Sand lines?

Weird generation when Im in a Sand biome (going to the other biomes fixes it.)
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6 Replies
Puhpine2mo ago
what world gen mods do you have? WWOO or big globe?
ZombirkOP2mo ago
Puhpine2mo ago
Known issue, not much you can do about it
ZombirkOP2mo ago
dang but ty
Puhpine2mo ago
Miki_P982mo ago
Other then removing WWOO which you probably don't want, you have only 2 other fixes, both are to generate the vanilla chunks in full quality and save it to disc first, it will be slower then DH generator set to features and the world size will be bigger, but the LODs will be correct 1. Remove DH from mods, run chunky, remove chunky, add DH back 2. Install C2ME, switch DH to nightly and switch Distant Generator setting to Internal Server Both will probably require deleting already existing broken LODs\ Oh, and I've forgot, there is also a way of fixing this WWOO side, but I don't know the specific, it slightly decreases the worldgen quality where those lines show up, but the LODs are correct

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