Auto Update not working?

It asks me for this same update every time i launch from a version i got here (1.20.4)
17 Replies
Jei-san3w ago
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Jei-san3w ago
every time i open the game it asks for the same update i click update but it still doesnt i got the updated version from modrinth and everythings performing worse deihws
Jei-san3w ago
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Jei-san3w ago
so looking at the numbers i just downgraded? how do i make auto update work, or get the right version
MarijnIsN00B3w ago
Auto updater is goofy with the nightly builds Only use it with the stable builds
Jei-san3w ago
where can i get the newest nightly then i cant find cd74117 and the link in the downloads channel isnt working or, whatever i should get
MarijnIsN00B3w ago
If the build you're using is working then its fine Whenever the gitlab is working again then just update
Jei-san3w ago
keep forgetting.. i dont even realize i updated iris and its suddenly all performing like poo, so i hoped updating DH would help
MarijnIsN00B3w ago
Unless you saw that was fixed/improved in #gitlab-status then I doubt it Since I havent seen anyone report that yet If you can recreate it then Id report it in #bug-report
Jei-san3w ago
lemme investigate further it MAY just be my games poor performance while generating distant chunks and i need to let it finish until i can play because it seems to work fine in multiplayer with a LOD file my friend gave me but not well in singleplayer settings that get me over 100fps in multiplayer world with builds and a villager farm below the house and such i'll just hop in an untouched creative ive been using just to foly around and test in around 45-50fps consistently no matter what i do the game has plenty of ram
Jei-san3w ago
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MarijnIsN00B3w ago
Thats too much ram Half it
MarijnIsN00B3w ago
And your generating LODs, that will impact FPS
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MarijnIsN00B3w ago
And you've probably not loaded as many LODs on the server then in the singleplayer world so thats more stuff to render And on a server stuff like farms is calculated by the server, not the client so thats also a small FPS boost
Jei-san3w ago
is too much ram bad for the game or something?
MarijnIsN00B3w ago
Yeah It will give you bigger lag spikes Only allocate as much as it needs If its not running out of ram then it doesnt need more
Miki_P983w ago
Only on G1 and Shenadogohadogologo Z should not be affected
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