World generation is disabled in F3 menu and enabled in settings.

I'm having an issue with DH where I log into the game and it doesn't render LODs. I've reset all the settings multiple times and it doesn't work whereas it did before with my modpack. When I log in it keeps telling me that it's uncovered old LOD data and is transporting them so I wait until a message saying the process is complete and the F3 menu shows no more progress being made. The bug still persists after that point. I am playing singleplayer and am not encountering any error messages. Mod's I'm using with this mod: -Appleskin -ColdSweat -Cave dweller evolved -From the fog -GeckoLib -Optifine(1.20.1) -Sanity DIM -The John Reborn -The man from the fog -Traveler's backpack
Yes, when I make a new world specifically without man from the fog it works, as soon as I load man from the fog DH stops working
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49 Replies
Puhpine3w ago
were you in the nether when recording the logs you send? because it doesnt mention anything about migrating the overworld only the nether
Himi3w ago
I popped in and out trying to see if changing dimensions fixes it but it also doesn't work in the nether
Puhpine3w ago
can you try renaming all singleplayer SQL files to DistantHorizons.sqlite.old? /lodstored
YAGPDB.xyz3w ago
Single Player: - Overworld: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - Nether: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM-1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - End: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - Custom Dimensions: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIMENSION_FOLDER/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite Multiplayer: - .minecraft/Distant_Horizons_server_data/SERVER_NAME/
Himi3w ago
OK give me a second I assume I edit the folder that has the modpack, correct? I'm using Curseforge and launching minecraft thru it
Puhpine3w ago
yes, the folder that you are launching minecraft from
Himi3w ago
Do I rename those files for other worlds as well? Because this issue occurs in every world I have I generated a new world to try and see if it works there, but it doesn't
Puhpine3w ago
oh thats weird.
Himi3w ago
The issue isn't fixed and I renamed every file...
Puhpine3w ago
can you try without optifine perhaps? but before you do that its better to delete the newly generated DistantHorizons.sqlite file and rename the .old files back
Miki_P983w ago
Try replacing Optifine with Embedium + Oculus
Himi3w ago
will replacing it ruin the progress on my save?
Miki_P983w ago
no, it will increase your fps and maybe fix the problem
Himi3w ago
I'll go by what Puhpine said first and will go from there
Puhpine3w ago
some mods would, optifine is not one of them
Miki_P983w ago
renaming the files reseted your progress
Himi3w ago
I only renamed the DH files(overworld, nether and end)
Puhpine3w ago
by renaming the files from DIstantHorizons.sqlite to DIstantHorizons.sqlite.old we tricked DH into thinking you didnt have any LODs at all. this forced DH to generate completely new ones. i made you do that to see if your LODs were somehow corrupt. doing this made DH create a new DIstantHorizons.sqlite file at the same location where the DIstantHorizons.sqlite.old files are now located. because your LODs are aparently not corrupt and the issue lies somewhere else, you can let DH know you do have already generated LODs by deleting the DIstantHorizons.sqlite files DH just made because it was tricked, and then renaming the DIstantHorizons.sqlite.old files back to DIstantHorizons.sqlite. you can see this as deleting the LODs while still having a backup, and renaming the files from DIstantHorizons.sqlite.old to DIstantHorizons.sqlite reinstates that backup
Himi3w ago
I noticed that the overworld file only had 40KBs compared to nether(900KBs)
Puhpine3w ago
thats both really small you didnt accidentally delete your LODs?
Himi3w ago
I didn't, but I did migrate the world from TLauncher to the original Minecraft one since I recently bought it Could've accidentally removed certain files, but the only thing not working is DH Is it possible to tell DH to generate new LODs from scratch? I'm unsure if I accidentally deleted anything
Puhpine3w ago
yes, delete all .sqlite files
Himi3w ago
it didn't work @Puhpine Is it possible that it has something to do with world gen being disabled somewhere?
Puhpine3w ago
probably not, as disabling world gen just prevents the creation of LODs outside your vanilla render distance. it doesnt stop LODs from rendering
Himi3w ago
People are having this issue with iris, whereas I have it with optifine which is weird
Puhpine3w ago
did you already try without optifine?
Himi3w ago
Puhpine3w ago
did it work?
Himi3w ago
Puhpine3w ago
Himi3w ago
I'll see if the solution for iris works on optifine(editing c2me config)
Puhpine3w ago
you are using c2me? its not in your provided mod list
Himi3w ago
I thought it was with fabric If it's a separate mod then it's not a solution my bad
Puhpine3w ago
its a separate mod
Himi3w ago
Puhpine3w ago
can you perhaps try in a new world with just DH?
Himi3w ago
I could lemme try disabling other mods and launching a new one it works kinda but not to the distance I want it to I set 64 chunk distance and it does ony 16 when I set it to 128 the distance doubled so I guess it interprites distance in blocks instead of chunks I had high graphical settings and it loaded slowly so it works now It loads in a new world with optifine enabled, in that other world it doesn't I'll be enabling one mod at a time to see if any of the mods conflicts with the world generation
Puhpine3w ago
weird, very weird
Himi3w ago
I think man from the fog is breaking it
Himi3w ago
Yes, when I make a new world specifically without man from the fog it works, as soon as I load man from the fog DH stops working
Himi3w ago
When I remove the mod and try to load into my world it wants me to go into safe mode, which proceeds to crash minecraft I'll write a complaint to the mod creator asking why man from the fog critically impacts my save.
Puhpine3w ago
i wanted to test if it also breaks for me, but now my forge 1.20.1 instance with only DH keeps crashing... not added man from the fog yet my minecraft doesnt load with man from the fog in general @Himi how did you get it to work? what mc version are you using? my minecraft just crashes once i add man from the fog even with no other mods
Himi3w ago
I'm using curseforge and manually installed most of the mods Minecraft 1.20.1 Forge 47.3.1 as the mod loader also man from the fog requires gecko lib if you didn't install that
Puhpine3w ago
oh, thats why lol
Himi3w ago
chose 1.20.1 since all my mods have a stable branch there I'll just make a new instance where the horror aspect is gone since I just want a chill playthrough now Because I recently found out that the man from the fog breaks blocks when nearby meaning it can destroy your house and your chests containing all your stuff(items don't drop) while also killing you in 2 hits. And that's way too hardcore for my liking
Puhpine3w ago
0.0 sounds... fun... why would people want to play like that anyway @James Seibel (GMT-6) can you add "The Man From The Fog" to the incompatible mods list? i stops all LODs from rendering
Himi3w ago
I had a version where it wasn't able to break blocks but I guess they updated it and now it's just a masochist fest if you play it...
Puhpine3w ago
i just confirmed it lol
BackSun3w ago