1.16.5 - Disabling distant generation, no LODs
Hello, I am trying to understand what is the mod supposed to do with this option disabled? From the description it only generates LODs within render distance, but then wouldn't that mean the mod is not doing anything since the chunks are rendered?
I had to disable the setting to avoid a crash with terraforged shortly after loading into a world, issue which has already been reported multiple times on gitlabs.
All I see are rendered chunks and beyond that just fog, no LODs.
7 Replies
Disabling distant generation will only stop chunks from being generated outside of your vanilla render distance, chunks inside your vanilla render distance should still show up if you fly away from them
Can you send a screenshot? Just to be sure there are indeed no LODs
Ah so theres a problem somewhere else, hold on i'll just load in and i'll screenshot
second pic zoomed in, 32 render distance

oh hold on, its just shaders
when i disable them the LODs work, thats really strange i haven't seen that happen yet
Shaders don't work on 1.16.5
You need 1.20.1 and up for shader support
oh no
figured it would since it's 2.1.0+
welp, thank you for the help!