LOD not showing up?
Hey, I have the problem that chunks dont properly render, which causes this mod to be barerly better than just running it with the native render distance. Any suggestions? :)

62 Replies
on top of that it caused for some weird lighting issues in certain chunks

You should send your
file to provide additional useful information.
Logs are located in the .minecraft/logs
On Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\logs
On Linux: ~/.minecraft/logs
On Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/logs
Please upload the file to mclo.gs instead of sending the raw file. This makes reading the contents of the file a lot easier and improves the chances of you getting the help needed.
After uploading the file, click on Save
and send the link.i think it works like this? Let me know if I uploaded it wrong
I think it is good
I don't see the modlist in the log, can you send it separately?
It can be a written list or a set or screenshots

try deleting your /config
To edit the config, press the button next to the FOV slider to edit the config.
The config file found in .minecraft/config/DistantHorizons.toml
Note that this will reset your DH settings!!!
So you can backup it first!
will it reset all my settings :0
oh yeah
i see what u mean
deleting the config folder
not the folder!
the file!
To edit the config, press the button next to the FOV slider to edit the config.
The config file found in .minecraft/config/DistantHorizons.toml
allright deleted it
and restarted the game
Corrected the messaage to be more precise
so lets see
hmmnnn so it partially works now

yep looks to be working
but LODs will load slowly
it will take time
If it feels like LoD generation with
Distant Generator
is too slow:
Try increasing CPU Load
in Distant Horizons settings for faster generation, but you will experience more lag spikes and stuttering due to heavier workload on CPU.
To see if Distant Generator
is really working or not:
1) Check CPU usage while in-game, using Aggressive
settings of CPU Load
. If CPU usage's hovering around 80-100%, the LoDs are generating in the background.
2) Go to DH settings > Advanced Options > Debug > Wireframe
, set Enable Debug Wireframe Rendering
and Show World Gen Queue
to True
Enabling both settings will show you the visualization of world gen tasks queued and working on the map (blue boxes for queued tasks, red boxes for working tasks)You can try installing mods:
- Noisium
- Faster Random
They will speed it up a bit
allright will give a look into that!
problem with increasing workload is that its already at 100 when i have it on balanced
how much ram do you have allocated?
4, and when im running the game im using 14 out of 16 gigs
this is how much i have left when im not running the game

so figured 4 would be a solid bet
So you have 16 GiB in your system
allocated 14 GiB to MC, and out of that MC is using 4 GiB?
or have you allocated 4 GiB?
cuz i thought rule of thumb would be to use 60/70 percent of your available ram to allocate it for minecraft
what is using the other 10 gigs?
i have noisium now but faster random i see is only for fabric/quilt
i guess google chrome lol

how many tabs?
21 atm
if i close chrome

so significant difference ig, but i do use chrome for reference pics whenever im building
and its just convenient to have a browser open to look up stuff
you need 21 tabs for that though?
i know its not that many tabs
but it is chrome...
lol fair enough
so try 6 or 8 with fewer tabs open and see if that makes a difference
i only have 6 tabs rn

but almost no difference lol
that sucks
do u know if firefox is a ram friendly browser?
try 6 or 8 anyway
i think its better than chrome. i have no idea by how much
cuz i also got that installed, so might as well switch to it for gaming if so
worth a try
yeah, slightly

oh well
either way, is 4 ram allocated to minecraft enough?
or would I need more
my MC fills up to 14 GiB, but I have DH RD at 1024 and a lot of ambient mods and hi-res resourcepacks
depends on what you are doing. for generating new LODs, more is recommended
ill give 6 a try
hmm 6 ram, aggressive cpu setting but still this

its not fast
it will take a while
disabling shaders might speed it up a little
ohhh okayyy
do i need to turn on distant generation as well for it to work better
oh, you had that off?
well it wont generate distant LODs if distant generation is off
no i had it on, but just wondering cuz it said that it costs a lot of cpu power
but that makes sense lol
certain chunks dont load until i get there but then they stay loaded. Thats how its supposed to go right?
or should the environment load all the time around me
cuz now all the chunks where ive been are loaded, but u have this narrow area where i can look till the horizon
just wait a while. it will fix itself. turn all vanilla video settings to a low amount, turn cpu load up, and let it rest for 30 minutes
when you come back a good chunk of world should be loaded
allright thank u!
i got a few more questions if you dont mind, but ill make a seperate thread for that :)