Shadows flickering with DH and Bliss on

Hi, I am experiencing a glitch where my shadows flicker in my modpack. All my mods are updated and I'm running the latest dev version of Bliss. I've included my modlist, but the notable mods are terralith, tectonic, geophilic, and a ton of particle mods and a few structure mods but nothing crazy or anything that uses non-vanilla blocks or enemies whatsoever. I also used chunky to load some chunks for me. Thank you very much in advance.
i found a fix with the help of bliss devs, if anyone stumbles upon this here is the fix for the shadow flickers in water and underneath floating islands
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31 Replies
That Guy
That Guy6mo ago
Does this happen with just dh and iris?
just to add, the only thing i changed within DH is putting it to high quality and balanced cpu usage. it only happens with bliss, complementary and other shaders seem to run fine
That Guy
That Guy6mo ago
That should be fine Yea I understand that but does it happen with only dh and iris No texture packs no other mods (except the ones you need to run dh)
ill try removing all my texture packs real quick it wasn't the texture packs
That Guy
That Guy6mo ago
Sorry but it is night for me and I have to go but if you could still try it out and give the results
i will try without all my mods next yeah of course ill share for others if i happen to find out what it was :) have a good night
same thing seems to happen with only these mods enabled
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i further tried - reloading shaders, changing settings within sodium, changing some of the bliss settings, deleting DH .sqlite file within my world folder to reset DH, reloading chunks in game, reloading textures and same thing also forgot to add that they are chunks I've never traveled through so they are just loaded by DH but unexplored
Miki_P986mo ago
Does it happen with any different shaders? Remove Indium If not it is a shader issue Contact shader devs
happens with indium aswell i got sent here by one of the devs from bliss haha because they said its a DH/iris thing following up, turning off FOV effects fixes the issue
this is what I was told
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but sadly playing without FOV effects for me isn't really a fix and is unplayable
Miki_P986mo ago
I guess this is Shader implementation bug or limitation I think ir would be an Iris issue
i found a fix with the help of bliss devs, if anyone stumbles upon this here is the fix for the shadow flickers in water and underneath floating islands
so opening the shader zip
navigating to this directory
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extracting that file, opening with notepad
and replacing the 46-48th line of code with this
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uniform mat4 dhProjection; void main() { gl_Position = dhProjection * gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex; hope that helps someone, if not go ask on shaderlabs :D you can search for my name there for a more detailed fix
by the way this is bliss dev version #482 and there was a second type of shadow flicker in the video, which was fixed by removing 3dskinlayers mod
Miki_P983w ago
I think unstable branch should also just work without any edits required
Chev3w ago
how are you even running indium with sodium 0.6.0
Miki_P983w ago
Not a good practice as the only thing it will do is introduce more bugs and problems, but it shouldn’t crash so if they want to they can
Haze.3w ago
I was on the "commit #482" branch and I still needed to edit, there's another?
Miki_P983w ago
There are 6 official branches: - main - unstable-development - physics_ocean - floodfill.shadow.revert - revert-11-main - jitter_dof From which - main - unstable-development Are in active development There are also many unofficial forks with their own branches: commit #482 is just 1 version of Bliss from one of the branches First unstable gets updates that then get pushed to main and then to release, so Modrinth and others Main was updated 3 months ago with commit no. 597 (4ba7728) Unstable 2 weeks ago with commit no. 503 (8a62fff)
Branches · X0nk/Bliss-Shader
A minecraft shader which is an edit of chocapic v9 - Branches · X0nk/Bliss-Shader
Forks · X0nk/Bliss-Shader
A minecraft shader which is an edit of chocapic v9 - Forks · X0nk/Bliss-Shader
Zomrixx3w ago
Do you have 3d skin layers added? I think I had the same issue that you're having rn and removing 3d skin layers fixed it for me. Not sure why it would cause flickering, but removing it worked for me. wait nvm I just read the thread oops
Miki_P983w ago
3D skin layer passes garbage data to Iris rendering, this garbage data is then interpreted by Bliss as water Having random water floating and waving around your camera can't result in anything good...
Zomrixx3w ago
oh wow, that's interesting. I wouldn't have suspected it to be that lmao
Haze.3w ago
Yeah that's what I understand as well, but even if I download the unstable development branch it still says "commit #482" in the shader settings while on the GitHub it says 503, although in all fairness the shader does seem to be quite different, the fog is just non-existent or has a very low "spawn rate" of sorts
Miki_P983w ago
The in shader setting commit number is set by hand so Xonx might have just not updated it

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