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All posts for Admincraft
Incomplete set of tags received from server (no idea why)
How the Hell did origin realms make finish effects
Providers For Cheap Dedicated Servers.
Is Hetzner a good host for my modded server ?
Maps Clearing
Server crashing while pregenerating chunks with chunky fabric 1.20.1
TPS Issues, yayyyy [SOLVED: Caused by Thin Air not clearing memory for villager air quality checks]
cant connect to server
Custom Nametag with RGB support plugin
simple configuration question
Potentiall ram overflow, needing help
Best Quest plugin
Opinions on Nullcord
Hosting recommendation
Plugin development
Very simple plugin needed
LPX vs ExploitFixer
Plugin to delete unsafe/illegal enchanment
Looking to replace my Nether seed but leave Overworld as is.
Can I Remove a Specific Villager Trade from All Villagers?
Command to list out possible options?
Why does my in-game chat refuse caps?
Vertically stacking large worlds into a single world.
use button only works when looking down
Is Cloudnord a good hosting provider?
2 errors after removing data pack from paper server
Help creating subdomain to dynmap!
CPU Comparison (General Hardware)
I need a new host or is it Bungee(?)
Help Hosting Public Minecraft Servers
Looking to buy a 16gb server for ATM10 for around 6 people for 1-2 months
whats this error?
Eco Plugins or Advanced Plugins?
How to remove ranks/perm groups from everyone at once? (CMI/luckperms)
Minecraft Server CPU/Specs advice
Does anyone have a resource pack of, or have a list of all ambient background music that plays
Server crash
Mod that syncs game time with IRL time, in terms of daylight and night-time
Add Friend Method
Custom textures
server crashes every time i try and open the Vanilla Tweaks graves??
Cartographer Villager's 2nd Trade Crashing Server/Singleplayer - Modded Fabric 1.21.1
Tower Server Hardware Advice Wanted
Cowboy/Western items pack
New server having issues
Anyone got advice for this?
Struggling with a reverse proxy
Make cookies edible on full hunger?
What is happening?
What could be the cause of my low tps?
User falls into the void when joining, but server locates him on Y 104
Good tags plugin?
Velocity Proxy Unreachable
Teleport when jumping off spawn
Placeholder Question
Best place to find plugin developers?
Per player mob cap for forge 1.16.5
Question regarding Spark interpretation
Towny Wilderness Region
CPU spike on teleport? NVMe drive, pregenerated chunks
Bedrock Players on Java Server
Custom resource pack showing black and purple?
Server occasionally crashes with a core dump
Quick question about plugins
Exceeding the size limit of a resource pack
(velocity) switch backend servers with custom command
Calculating wage for builders?
not really a minecraft server question more like a server general question
Ping Limit on Velocity/Neoforge?
TPS drop
Something like Folia without the Paper problems?
One player unable to connect to the server
Adding 1.8 PVP to 1.21 server.
No inventory
Teleport / jump pad plugin recommendations
Multi server placeholders
MC Bedrock Chunk Load Issues
BlueMap showing world borders?
all prefixes are `{vault.prefix}`, an
Memory leak source?
Plugin to create leaderboards inside GUI
Maven for NuVotifier
Respawning bosses
Server Host
Everytime I change my name always has the the prefix???
TAB by neznamy scoreboard issues
Best teams plugin
Map mods
I don't really know what title to put for this one lol
Player exp formatted placeholder
All players lost their homes/money/ranks/inventories, due to being recreated with new UUID.
Bukkit - Commands.yml problem
Intermittent High Ping?
Out of memory while pregenerating?
Starting Public Server
tebex, craftingstore, vyhub
Luckperms Doubt
Mob AI Optimization
Domain & pl3xmap
Let only one player speak
crash upon attempting to launch
!!! Server Emergency - World data unintentionally upgraded
Optimizing my Server
Reducing Lag from flying machines/auto farms
Font_images in ItemsAdder does not work
server for me & partner
Plugin that adds custom music?
Interpolation Duration
Exception in servertick loop, dunno what to do.
