Updated to 2.2, now getting error
Updated from 2.1.2a to most recent 2.2 now that Oculus updated. Chat is now spammed with this error message along with frequent crashes. Didn’t have this error before with the older version.
12 Replies
Main thing is I’m not moving, distant generation is turned off, and LODs are fully loaded
And it’s only with the newest version. Nothing else changed
Okay it is possible that this was the case before, but the error message simply wasn’t implemented yet. What does it mean when it says slow down your world pre generator?
And I’m curious why it’s correlated with the vanilla render distance, it also recommends turning that down
A vanilla render distance of 12 shouldn’t be close to 500 chunks per thread right, much less with the player hardly moving
Slow down any pregenerator like chunky
Can you try assigning more lod building threads under advanced, threading
I see. It’s a fully pregenerated world-painter world. But I’ve already generated all the DH chunk data for it as well
Would you recommend setting the world generation threads to 0 if all the chunk data is pre-generated?
Yeah that's fine
And you want me to change the number of builder threads not update propagator threads right?
It won’t let me and says the minimum is 1
Oh wait, maybe not. Yeah try update propargater threads
Upping the builder threads from 1-3 does seem to have helped, framerate is also more stable with less stutters. It seems like now that it’s not an issue with updating the mod version, and it’s just that the error message wasn’t implemented in earlier versions lol. I’ve got a limited number of threads to play with on this awful cpu so it seems like I’m just gonna have to play with it
Would you recommend changing the runtime percentage at all from the default values?
Thanks for your help! Not sure if you hear this enough but you and the rest of the mod team do a great job providing support in this discord. Feels like I always get a respond within a couple hours which is really impressive
I don't know enough about that to give a useful answer
Time for the old “try it and see” i suppose