Lods for nether wont load with Immersive portals when shaders are enabled but works when shaders off

Testing some mod compatibility and immersive portals works nearly perfectly the only issue arises when shaders are enabled. lods render in the dimension you spawn in but wont load for other dimensions. Seems like a possible fix considering lods work in all dimensions without shaders
8 Replies
noonespecial12345OP10mo ago
if anyone can help me solve this my life is yours
Brussel_sprouts10mo ago
Immersive portals+ dh + iris seems to have compatibility issues, might be fixed in the official release tho we may never know
noonespecial12345OP10mo ago
lets hope otherwise im so broken
seth10mo ago
how did you get immersive portals to work with it that is the question
noonespecial12345OP10mo ago
dh 1.20.4 iris 1.7.0 and immersive portals has a 1.7.0 compatible version for 1.20.4 on modrinth
seth10mo ago
nvm its incompatible with pretty much all other mods
noonespecial12345OP10mo ago
i tested it with yungs mods, better nether etc with DH immersive portals and even nvidium and it worked fine it just breaks when shaders get involved
seth10mo ago
Ohh That’s the problem then I use shaders

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