42 Replies
am i missing something or did i do it wrong

Downgrade to iris 1.7.0
And, where did you download bliss from?
DH is incompatible with 1.7.1?
No, but indium is
With sodium 0.5.10
from a link in
iris discord
Alright that's correct
so ima downgrade rq
But iris 1.7.1 is made for sodium 0.5.10
Okie, good to know
just got my new pc i been wanting to try this so bad
le epic
whata are the specs?
4070ti super
ryzen7 7700x
32g ram
i downgraded
i dont think its working

am i missing something?
Set render distance to 2 and you'll know
is there a setting for dh jus to see if the game reconizes it
looks like its working

i think its
kinda working
do /tp ~ ~10000 ~
and look down

its like half working
you got anyidea of what it could be
I don't think its working or you'd see chunks
what could i do
i have the mod
@thermo am i missing anything
Try 100 blocks.instead of 10000
/tp ~ ~-9700 ~
You could be running against the farclipplane
Probably won't make a difference
Oh wait
I read the command wrong

this is 1000
i dont think it made a diff
ion thinks its working
No that made a big difference
It's definitely working
do i gotta travel around
make it all load
is there a way i can make it load faster
No, you can turn up cpu load in DH's settings and wait for the chunks to load
Only thing really is cpu load
Just set the LOD Render Distance to 1024, set the cpu load to aggressive and leave your pc to run for a few hours
1024 will take approx ~16 hours to finsh fully but you can just reduce the LOD distance back to 256/512 after a few hours
Where do I do that
To edit the config, press the button next to the FOV slider to edit the config.
The config file found in .minecraft/config/DistantHorizons.toml
my game die

Set transparency to complete in dh's settings
Alt tabbing can fix it
Pressing f11 twice can as well
But none of them are guaranteed to work
Restarting the game can also fix it
Setting lod render distance a bit higher or lower than what you have now can as well
the chunks keep deloading behind me
That can means you either need to turn up cpu load, or you need to turn up LOD render distance