Render player entity inside LODs

Hi there, will be hosting a server including guns, snipers, etc and was wondering if there was any setting which allowed to render the player entity outside of the normal render distance (so the player entity is rendered alongside the LODs)
5 Replies
That Guy
That Guy6mo ago
I don't think there is but I am not 100% sure
Fames Incarnatio
Fames IncarnatioOP6mo ago
I haven't test this with player bc my friends are lazy, but I do see entities dissapearing, which is fine for performance reasons but I'd still want players to render so they can get snipped 2000 blocks away basically otherwise snipers are almost useless well, scopes are almost useless lol
That Guy
That Guy6mo ago
Yea as I said I don't think that dh will render the player entity as that would require a lot more processing power and drop your performance majorly
MayBike6mo ago
dh doesnt have that feature, but it's possible for other developers to implement it (as a new mod)
Miki_P986mo ago
GitHub - steves-underwater-paradise/distanthorizonsentityrendering:...
Minecraft mod that renders entities in Distant Horizons' LODs. - steves-underwater-paradise/distanthorizonsentityrendering

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