Noob DH Server-Side support

I feel so dumb for asking this. I tried looking around and I cant seem to get it working Trying to get serverside plugin on with the nightly build The player puts on this branch into their mods folder And then the server puts this mod jar into the server /mods folder, correct? (running forge) it doesnt seem to be loading serverside
Sign natives for mac (4a72e025) · Commits · Distant-Horizons-Team /...
This is a mod that adds a Level Of Detail (LOD) system to Minecraft. This implementation renders simplified chunks outside of the normal render distance allowing for an...
Remove debug message. (3bac9955) · Commits · Distant-Horizons-Team ...
Add support for Distant Horizons to your Bukkit server.
2 Replies
JustinOP2w ago i tried it with the files listed here and it still did not load yup i am dumb Its the same jar for the mod and the server mod maybe include a notice for the plugin file that it is only meant for Paper and not forge/fabric or i simply missed it
Puhpine2w ago
It does say in the announcements that it's only meant for bukkit servers (paper is a bukkit fork)

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