Another quick question:
Will stopping chunky generation, installing DH, but then switching back to chunky to generate more/DH again mess up generation?
14 Replies
I assume I should let all DH chunks finish up all there is, BEFORE installing Chunky again to load more?
If it's possible to begin with...?
probably fine, but why would you do that?
Well, I'd like to world file + DH file to be ~600GB together
Trying to avoid moving the profile to HDDs
Seeing if there's a way around it maybe
Becuase if the world is 550GB, that'd only leave a little over 100GB for DH for example
So if I stop the world at 300GB, generate DH, say it's 100GB then, I'd know I can do 50% more chunks
Is there a DH File Size / World File Size relation?
probably, but i dont know what the relation is
I guess I'm asking really niche questions LOL
Probably the first one to ask that tbh
I'll probably try it and test
Going to let it generate a bit more first though
So, it looks like it'll not break the Chunky chunks in any way, which is good. As for DH, you may gotta delete the DH file after doing expanding with Chunky in the worst case scenerio (and have to redo gen with DH), but it might work as long as you disable/uninstall DH while doing Chunky again, theoretically, it'll pick up where it left over even if you don't finish all the DH chunks....... 💡
If you can generate chunks manually by flying or walking around in a DH singleplayer world where you HAD Distant Horizons installed... and when you reinstall they update into DH? If that works, then it yeah, should almost 100% work with Chunky chunks too as they are the same thing by that point (aka, just the vanilla chunk files)
With that said, I'm going to reduce the radius from 64K blocks to 50K blocks, and then generate DH after all at once
Single Player:
- Overworld:
- Nether: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM-1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite
- End: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite
- Custom Dimensions: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIMENSION_FOLDER/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite
- .minecraft/Distant_Horizons_server_data/SERVER_NAME/
As long as this files stay where they should, every LOD should stay as you left it
I'll mark this as solved since the main question was solved
oops, didn't realize you're suppose to click the solution
Now you know
oh well