Hardware for modded minecraft server
Help Figuring Out the Cause of Low TPS in Fabric Modded Server
Singapore Dedicated Server
server is crashing after config changes
Ignoring Heightmap Warning Log Spam - Fabric 1.21.1
Game crashes upon attempting to launch
Missing or unsupported mandatory dependencies:
Attempted to load class net/minecraft/client/Minecraft for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER
Best (free) anticheat
Imanity vs Carbon / Best **1.8** spigot fork
Best leveling plugin?
Crash Report - mouseClicked event handler java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to load registries
Fabric+Paper Compatibility
Stasis chamber setup not working on Velocity/Fabric server
Invisible player due value in playerdata file, how to fix that without headache?
How To Disable Datapack Announcement Messages When Joining Server
Restarted home internet, no one can connect to any of my hosted servers now.
Bedrock glass pane texture pack
Plugin that adds custom music?
Is it safe to give out my dynmap link?
Missing shader error
Server resource pack continues to download even after removing it
Host backup
Velocity help
how do i setup velocity nuvotifer/votingplugin
Login attempts on console
Hardware for modded minecraft server hosting 5-10 people
Server Icon Size
BungeeCord server not starting back up?
Player keeps getting kicked
Blood Vignette Plugin
AnarchyExploitFixes - Reputable Plugin?
how to remove someone from leaderboards? ajleaderboards for mob kills
How much GBs for a proxy and lobby area servers?
A good config to stop flyhacking with Spartan Anticheat
Tagline creation help
papermc running on a docker image by marctv
Best moderation plugin?
unable to setup /server lobby on deluxemenus and npcs
Why am I having trouble getting my Bedrock world with addons to import correctly?
For velocity and geyser/ do i need floodgate in the proxy?
it this best server spec for proxy only?
Whitelist Plugins?...
I'm setting up nicknames on a new server, nicknames show in tab but not in chat. Any tips?
velocity setup, im unable to connect to lobby
I'm whitelisted, but it says I'm not?...
Wind Charges
Game crash - Exception in server tick loop
Players inventory gets cleared
Questions about what Operating System to host on
Overall best custom enchants plugin?
In the market for a bedrock hosting service!
set world spawn and /setspawn in the new world and when people load in they sufficate
How to make a command spit out a link in chat
Why is my sever lagging here and at 14TPS?
Worldguard Allowing No-Permission Players to Build
Unexplainable lag of one server member
Server Host Options
Well performing grave/deathchest plugins?
City generation plugin or data pack?
Oraxen Furniture Died - cant remove old models - Giving $20 for a fix
Incompatible FLM Modded server error.
Repeated error on server
Plasmo Voice not working correctly
Jobs reborn boosts
Fabric server crashing on start
Chat Control vs Advanced Chat
Self-hosting a server, what's the best CPU?
Server Optimization
Need Help with Port Forwarding
Certain actions are blocked in the entire world
Give me plugin ideas
Server crashes when spesific players join
Ore generation
Tab List Question
Server keeps crashing
Looking for a Mod for Regional Music similar to OpenAudio
Connections issues with server, players timing out or connection reset
Cannot access minecraft server through local network
resources to learn how to make a tiny mod/datapack?
Is there cons to incrementing the max build height?
Issue with server's rapidly growing file size
ItemsAdder vs Oraxen vs Nexo
i alr setuped difficulty mode but still it's on easy mode
Grainy Blocks In Distance
Can someone help me optimize my modpack/server?
Essentials kit
URGENT: Random, occasional server slowdown
Curious if there are any decent VPS near Korea (or neighboring country)
Please Hear Me Out....
1.20.1 fabric server lag
Ram for a Minecraft server
Looking to buy a VPS!
Few mobs spawning
Webpage domain question
Help with polysel worldedit
cross server chat 1.21+
Creating Aliases on a Velocity Network?
How to self host forge server ?
Looking for an absolute barebones Skyblock map(Bedrock)
how did they prevent this hacker from breaking out?
Server network
Gamerule issues
watchdog error when pregennerating with chunky (server tick lasting 60s longer than normal)
Disable villager breeding
any tips for reducing vill lag
Server software for lobbies
resource pack manager
Quick question
Dedicated server hosting providers recommendations
benefits for ranks in a survival server
shop gui
Awards for reaching community goals in the server shop?
