Need some clarification with the nightly version for servers

I'm trying to get DH to run on a modded 1.20.1 server so it generates chunks without having to travel to them. I believe I have the latest nightly server plugin version "DHS-0.8.0-SNAPSHOT_for_MC-1.20.1". My question is, do I need to have this on both server and client as well as another 'normal' version of DH on client (For example, "DistantHorizons-fabric-forge-2.3.0-b-dev-1.20.1")? I've tried with just DHS on both server and client, but for the client it doesn't show anything. When I use it along with the 'normal' DH, I see the chunks that I've explored before as LODs, but no newly generated chunks even after waiting a couple minutes. Might be worthwhile to add that I'm new to hosting a local server, so it could be that I just haven't configured it properly?
14 Replies
Puhpine3w ago
A plugin is meant for a plugin loader, like paper or bukkit. A mod is meant for a mod loader, like fabric or forge. Giving a plugin to a mod loader results in the mod loader not knowing what to do with it and skipping the file. So if you're running a plugin loader on the server, give it the plugin. If you're running a mod loader on the server, give it the mod. The client can't run a plugin loader, and must always be a mod
EpicEchoOP3w ago
Ok, when looking in my server folder I only see a mods folder And the server files were downloaded from curseforge, so that makes sense So would I use Distant Horizons 2.3.0 on both server and client instead of DHS 0.8.0?
Puhpine3w ago
EpicEchoOP3w ago
So after changing that mistake I'm still not getting any extra world generating Is there a setting somewhere I need to change to get it to work?
imsoenthused3w ago
by default it will only generate around players, if you want to generate ahead of time, you'll need to run pregen jobs on those dimensions with dh's pregen, the command is /dh pregen start <dimension> <x coord> <y coord> <chunk count radius> keep in mind, you'll still end up generating new lod over the worldborder as players get close to it, unless you want to pregen even larger than that, say by adding 128 chunks to the radius above
EpicEchoOP3w ago
Ok perfect, I'll try it out I think I tried using commands but couldn't find that specifically
imsoenthused3w ago
good luck!
EpicEchoOP3w ago
Got it to work. Thank you guys!
cheemspuff2w ago
Similar question for Fabric 1.21.4. I have the file DHS-0.8.0-SNAPSHOT_for_MC-1.21.4.jar. Does that go on both server and client (both Fabric) in place of normal Distant Horizons? (Or I guess nightly "normal" distant horizons)
Puhpine2w ago
see this
cheemspuff2w ago
ahh ok, didn't realize there is no fabric jar yet
cheemspuff2w ago
ahh ok, so DistantHorizons-fabric-2.3.0-b-dev-1.21.4.jar is the right one for server side on fabric
Puhpine2w ago

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