How to solve weird fog?/rendering glitch

Im not sure if this is fog but as you can see in the picture theres weird fog blocking part of the terrain but behind it it all renders. I disabled dh fog and vanilla fog, i have sodium extra and I think i disabled fog if i did it correctly.
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24 Replies
Miki_P983mo ago
YAGPDB.xyz3mo ago
You can remove fog in the config at: Advanced > Graphics > Fog > "Disable vanilla fog" or with mods like Sodium Extras, Optifine, or some other fog removal mod. If the fog is still there and you have BCLib installed, you have to disable BCLib’s fog too.
bingusOP3mo ago
As i said i had disabled fog
Miki_P983mo ago
BCLib fog too?
bingusOP3mo ago
i dont use bclib
Miki_P983mo ago
YAGPDB.xyz3mo ago
You should send your latest.log file to provide additional useful information. Logs are usually located in the .minecraft/logs directory. On Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\logs On Linux: ~/.minecraft/logs On Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/logs Please upload the file to instead of sending the raw file. This makes reading the contents of the file a lot easier and improves the chances of you getting the help needed. After uploading the file, click on Save and send the link.
bingusOP3mo ago
Puhpine3mo ago
then some other mod is readding the fog perhaps sodium extra, or the shader youre using
bingusOP3mo ago
ill binary search in a bit to see
Soep3mo ago
i have exactly this problem, when i turn off enable rendering in DH settings the problem dissapears so i doubt it is a different mod
bingusOP3mo ago
true i forgot to add that when getting rid of dh my fog is fine
Soep3mo ago
also i cant switch the enable distant horizons fog button to enabled
bingusOP3mo ago
for me it only turns on until after i restart the game.
Miki_P983mo ago
That is because of Iris, Iris disabled DH fog even when shaders are disabled
Soep3mo ago
issue seems to be associated with where i join my world, some locations consitently have the problem while some others don't and it might not be fog, instead it seems to be the new (to me idk when it was added) feature that blends vanilla terrain with dh, anddh not rendering al all. this makes the world fade out at the end and not have further chunks + for some reason above the horizon tthe blocks dont get faded out
Puhpine3mo ago
yea DH blending is new in DH 2.3.0 can you try with just DH? see if the issue still happens then?
Soep3mo ago
tried a lot of things, 1. just using DH works fine without getting the bug 2, the glitch is not entirely location specific, although i get it more often if i immediatly leave and rejoin. and when moving back to a place where i got it i can often get it to reappear again (idk how this one works) 3. tried systematically removing all my mods and turning them back on again. as this glitch is inconsistent i wasn't able to find what mod makes it happen. it might also be a combination as it may have to do with the system performance i have left 4. changing ram allocation doesnt help did all my tests on a local network server on the latest nightly version of DH also where if any are blending options located?
Miki_P983mo ago
There is a toggle on/off in settings I think on a main setting page
Soep3mo ago
i cant find it anywhere
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Miki_P983mo ago
Then it must be in advanced
Sarven2mo ago
Having similar issues popping up for me, though I am on an older vers (DH 2.2.1a) and (Iris 1.8.0 beta) Were you able to solve it on your end?
Miki_P982mo ago
DH 2.2.1 does not have blending between vanilla chunks and LoDs IIRC this is Oculus 1.8 issue, though I might be wrong

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