Wanting to know how to configure OpenParties and Claims mod with Luckperms ranks and variable claims
Filler Fun Plugins
Why is ptero upload file size capped w/ ptero
Best way to remove the mace?
Velocity auto restart
Velocity/Bungeecord but on NeoForge?
So many striders!
Advertisment for Server
How to establish a thriving diamond-based economy?
I can join the minecraft server ive build but my friends can not, how do i fix this
I can't use chat in the hub only
Performanced with Advanced(...) Plugins?
Hide from online players list but still show player
TAB plugin needs to be manually reloaded to show updates to tags
Realizing some of the datapacks on my server aren't working after updating my server.
Server crashing randomly
Looking for a plugin
server keeps crashing but nothing changed in the last 24 hours?
Shared Whitelist between multiple Servers/Modloaders
I isolated rambar and tpsbar from Purpur into a plugin, any tips?
i already truned off the online mod
Server sometimes crashes without any info/errors
Non heap size
Help with EcoArmor increased ore XP drops
Help with Minecraft Server Setup and Lag
1.7.10 Server Setup Weirdness
AdvancedCrates or SpecializedCrates
Any plugins that integrate with products/subscriptions on a Discord server's store?
KubeJS script suddenly times out server
Wild Connection issues with direct IP
Replace mob
Starting a Minecraft Host
Removed my datapack and now server cant start.
How to properly switch back from Nukkit to BDS but keeping old world and player data
custom block textures? mc 1.21.3
FTBTeams permissions issue?
Best way to host a network
TPS Lag from entities or something else?
Quick question about Spark Regions
connection timed out
Wanting to start an open server from my old computer
Weird entity lag in fabric with 20 tps
Corrupted Heightmap Data (?)
Crashing on Preping world creation
Custom commands help
Mobs barely spawning, modded 1.20.1 Forge server
Hosting Alternatives
CPU choice
Need help with plugins
Trying to make a plugin but i keep getting some kind of error... i am using the API of vehiclesplus
Need some helping figuring out whats causing "java.lang.Error: Watchdog"
safarinet help?
Lands command's are not being parsed
Loot Chests
Need a plugin i can pay
TPS issues on higher playercounts
Facing Issue while breaking blocks
Limiting Y level to 0?
Need help deciding on a budget refurbished PC
Need someone to walk me trough Setting up NGINX for windows for squaremap in mc
FTBRanks FTBTeams help?
Server won't launch
memory usage
Minecraft server crash 1.21 (Neoforge) Worked earlier but then after a restart it just stopped.
server texturepack broken?
Looking for an eco/banking plugin
is cmi worth it to buy?
Question very quick one
dynmap error
Minecraft 1.21.4 custom model data command
Looking for a new host
Cobblemon Mod - Saving Party Information to a global Variable/ Referencing it?
Some players invincible
Litebans Velocity Issue
Custom inventory "icons" for resource pack separate from model files
Vanish bug workaround?
Can anyone suggest a cheap minecraft host with decent performance + unlimited storage Asia Loc
Player statistics
How to lower Jobs Reborn payout?
MyWorlds/ZNPCs/Worldguard for teleportation/player run commands?
AdvencedJobs Vs EcoJobs
plugin that sends thank you for installing my plugin every 10 minutes and gives dirt
do authors tend to be okay with mclogs instead of pastebin? and does pastebin hide IP info etc.?
Clean Tablist Plugin?
Having such a difficult time understanding prefix stacking
Shaded packetevents and ViaVersion weird error
Add ons/ mods
Looking for advice before making my server public
Plugin for scoreboard in the sidebar
Checking lag sources on a spigot server
How can I compile a plugin in InteliJ?
Players on 1.21.2 & 1.21.3 can't use elytras
Fabric server storage full
Does a big whitelist (50k+ users) cause performance issues?
Needing opinions on a certain gamemode mechanic
fabric server crashing
Ender pearl and golden apple cooldown plugin
Is a past-due plugin for months from a plugin developer OK?
