DH used to work so well for me. Now it doesn't.

Basically I'm just wondering if any major changes happened to DH or Iris around late May-Early June because I was able to render LODs so much better back then and I don't know why. The screenshot shows what I use to be able the load with little to no issues.
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37 Replies
Wildddddddd6mo ago
If you haven't manually updated anything then nothing should've changed at all, care to describe the issues you're having?
GooiseOP6mo ago
Back in May DH simply worked better for me, some random day it weirdly stopped working as well
Wildddddddd6mo ago
Yeah but what do you mean by "stopped working as well"? Like, less fps? Slower rendering times?
GooiseOP6mo ago
Slower rendering time and less FPS Like right now it take a decade to render a few chunks with a bunch of performance boosting mods
Wildddddddd6mo ago
Have you changed anything in either your hardware, modpack, MC installation, settings or anything? C2ME is known for working badly with DH, ~35% slower if i remember correctly, so if you've got it installed then that might be it
GooiseOP6mo ago
I do..
Wildddddddd6mo ago
Try without that first and let me know if it works m8!
GooiseOP6mo ago
I'll try it!
Wildddddddd6mo ago
Hopefully that'll fix it for ya
GooiseOP6mo ago
Hopefully Are there any other mods that might make DH worse?
Wildddddddd6mo ago
I think they're all over on #faq-mod-support? Why? Is it still giving you trouble even after taking out c2me?
GooiseOP6mo ago
Yeahg im still not really rendering LODs after getting rid of C2ME
Wildddddddd6mo ago
Oof Also, i seem to have been wrong /slowgen
YAGPDB.xyz6mo ago
World generation in general is quite slow, if you want to speed it up: Install Noisium and Faster Random, these mods can improve generation speed by a couple percent. Make sure to remove the C2ME mod as it significantly slows down DH chunk generation by up to 35%. Increase CPU Load in Distant Horizons settings for faster generation, but you will experience more lag spikes and stuttering due to heavier workload on CPU. To see if Distant Generator is really working or not: 1) Check CPU usage while in-game, using Aggressive settings of CPU Load. If CPU usage's hovering around 80-100%, the LoDs are generating in the background. 2) Go to DH settings > Advanced Options > Debug > Wireframe, set Enable Debug Wireframe Rendering and Show World Gen Queue to True. Enabling both settings will show you the visualization of world gen tasks queued and working on the map (blue boxes for queued tasks, red boxes for working tasks)
Wildddddddd6mo ago
It's to do with generation, not rendering
GooiseOP6mo ago
Ah gotcha
Wildddddddd6mo ago
Mind showing a screenie of your f3, modpack and settings? Also, don't mind the bot i tried to abreviate screenie to ss and there was an a before it
GooiseOP6mo ago
Yeah just give me a min
Wildddddddd6mo ago
Aight Gonna ask again to make sure: Have you changed anything since before you said it was working well?
GooiseOP6mo ago
Don't think so
Wildddddddd6mo ago
Check your files and sort them by date of modification? If it's not something that can be discerned through f3, modpack or basic settings then it might be worth a shot to have a look that way
GooiseOP6mo ago
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GooiseOP6mo ago
Here's all the screenshots
Wildddddddd6mo ago
Sodium version? It seems to still be generating chunks too, and since your render is very big then it will take a bit Even having a processor as good as yours
GooiseOP6mo ago
Wildddddddd6mo ago
Does nothing render in at all? Maybe try lowering DH distance and see what happens? That's a very old DH version too so it's probably slower
GooiseOP6mo ago
Would updating it change a lot?
Wildddddddd6mo ago
Yeah, most importantly both sodium and iris requirements (sodium i think there's an official version, iris i think you'd have to get a dev build?) There's been huge leaps in the updates since 0.5.8, being that we currently are i think on 0.2.1 There's also the issue of if it's a different thing For that you could go both into your mods folder and config folder and sort by last modified and look at the values to see if anything has changed since last time And for mods you can do /binarysearch
YAGPDB.xyz6mo ago
Try a binary search and figure out which mod is causing it. So disable half of the mods, see if issue is still there, if yes disable half again etc etc until you find the mod that's causing the issue.
GooiseOP6mo ago
Wildddddddd6mo ago
Also, either do a clean install or delete the relevant config files After that then launch so the config files are re-generated with up-to-date formats/options Just in case, i've seen that it can cause issues, especially with DH
GooiseOP6mo ago
Alright I’ll all that soon Gonna sleep on it for now tho
Wildddddddd6mo ago
Fair, it's late for me too haha Good luck! Try checking config/lowering render first before updating, in your f3 screen it shows as if it is actively generating so maybe it's just because it has too much to generate
Wildddddddd6mo ago
There's also a discrepancy here since it says you're using 2.1.0-a and not 0.5.8 so you should double check that too
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hipsterwhale6mo ago
Is that j when using c2me (like sharing lan over internet, playing w others) or even in a single player local world not opened to lan/internet? Does just having c2me even installed slow down DH gen?
Wildddddddd6mo ago
I haven't done any testing myself so it's just hearsay but with how it's talked about by the people here/the devs then i think it's safe to assume the latter
Miki_P986mo ago
If you connect to any server (LAN, standalone, other) there is no generation so noting is slow down If your PC does any LOD generation, being single-player world or hosting the server, from not yet generated vanilla chunks it will be slower by ~30% The slowdown is because C2ME multithreads vanilla world-gen DH also multithreads LOD gen LOD gen calls vanilla world-gen Having C2ME alongside DH means you multithread it 2 times

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