Imported Lods from a SP to MP server not appearing
I copied over LOD's that I generated in my SP world over to the server data for DH for my MP server. Only using the client side DH for both. The LOD's arent appearing. I do see under file handler that DH is trying to complete a very long task, I am hoping that when that finishes the LODs will appear? Just wanted to double check if im doing something wrong.
12 Replies
Did you copy the LODs from the client files to the server files or to the server data folder still on the client?
Server data folder on the client
did you also delete the old LOD file?
When I copied the lod file over I just replaced the old file
hhmm, it should just work. you shouldnt have to wait for anything
can you show exactly where you copied from and pasted to?
yep one sec
copied the sqlite from here
pasted it here
Weird, looks correct. Perhaps try without the -shm and -wal files?
i did that and didnt work, then i went back and tried all 3 files again and it worked
shrug dont know what happened but alls well now, thanks for replying
If it works it works I guess