LOD's loading in the skybox?

I'm not encountering any errors or crashes. I'm in a multiplayer server. my mods are architectury, constant music, distant horizons 2.0.2, fabric api 0.96.11, indium, iris 1.7.0 snapshot or something, I followed a tutorial so should be compatible, mod menu, skin layers 3d and sodium. The video pretty much explains the issue, I really dont know what to say. When I fiddled with the render distance or quality preset it'd go away and come back since the chunks were reloading.
7 Replies
Puhpine12mo ago
Are you playing on a server with multiple overworlds? Because it looks like it is rendering the Lod's of a different overworld Try enabling multiverse support in the distant horizons settings if that is indeed the case
CrosbyOP12mo ago
I literally just heard from a mod they have multiverse Cant seem to find it Oh I think I found it Thanks!
Puhpine12mo ago
Np! You'll likely need to delete and regenerate your Lod's for any effect to take place
CrosbyOP12mo ago
Does that mean I'll have to go over all the chunks again?
Puhpine12mo ago
Unfortunately, yes
CrosbyOP12mo ago
Pickle12mo ago
I don’t have a solution or anything considering it’s already been solved but that looks pretty sick man like you’re in one of them massive worlds where everything is built up like 32x bigger and you’re tiny also what’s a multiverse overworld that’s sick as well

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