get the thing so
there's solution:
pregen the chunks you wanna play, make a border
it's done w/ Chunky (you even have it)
then generate the LODs while not playing.
After an hour, go back and play.
oooooor, better yet
put the world onto a local server
and connect to it, so you don't generate distant chunks AT ALL
only read/update such
I even have a mod server side only which pre generates chunks in real time
you can do so, by moving the LODs file
Single Player:
- Overworld:
- Nether: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM-1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite
- End: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite
- Custom Dimensions: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIMENSION_FOLDER/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite
- .minecraft/Distant_Horizons_server_data/SERVER_NAME/
I see I see
here's the locations list, of the file of where LODs are stored
make a world sized and pregenerated by Chunky
then in DH make a full render of it,
just calculate the correct render distance, and let it work for some hours
then move the world to a Paper server
and connect to it
while also moving the LODs to a correct folder with the name
of your server
is it possible that the mod itself in the version isn’t working
ABOVE is the option that would distribute your load ultimately
from your video:
these are 100% DH's chunks

so it does work
they're 'choped' cuz they need much more time to fully generate
but I mean like that the texture the non lods that they are glitched out in the mod
if that’s possible
try a clean version of MC
only DH
and see
if persists, then... something we don't know!
try only DH, nothing else. then...
we could say
ight because I tried doing it with every mod and it still happens
then add mods, mods, mods,
and see which one does the texture 'optimization'
aight, i'm waiting 😄
let us know
@txk IMcrafter it’s actually the mod itself
I am fully vanilla
only with DH
send a screenshot
let me take out obs
one sec
the leaks folder is for pedophiles ight no weird things
while vanilla, you don't have such texture quality loss?
pretty sure but let me check first
so we are 100% sure
yeah, let's do so
It looks like it is Minecraft itself for what reason
oh, man. That would be a week-long journey searching the troubling mod
to find out - there wasn't
fr fr
nah but I never had this problem
I don’t know why it is like that
looks like I just have to reinstall the game
uhm, dunno, but yeah,
we saved some time 😄
Mod folder?
now no mods, he's reinstalling the game, there's some weird texturing going on, without any
@txk IMcrafter
the problem is still there
even reinstalling everything