Trying to create a Database for a plugin call "FastLogin"
Shortening Plugin List
Anything out of the ordinary? (MSPT/GC issue)
Timeplayed plugin with milestones that I can import into
Entity-Specific Mob Spawning Limits
Should I spent 97 Euros at Project Orion ?
Paper not generating a config folder
Can't connect to portainer hostest server
How are you navigating the change with “more frequent updates” from minecraft
Is this much lag normal?
Need help with a server issue
Foxomy shutting down in 3 days?!?! need to transfer 1.2 TB world to another host FAST!
Vanilla jar doesn’t work, other jars do
Looking for an alternative plugin to CustomCrafting that lets me create server-wide recipes
How can I remove Riptide enchantment from my server?
bypass the server kick for pasting litematica schematics?
setting up minecraft server in pterodactyl ram issues
Not able to connect to server with velocity.
I can't teleport to players.
kick when getting op on my lobby
Error with votingplugin some communication or driver error
Thunder fully disabled on server - no idea how
nether portals wont work
Unable to figure out the cause of crash
Help with TPS issues
Screen issues
Which proxy should I use?
Friend is unable to join hosted World, previously able to. NeoForge - 1.21.1
Plugins Help and maybe Server help
voice chat spamming server log only from one player
Entities lifetime
Server Optimization for Contabo
Best overall VPS/Dedi in NA
Increasing Wandering Trader Spawn Rate
I can't delete a world created using a datapack (Purpur 1.21.4)
Unable to access Game mode Switcher as server Op, how do I fix this?
Scoreboard to track placement of birch planks
Fixing lag on modded forge server
Fastasyncworldedit not working
Trying to find a plugin that allows me to vanish all players inside the server 1.21.4
Datapack Load Order
Bluesky Advertising?
Minecraft Bedrock server out of a mobile singleplayer world??
what's the best server hoster i can buy with like 2 dollars
Would an Epyc 4364P be good for mc server hosting?
Help spawning players in a custom dimension
NuVotifier Help on Ptero Container
Creating a cross-play network
Stable TPS until triple digits -- instant drop
Why would a player try running these commands?
Is there a way to reset a votifier public key?
Required Hardware for Self-Hosting
Banning Plugins
Wanting to create a currency item that when a player right clicks, executes a deposit command
:bangbang: Where can i find textures for ItemsAdder?
Connect to mariadb server in docker from external machine
Is their anyway to make a server on B1.7.3 without using offline mode?
How to block slurs in chat?
Change world environment?
Using a pre-rendered Earth Map combined with ores from mods - Create/IE - Forge 1.20.1 server
Alternative to Tebex
Datapack to change a weapon's attack strength?
Need help finding plugin
feedback on How many blocks do i pre-generate in each direction
Entities such as villagers can’t pass through nether portals on 1.21.4 purple
Best Mob model plugin
RAM runs out and everyone gets kicked, but RAM doesnt go down, requires restart
Why does it say the site can't provide a secure connection when trying to view my squaremap?
Insight alternative 1.21.4 Paper
Best base server version for kitpvp
Crates plugin with pity system
Very High Ping at a Low Player Count (1-3), but very low Ping at Higher Player Counts (4+)
How tf my void world can take up to 50gb???
Help with cleaning up my docker image packages mess (its for my minecraft hosting purpose)
Different Memory ingame - in hosting , in hosting my Memory always increase to max and get crash
Free shop plugin that supports custom items
Server host
Anyone know of a plugin that would work with griefprevention?
Bentobox Teleportation
What Server Hoster should be used?
Best way to have a command to run other commands (Like /function)
Texture packs for java server with bedrock clients?
Looking for Mod Developer 1.20.1
Need hosting advice
Minecraft 1.12.2 Multithread for server?
Getting timed out on EnvrioMC and can't pinpoint the issue
Assistance with Optimization
How do I optimize my bedrock server?
modrinth docker not working
Discord bot not started
Can't join my foxomy server.
Paper 1.21 crashing
How can I let me players buy items with their coins?
Plugin needed for Temp fly
Bulk creation of worldguard regions.
