Blocky Distant Horizons Rendering

Hi, I'm unable to get Distant Horizons to properly render outside of my vanilla render distance. I've included a screenshot of the issue and my current configuration. Below are my specs. No shaders or resource packs enabled/installed. Issue replicated in fresh new worlds and old ones. I've deleted the "DistantHorizons.toml" file a handful of times each attempt with different configurations. I've re-installed DH and MC with no improvements . I'm on single player. I've tried this on both Forge and Fabric with the same result. Please advise. RAM: 96GB 7000MHz CPU: Intel Processor i9-13900K GPU: GIGABYTE GeForce RTX 4090 Gaming OC 24G Forge: 1.20.1 - 47.3.0 Mods: DistantHorizons-2.1.2-a-1.20.1-forge-fabric, Chunky-1.3.146, embeddium-0.3.21+mc1.20.1, embeddiumplus-1.20.1-v1.2.13, oculus-mc1.20.1-1.7.0 Java JRE: 1.8.0_411-b09 Java JDK: 20.0.1
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21 Replies
Puhpine7d ago
can you try setting the render quality to high and see if that fixes it?
Yeshi7d ago
this is the issue
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Yeshi7d ago
just use the high quality preset
TheNewSky7d ago
“RAM: 98GB 7000MHz” Crazy
Yeshi7d ago
me with 128
GawrGuraIsHot7d ago
We get it, you're rich. Shut it.
Yeshi7d ago
SalvadorZXA7d ago
Changing the "Quality Preset" to "High" has made blocks a bit more recognizable, but I'd like to max out on quality. Any tips?
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Mati7d ago
set everything to max
Yeshi7d ago
the point of distant horizons isn't to be perfectly accurate at high distances. you're unlikely to notice the difference between high and extreme
SalvadorZXA7d ago
I've set "Vertical Quality" and "LOD Dropoff Distance" to "Extreme". I don't think it did much, but I'll keep it. My goal here is to make it look as good as some YouTubers as seen below. I've added the "Bliss-Shader-main" supported shader in an effort to get there, but something feels like it's missing still Sample 1: Sample 2:
Minecraft Has Never Looked This Good
This may be the best Minecraft has ever looked using mods. It truly looks absolutely incredible! Enjoy! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODS Distant Horizons - Iris - Sodium - https://modrinth...
The Distant Horizons mod is changing Minecraft
Blow away Minecraft's render distance limits with the NEW Distant Horizons mod! Join me as I REACT to this game-changing mod and explore its potential to revolutionize Minecraft. We'll dive into a simple setup guide, experiment with the settings, and see how Distant Horizons might impact Minecraft forever! Timestamps: 0:47 - LOD's explained 1:...
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Mati7d ago
bliss-shader-dh is actually better has less noisy clouds use tectonic world gen mod you may increase render distance too a bit
SalvadorZXA7d ago
Okay, getting better 👀
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Mati7d ago
reset the world or create new aswell after adding tectonic you literally have like 2 render distance lmao
Puhpine7d ago
but something feels like it's missing still
youre missing the fact these youtubers have very high end pcs. asianhalfsquat is rocking a 4090
SalvadorZXA7d ago
Idk why, but I couldn't find any "bliss-shader-dh" version of Bliss, but the latest dev version on their GitHub repo is pretty much it with a combo of increasing the render distance to 8 chunks. Thank for your help!
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SalvadorZXA7d ago
I have a 4090 as well, as originally stated, but maybe I should look into SLI, getting an additional 4090 and another 2 sticks of RAM to get a total of 192GB 7000MHz going 😥
Puhpine7d ago
4090 can't run sli Sli is dead
SalvadorZXA7d ago
I know. It was a joke bc ik my current spec are more than enough. Just needed the right files and configs. Thanks all who've helped!
Mati7d ago
np ig
GawrGuraIsHot5d ago
My God That johnnygottacraft thumbnail is so bad