Any way to get more fps when using Distant Horizons?

Ryzen 5800X - 1080ti - 16gb DDR4 3466mhz I'm wondering if there is any setting I could change in DH to get more frames. Maybe there is some incompatibility between DH and some of my mods, unsure.
4 Replies
Brussel_sprouts9mo ago
What's your dh settings It should be atmost medium and balanced-aggresive Also what's your res and what exactly is your fps With dh rendering on Also send modlist But stuff like noisum and fasterrandom might help If you aren't already Use sodium, Reese's sodium options, sodium extra, and nvidium If you're gonna use 32 vanilla chunk render distance, use nvidium Otherwise just use sodium Don't enable nvidium because nvidium gets less fps on lower chunk render distance Or so I've heard
NekoOP9mo ago
no point using nvidium cuz im playing with shaders
Brussel_sprouts9mo ago
Miki_P989mo ago
Reduce quality or install more performance mods or wait for DH to get more optimizations Same as for almost every other thing

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