Anyone know how to make Ultimate Teams work cross server with Velocity?
any way to cap maximum movement speed? (forge 1.20.1)
Opinion about Netcup
[Best-Website/Team] - Hiring plugin developers - Safe/Trusted
[Plugin-Search] Player Graves
Packet is too big and oversized chunks- what's going on?
Issues with Patreon & Ko_Fi bot roles through discord
File sharing
Why is the address im given considered an invalid address
How do I set up Dynmap for Fabric?
Ideal Purpur Server Version
how do i monetize my minecraft server
excellentcrates preview config
VotifierPlus set-up
Would a Bare Metal Ryzen 5 5600X be better than a Dedicated Ryzen 9 5900X from Bisect?
Pale Oak Logs Unstrippable
i created a server with some friends but it's so laggy
Trying to debug what is giving a player a certain effect forge
Anyone who knows why i can't connect to my 1.21 server with 1.8.9?
Trying to make a Valhelsia 6 server on 1.20.1 using an Oracle server...
Opinions on legacy (1.8) and modern servers (1.20+)
How LuckPerms "predicts" permissions
First server, please help me not screw it up!
Way to backup server on pebblehost
Has anyone gotten a prominence 2 multiplayer server working for 8-10 people concurrently?
Best dedicated server hosting?
Error after inputting new world
fabric server crashing and rolling back to 3 minutes ago every hour
Need help with authme (online mode on)
Java Server Setup/Clarification
What server version would be best to use? 1.8 vs 1.20
Bypassing Island fly on other peoples islands on a minecraft server
Looking for a plugin that gives clear view when in/under lava. Suggestions?
Plugin for keeping track of players balances/pay?
Anyone know what's causing this lag?
Patch item swapping
Playit gg Connection reset issue
Paper vs Fabric?
Need help investigating potential memory leak
Problem connecting servers
Any idea what is causing this in my console?
Specific people cannot join me, while others can.
What do you wish you knew when you started learning Java? (and some other questions! :D)
entity cramming performance question
Opening up my server to the public
Market Research
Players on my server can't drop items
Server crashing after I added new mods
Fabric Dev help
Swapping drives in a software raid 10 array
My server crashes after adding my custom music discs on my Aternos Server
i need a dedi, please help
is pebblehost hard to setup?
Sometimes just flying through chunks, TPS drops as low as 12
Whats The best minecraft anticheat for 1.20/1.21 ?
Putty OCP help
Won't start on 1.21.3-82
Recommended Minimum Resources
30% cpu usage on 1.20.1 paper normal?
Cpu for personal hosting
Better Minecraft Server Inquiry
[Metrics] Connection Refused.
Kicked for middle click selecting a block in my server
Which is the best PvP Arena plugin that can achieve this functionality
Sanity Check - Do These Plugins Exist?
Just wondering how I would build this Plugin
Sub Domain to Bedrock edditon
BlueMap-like Static Website?
server lag - modernfix using 40% of server thread
advice: magnum torch vs. torchmaster? (forge 1.20.1)
Server not starting up anymore
Fishing plugin
Modded Minecraft Server
Customcraft item
Issue with vanilla hub and network of velocity with forge clients
Server Hosting.
Best way to implement custom enemy attacks and weapon abilities
Looking for Velocity Plugin with nicknames
Error throwing after I swapped from REI to JEI because of issue getting others to connect
Server cannot send GET requests to anything (including auth servers)
Anyone know an up to date replacement for CooldownsX ?
Lands - how can i do for the player cannot build in the claim world
Nametag Removal From TAB, Any Plugin Alternatives?
Disabling Bungee /server Command
Disabling generation of certain structures temporarily
2 nodes to one
Could someone help me to figure out what is wrong with this .json? It won't give the item
Handling SRV records
How do I customize essentials messages?
Singapore Ryzen 9000 dedi
Long config changing session
Fabric Cobblemon Error Ubuntu. Fabric worked raw and exception thrown after adding cobblemon
nginx egg wordpress
Antiswear plugin
Filezilla Open for write: permission denied
Recommendation for a good RTP plugin?
