Fabric 1.20.4 will not launch

I'm running the most up-to-date version of Fabulously Optimized 1.20.4 along with Distant Horizons. I've tried every imaginable combination of removing mods to test incompatibility, but the only thing that prevents the game from freezing on the initial progress bar is removing DH itself. I've also tried removing the config file (including the YOSBR backup), deleting the resource pack I was using, removing the shader folder, and even trying to use QFAPI instead of FAPI. Nothing works. This issue has been present through several DH beta versions and several FabOpt releases 2019 Intel Macbook Pro 16GB RAM Sonoma 14.5 Fabric Loader 0.15.11 1.20.4
5 Replies
3w ago
it will not move past this point
No description
It seems to be some sort of opengl error? Idk tho so just wait for someone smarter :p.
MarijnIsN00B3w ago
Have you tried with just DH installed?
Miki_P983w ago
Try downgrading Iris to 1.7
3w ago
downgraded to iris 1.7, launches with sodium, sodium extra, fabric api, and indium ill add stuff back one by one and see what the issue is Both Controlify and Zoomify are result in the same loading hang for some reason got it working though!