Trouble generating LODs beyond server view distance

So I have a world that has a lot of pre existing chunks, how do I get DH to actually make LODs without having to physically load all the chunks with the player? I have the settings distantGeneratorMode PRE_EXISTING_ONLY and enableDistantGeneration true I have left the radius to the default 256 However, it seems to only be generating LODs within the 16 chunk view distance Is there another option I'm missing?
13 Replies
Miki_P983mo ago
YAGPDB.xyz3mo ago
Distant Generation doesn't work in multiplayer, meaning DH won't be able to generate LODs for chunks outside the vanilla render distance. Instead, as you travel around the world, LODs will be generated for areas you've visited. In the next update, DH 2.3, you will be able to add DH to your server granted it's running a compatible mod/plugin loader (Fabric, (Neo)Forge, Bukkit and their derivatives). This will allow the server to generate LODs and send them to the client, making distant generation possible on multiplayer. If you wish to try 2.3 early, read everything in this thread: Keep in mind that this build is still experimental, we do not encourage using it on large servers until further testing.
mellculaOP3mo ago
This is using the server version.
Miki_P983mo ago
If you can't or don't want to use DH 2.3+ (nightly), you can copy the server world to singleplayer, generate LODs there and copy to multiplayer data /lodstored
YAGPDB.xyz3mo ago
Single Player: - Overworld: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - Nether: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM-1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - End: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - Custom Dimensions: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIMENSION_FOLDER/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite Multiplayer: - .minecraft/Distant_Horizons_server_data/SERVER_NAME/
Miki_P983mo ago
Does the f3 menu say server has full DH support?
mellculaOP3mo ago
Miki_P983mo ago
Try increaseing the CPU load on the server I guess
mellculaOP3mo ago
It's not a matter of CPU load. It has plenty of threads and uptime allocated, it generates the LODs within the view distance perfectly fine, it's just the LODs beyond that distance that are not generating.
Miki_P983mo ago
I have no idea then
пшш3mo ago
anything in logs & F3, is distant generation enabled on client as well?
mellculaOP3mo ago
Nothing in logs (both server and client) and no, distant generation is disabled on client. Is it meant to be enabled on client? Because I thought if I do that then I would be wasting the client's CPU because they're being generated on the server anyways.
пшш3mo ago
you have to enable it on client as well, otherwise you won't get any generation going added a point into faq for this

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