Trying to run a CurseForge mod (Prominence 2) through Oracle VM
Crash attached; struggling to find the cause.
server crashes on startup after updating & installing create mods/addons
Just need general help with setting up my server. Pterodactyl - Ubuntu 24.04 - Oracle VM.
Looking for a land claims plugin
One person cannot connect to server while others can
VenuteChat Issue - Please Help
Are these errors something I should worry about?
Aternos - Themis
Server starts at boot without being scheduled
Creating a pixelmon server
Unlimited villager trade?
Weirdest bug. Clicking a plank opens a barrel
Just curious on how much cosmetics tend to cost
Lag from moving?
Minecraft Modded Hosting?
XSS... But probably not. Backend access probably through some plugin
Atlassian Self Hosted?
Essentials updated the underlying Player object
Error when sending a message
Need help downsizing large modpack /
Anyone know what this is?
Skript and World Guard Help
Advanced sound mechanics
Hello. I have the following problem. I host a minecraft server on my own machine
Custom Domain Troubles
Kick/Ban when being hit by a stick?
Allow donations to relay to Discord
Forge 1.12.2 Server for 30-75 players
Oracle Cloud SSH Timeout
Plugin - Unknown Name!
Server option/host
Question regarding donation systems
Question regarding specs and player counts
every type of interactions are broken, outside creative
Disable Chats Plugin
Paper Server crashes without any plugins
server host switching
1.21.4 papermc
Commands Not Displaying Anymore?
Whitelisting IPs for Velocity/Bungeecord
TPS Issues
How do you find staff?
Minecraft Server for two players, LAN or Dedicated Server?
Port Forwarding Issues
Server wont start | In a constant start of restarting
how much ram on a 9950x server for an smp, basically just vanilla, but we running paper, 120 players
low tps
Having an issue with "insta-mining"
Server Optimisation
Enabled Villager Trade Rebalancing
Server out of memory - no logs
CitizensNPC - LookClose then reset
Searching vps/kvm Server host in EU (Germany)
Server Timing out like crazzyy
Ryzen 9 VPS Hosting in Oceania
Chunky before server creation or after
Unique Player Rooms
Plugin to not break crops when jumping on them?
Velocity - How do I handle "rejoins"?
Root Domain is working, subdomain isnt.
Spleef Plugin Recommendations?
Port Forwarding issues
ProtocoLib 1.21.4 Support
I am having a problem opening my Minecraft up to LAN
pregenerating advice? (forge 1.20.1)
Uncommonly high latency on my home network server
Does anyone know how to fix THIS essentials bug???
spigot/forks plugin to disable chat on command
DiscordSRV Alternative For Velocity Network?
first time user for Oracle Cloud problems/questions
Disc2MC forge 1.20.1
Minimal server (within network) file structure
What's everyone's preferences for a crates plugin?
Setting up a server with UPnP
Help with DeluxeMenus
Mythicmobs and Regular mobs have lost the ability to attack and sense players...
What am I missing about Oracle Cloud?
From which plugin can I sit on Stairs any time by right-click?
Seeking a plugin for wherever we die, we can teleport instantly to get our loot back.
Griefprotection for spawn
Any Plugin Tutorial Recommendations?
Does anyone know a mod that limits the amount of maces on 1 server?
A query
Plugins can't connect to databases on Oracle Cloud
Looking for this kind of plugin for my oneblock server
I can't load into my velocity server
Weird lag, then it stopped?
My velocity server wont bind to port
How Can I add this home thing to my rlcraft dregora server 1.12.2
Creating a new port for votifier
After fixing my 1.12.2 servers to run Java 8. I can't run my 1.20.2, 1.21.4, and velocity server.
Setting up dynmap thru NGINX and getting 502 Bad Gateway
Anyone know of a good anti xray plugin
Tryna build a NAS on a budget
Frequent Timeouts On Velocity
General Question regarding my Dedicated Server
Pvp off for my world but world guard won't let me put pvp on
Trying to have a 1.12.2 server with java 8 not working
Curseforge -> Fabric server auto mod sync/update
Pufferfish 1.21.1 whitelist not adding
Geyser wont run!
Block placed mismatching the intended block with modded
Unloading Dimensions 111 RLCraft
Best hosting for small group of friends?
