Game crashing on startup after I selected silent update on DH

So just as the title says, I got a screen on the start of my game to either silent update from now on, update just this once, or not update. I selected silent update and the game worked fine until i tried to launch it the next time. This is the error I got: The game crashed whilst initializing game Error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/seibel/distanthorizons/api/methods/events/abstractEvents/DhApiScreenResizeEvent To be fair I have a large modpack that has essential for multiplayer but all of the mods are QOL or fixes. I will include a screenshot of my mods folder and the crash report i get on start up. I have tried deleting the config and replacing the mod but those two things haven't worked. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
3 Replies
majo243mo ago
Reinstall DH, and select not to update. Afaik theres an issue, where DH updates to a wrong version
Certified P. Drizzy
dh's probably fine, get iris from modrinth
Henny on the rah
Will try now smh thank you good sir