35 Replies
Possible, but the easiest solution would be to symlink the entire
folder to your separate drive (my case).thats fine?
canu tell how
Windows PowerShell (Admin required)
im linux
I forgot where it is stored in the local home dir but:
i try
can i do it while game runs?
Absolutely NOT.
Be sure to move the files first to your new location before doing it.
so i use mv
with .minecraft
Actually, I think the path are inverted.
then ln
i mean
move .mineacraft to disk
then do
ln -s .minecraft old.minecraftlocation
like this?
Yeah first I need to update the command.
but its a dir
doesnt it need -r or smth
, yes.ln
creates a link to anything. No need for special switch apart from the -s
to signify creating a symbolic link.why symbolik
Well, that's the full name for symlink: symbolic link.
i meant
what differs from just ln
I don't know what behavior normal
would do because I never tried creating a link without the switch.
The switch is there just to be sure.
Anyways, this seems correct enough.ok
why not just DH symlink?
Doing it on a per-world basis would be pretty tedious if you have a lot. The LODs are stored inside each world folders.
i have 1
always only 1
and its on a server
is this what i have to link
Update the command to then point to the location where the lod is stored.
I'm having a meeting right now. Be right back.
i instantly got a big error
in game
after doing so

Did you do it while having the game running?
I'm on my way back home now. I'll check the proper commands by then.
i used ln -s
Nevermind, mother taking me to dinner outdoors.
but its just ln -s bro
So how did you insert the command?
ln -s dir dir