Distant horizons compatibility
Plugin to reduce the need for experience farms? (Paper, 1.21)
How should I go about updating to a newer version?
Can't do port forwarding on D-link router
how to read spark memory process/heap?
where do I download pufferfish 1.21.1?
A player is getting kicked
AMD EPYC™ 9634 - 12 cores dedicated - 32 GB DDR5 ECC is okey for?
MSPT is very high and causing lag, not sure how to lower it.
Game not telling me when people join and leave?
Huge TPS Drop because of mobs?
I just can't seem to create a atm 10 server
Need chat moderation/logging for Forge server
Bedrock Edition - How to Host Survival and Creative world on LAN
Test Client Suddenly Dropping Connection Upon Joining
Any there any plugins that provide protection against coordinate exploits?
Mods folder missing on server
Weird Block placing issue on forge modded 1.20.1 server
DiscordSRV/PAPI error
Can I use items adder for custom menus?
Hosting services
Fabric CPU issue
Fabric 1.21.1 , Looking to run command on first join
I hope this isn't too general, but how do I build up a private community?
Description: Exception in server tick loop
Storestats - Recent donator placeholder
TCP Shield Setup
Failed to parse vibration listener for Sculk Sensor
Unable to log on server - packetevents error
EssentialsX | User Usernames with /msg
Self Hosting - Advice please!
Unit testing plugin functionality programmatically
How to make XP as main currency?
2 Things - Whats the best way to setup voting? And whats the best kind of online store to buy perks?
How To Correctly Find / Do Commissions
What's causing my memory leak?
Crafty servers super laggy
Stress Testing/Performance Testing
help reading log exception? (forge 1.20.1)
creating a forge server on a raspberry pi 5, wondering what mods i can use?
Starting my own server
Tebex - Cant click buy
What’s Sponge nowadays?
Curseforge API as a docker secret
Question about home servers
BetterMC Server Jar
Hosting a local modded minecraft server
Port Forward or Tunnel
A bedrock geyser-compatible chunklock texture pack
cannot load viaversion and authme bungeecord
End crystals are dealing more in overworld then in a diffrent world ( void )
exploit or hack that is able to spawn MASSIVE amounts of wither skulls?
Skript Question
Server crashed when change version to 1.20.4
1.21.4 grief-logging plugin/mod
via version resource pack compatibility with Oraxen
Custom Models in Itemsadder
Better end for paper?
Is there a reason this plugin is in red when listed?
Fabric server optimizing
I'm looking for a plugin that generates ore
Scan a world for specific item names/lore
Server can't load resource pack
Bedrock addons XBOX
How can i make this possible? ( commands yml )
Excessive passive mob spawning in Purpur 1.21.3
Anti Cheat for Autoclickers
Persistent Mob Issues
Tebex or Craftingstore
hello new owner
perplexing memory issues
Cant spawn mobs with spawner/egg
Home Server Issues
Should I stay on LPC or move to other Chat Plugins?
Plugin for auto kick
Best force pack plugin?
How to make multi slot buttons using Oraxen/Nexo
Discord and Minecraft talk?
Combat log problem ( mby )
Players on Negotiating for a long period of time
error code 137
can't connect
having a crash out of no where so i need assistance
Any plugin/mod/datapack/map or something similar to Mineplex: The Bridges?
Best anticheat for PvP?
Summonable mythic mob boss pack
Free Anticheats
1.20.1 safezone /no pvp zone mod
Optifine textures on Fabric 1.20.1
How to setup a database
Fun way for players to travel
Issues with Dynmap webserver not being accessible
Is there a bedrock addon that logs commands?
Remaking Ptero
Server crashing with code 137
Is it possible to make hoppers transfer items faster??
What service would be best for auto updating/deploying my daemon across all docker swarm workers
Denizen or Skript
Search for Plugin
Custom blocks
Log Spam
Combatlog problem ( mby idk )
Is there any way to buff end crystals?
Any good server hostings in Asia? Something not too expensive would be nice
Raids not starting, raid omen effect goes away without raid.
player vault
What startup arguments to use?
