Can't get shaders + DH on forge 1.20.1 to work

I've tried DH 2.1 2.2 and 2.3 with oculus 1.6.15a annd 1.7. 1.7 crashes, 1.6.15a does weird stuff with shaders. Mods: -Embeddium 0.3.31 -Forge: 47.2.0 (47.3.0 doesn't work) -many other which aren't listed as incompatible, this is a larger modpack. I've only tried in Singleplayer. Can anyonne help me with the correct versions, cuz it seems like nothing works with nothing.
34 Replies
Miki_P984mo ago
YAGPDB.xyz4mo ago
Distant Horizons and Iris Shader Support Requirements: - DH 2.1 + Iris - Minecraft 1.20.1, 1.20.4, 1.20.6, 1.21 - Sodium 0.5.8+ - Iris 1.7.0 - 1.7.3 - Fabric API - A compatible shaderpack: - DH 2.2 + Iris - Minecraft 1.20.1, 1.21.1 - Sodium 0.5.8+ - Iris 1.7.5, 1.8, or newer - Fabric API - A compatible shaderpack:
Distant Horizons shader compatibility info
Distant Horizons shader compatibility info. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
Miki_P984mo ago
YAGPDB.xyz4mo ago
Oculus may work, but can produce unexpected results, it is preffered to use Iris on Fabric or Neoforge instead. To use oculus with DH, it is only possible to use minecraft 1.20.1 with forge. Oculus 1.7 is the only officially released version of Oculus that works with DH, and only works with DH 2.1.x. If you are using DH 2.2.x with Oculus 1.7, that is the reason for your crash. For DH 2.2.x, the only option is to use an unreleased version of Oculus found at (you need to be logged in or it will 404). Unzip the given file, take oculus-mc1.20.1-1.7.0.jar. and put it in your mods folder. For DH 2.3, you need the unreleased version mentioned above, and edit it to make it work with DH 2.3: - unzip the mod .jar - go inside the META folder - edit mods.toml to say it is Oculus 1.8.0 - save the file and zip the mod file back (zip the files and not the folder)
kenyer2OP4mo ago
2.2 and 1.7.0 works fine standalone, but when ran with the whole modpack, it crashes on startup. are there any common mods that cause this except for those in faq? I'll send logs if it helps
Miki_P984mo ago
Oculus 1.7
kenyer2OP4mo ago
I have the patched oculus 1.7 from the github link
Miki_P984mo ago
I think in code/logs it should disaplay as 1.7.5 though, no matter the file name
kenyer2OP4mo ago
well, prism detects it as 1.7.0 even tho it's the github version. it works standaloe with only embeddium, oculus and DH. when all together it doesn't mb oculus flywheel patch?
Miki_P984mo ago
It may be it /binary
YAGPDB.xyz4mo ago
Try a binary search and figure out which mod is causing it. So disable half of the mods, see if issue is still there, if yes disable half again etc etc until you find the mod that's causing the issue.
kenyer2OP4mo ago
I tried binary searching it many times, with different combinations, and I always crash, it's just sometimes different error codes
Miki_P984mo ago
Well, if DH + Oculus work, there must be a mod or mods that do not work And doing a binary search should at some point left you with only 1 mod, which menas that along the way it has to sop crashing
kenyer2OP4mo ago
no, problem is that it always crashes no matter which route i go down after checking logs, i removed immediatelyfast, and it loads much further, I'll send logs
Miki_P984mo ago
Even when you install only DH, Oculus and Embeddium? In that case, focus on getting this 3 working, and only then start adding other mods
Puhpine4mo ago
No the name hasn't changed anywhere
kenyer2OP4mo ago
it works perfectly with only those 3. I only get crashes when all the mods are active
Miki_P984mo ago
It must have changed somewhere as DH boots up with it
Puhpine4mo ago
DH <2.3 hasnt specified its required oculus versions it tries to boot with anything
Miki_P984mo ago
Oh yeah, that’s why it crashes with Oculus 1.7 Then you haven’t performed binary search correctly - Start with this 3 mods - add half of your mods - add missing library mods If it still crashes: - remove half of the mods you just added - add missing library mods - repeat If it does not crash: - add half of your mods that are left - add missing library mods - repeat -
kenyer2OP4mo ago
well, I've done manny binary attempts, but it didn't lead to 1 specific mod I've read logs and it is oculus's flywheel compat mod I'll check on oculus dc for more ty for help
Miki_P984mo ago
How? Let say you start with 64 mods You remove half you're left with 32, still crashes? You remove another half, you're left with 16 mods, still crashes? You remove another half, you're left with 8 mods, still crashes? You remove another half, you're left with 4 mods, still crashes? You remove another half, you're left with 2 mods, still crashes? You remove another half, you're left with 1 mods. Every full binary search, you can find at least 1 not working mod You can also do a reverse binary when putting mods in: Put in half of the mods, crashes? Take out half of what you've put in
kenyer2OP4mo ago
I'm not stupid, I've done it, 2 mods + oculus, dh and embeddium crashed, but when tryed each of the 2 alone with oculus, dh and embeddium it didn't crash it's inner mod conflict and it comes down to oculus+ flywheel cuz when i disable oculus and it's flywheel support it works cuz there don't seem to be a version supporting github oculus 1.7.0 even tho it's for 1.7.0
Miki_P984mo ago
GitHub Oculus 1.7.0 is 1.7.5 that is why it does not work, on fabric this problem does not exist as Iris 1.7.5 released and Iris compat got updated I guess you will have to wait Or remove 1 of the mods that cause problems from all not working together sets of mods
kenyer2OP4mo ago
well sadly it's a create focused pack so i'Ll have to wait
Miki_P984mo ago
Or switch to fabric! on 1.20.1, Iris 1.7.5, flywheel oculus compat, everything works fine! Though assuming you have more then just Create it can still be a pain...
kenyer2OP4mo ago
I have 200mods, and i generally hate fabric modding i have managed to fix it though it took 5 hours to individually test mods and make a final selection but it now works with no visual errors and even clockwork + valkyrien skies 2 ships
kenyer2OP4mo ago
No description
Miki_P984mo ago
Why? I have an opposite hate for forge, I'm running 359 mods on fabric, and when I wanted to move to forge, even with 60 mods, my performance was way worse, the game was crashing randomly, the internal server was crashing, visual bugs were visible. On fabric mods always tended to just work together for me, on forge the opposite
kenyer2OP4mo ago
I've been doing forge for a long time, and fabric has little to no mod support from those I like and it was unstable for me before the newer 1.18 and above came in, for me forge was just plug n play I really hate the modern mc modding
kenyer2OP4mo ago

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