Way to mimic the default vanilla water texture in the DH mod?
This might sound silly, but the water to me in the distance has a much better texture than vanilla.
And from what i read so far in the FAQ about not adding textures for performance, i assume it makes a texture based on the current texture pack, right?
Meaning the distance water is based on vanilla's textuure of it?
Is there a way I can make them have the same texture? Both looking like how the DH water looks.
Willing to try anything.

9 Replies
tired of vaniila oceans pointing east and west to me X'D
Huh, first time someone wants DH looks in real chunks. Often times it was the opposite like missing textures on DH chunks...
but you gotta admit the water texture dont look bad
Anyways, best solution is to use a resource pack that removes water texture.
I assume this is due to DH doing some sort of filter on the current texture's to avoid making a new one right?
DH chunks, or as what we call them: lods, have no texture (barring the noise texture applied on top of them). Only thing they have is color information of the blocks there.
Yes. DH uses average color of water texture, and applies random (and non repeating) noise "texture" thats 4x4 by default
Flat color would be easilly acievable using a resource pack, having pseudo non-repeating noise might be harder.
somehow my simple resourcepack experiment failed xD Just replaced default water textures with flat solid colors and no change when pack active
try this