Why does DH use 100% CPU and no GPU?

DH uses all CPU and no GPU, making it very slow and laggy to load. Will there ever be an update where DH utilizes the GPU more? It would make it load way faster and be much less laggy.
20 Replies
Yeshi•11mo ago
Try reducing the CPU load preset The default is a bit too intense
CashepOP•11mo ago
I have, but then the LoD chunks load even slower, like too slow to even bother with it at all. And I have a high end CPU too
Yeshi•11mo ago
Minecraft world gen is really slow. Once LODs have been generated once they can be loaded in a matter of seconds when rejoining You're not gonna be waiting an hour every time
CashepOP•11mo ago
Sure, but if I set the CPU usage to low or medium or even high, it takes like 30 minutes to load 128 chunks And it often won't load them all. And when I move further out in the world it lags when it has to load more, even on minimal impact
Yeshi•11mo ago
You'll just have to wait for that initial LOD generation to finish like the rest of us Are you on 2.0.1 or 2.0.2
CashepOP•11mo ago
Well that brings me back to my original point. Why don't they utilize the GPU? It would solve all of their problems. I'm using 2.0.3 The latest one
Yeshi•11mo ago
Because GPUs aren't good at this kind of workload
CashepOP•11mo ago
FarSight2 utilizes the GPU and it loads at the same speed as minecraft's vanilla chunk loader Even at over 1024 render distance
Yeshi•11mo ago
Isn't farsight2 incompatible with custom world gen though
CashepOP•11mo ago
It's the exact same concept as DH Just faster But it hasn't been updated since 1.12
Yeshi•11mo ago
Are you sure you're not thinking of farplane2? Farsight2 just keeps a copy of the server world data locally to increase render distance
CashepOP•11mo ago
Oh yeah farplane, my bad.
Yeshi•11mo ago
The reason farplane2 is so fast is because it relies on a custom world gen mod, which also allows for approximating distant chunks While DH has to generate the full chunk to get any meaningful data, farplane2 could generate as little as a single block per chunk Vanilla world gen is unfortunately a very major bottleneck and will likely only get worse over time as Mojang adds more features Back to the thread topic, you only need to generate the LODs once, and they'll be reloaded in a matter of seconds if you rejoin the world later
CashepOP•11mo ago
Yeah, if only mojang would update their optimization instead of just adding stuff.. Yeah, I discovered that, and that's great. It's just a pain in the butt when trying to explore new areas
Yeshi•11mo ago
If you're on Fabric you can add https://modrinth.com/mod/noisium for a slight speedup to world gen
Noisium - Minecraft Mod
Optimises worldgen performance for a better gameplay experience.
CashepOP•11mo ago
Thanks. Do you have any tips that can help speed up LoD generation?
Yeshi•11mo ago
Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Fabric) - Minecraft Mod
A Fabric mod designed to improve the chunk performance of Minecraft.
Yeshi•11mo ago
You might need to make these changes to the config https://discord.com/channels/881614130614767666/1035937813310484540/1201688046110785556 I've heard it's no longer necessary though, so try without the config changes first
CashepOP•11mo ago
Ok, for sure. Thanks for your assistance
Yeshi•11mo ago
No problem, glad to help 🙂

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