Constantly getting error in console but not sure what the issue is
Making the Most of My Time
Elite Mobs vs MythicMobs and ModelEngine
keepInventory true
help server crash
(forge 1.20.1) suggestions for client optimizing + login lag?
Messages coming up twice
Is there any way that my Server members can see the history/log of which person opened their chest?
Chats all show as yourself
Theoretical question: Run 100k players within a 1k worldborder
Help logging economy statistics
Velocity Nuvotifier Issues?
Setting PVP on a specific world
Fabric VS paper (regarding content/performace)
(Essentials problem)
How can i make end crystals stronger?
so i made a server with a custom map , the map is 2kx2k , the sctructures doesnt spawn
Fabric server ping went from <100 to 5000+ overnight
Running 1000+ People on One Server, how?
Issue when connecting to a forge server
a mod to show commands executed by server on player
Weird Teleporting Glitch
Inexplicable high ping on Fabric modded server
Spark profile lag feedback
Velocity Setup
Good server hosting options for vanilla <10 member server?
How can i make this money leaderboard formatted?
End Crystals are bearly doing any dmg to players.
Enchantment and potion effect names.
Way too many animals spawning since 1.21.3 update
Friends can't join my Minecraft server
DeluxeTags and Essentials Chat
Bedrock Server Transfers
I put this in the reddit, PLEASE HELP
way to regenerate an area gradually
How can i fix this? ( luckperms problem idk )
TPS <20 even with MSPT <50
Server crashing
Floating / Bouncing Dropped Items
Help with upgrading server
Bluemap on private server
Mace nerfing
crazy enchantments always making my sword summon lightnening
Worldguard Error?
Anarchy Server Creation
paper plugin startup error
Should I be getting better performance?
Remove text from anvil
Performance on my server.
How to allocate more ram to chunky?
Looking for learning resources
Server-crashing lag spikes when flying over pregenerated chunks
Server Scaling Resources
chunk loading issue for bedrock players
Update problem
Initial server cofig
MySQL question.
Chat Mod Development
ecoitems vs mmoitems?
Single Core Performance for a heavily modded server and vanilla server
Looking for a mod that can limit specific mob types (1.20.1 Fabric)
Server not starting
Rank up with challenge
Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor?
World Guard & World edit
Economy plugins?
Is there any way to prevent CERTAIN players from entering the nether?
Is there a way to use data packs in multiverse worlds
paladin furniture error code 1.16.5 forge
Issues with Lag
Can't keep up is the server overloaded?
1.8 Fork that supports Java 17
Reload problem
Server have spare resource but experiencing low tps
unable to join modded forge server while everyone else can
Unique Whitelist/API Problem (I Quess)?
help with optimizing/leakings? forge 1.20.1
Chat based error?
Hosting Regions Query
The Issues of OCI, Modded Minecraft, and a new server host.
How can I get a world edit command to run every 10 seconds?
DNS CloudFlare
Any way to remove datapack end datapack for an existing server?
Server Pausing
World gen fabric mods that are fully compatible with vanilla clients
How do you automatically connect players back to the lobby?
Good ways to get the word out about my MC server (Opened for Alpha Playtest)
Sharing Proxy Safely
error code 1.16.5 forge
NPC Tutorial Plugin
Does anyone use hetzner and experience players getting randomly kicked?
Looking for Coreprotect alternative
Minecraft Save-All best practice
Resource Packs, Assets
Problem with kicking players
Problem with MythicMobs
Any AI Minecraft Players plugin?
Lag Spikes on empty server
Has a story/live event ever been done in a minecraft server?
Correct way to update server
illegal enchants
Minecraft server bandwitch usage
Simple question: Is this plugin legit or just like anyother "optimization" hot garbage ?
Not sure what is happening, TONS of mobs spawning.
recipes/mods disappearing?
How to disable /sit in a wg region?
Pixelmon server memory?
High ram allocation
Server Crashes When Anyone Enters the End After Someone tried Respawning Dragon
gregtech welcome message
How do you make players spawn in with certain items?
thoughts about advancedantivpn
RTP plugin alternatives?
Network Protocol Error
Good server host for a custom curseforge modpack?
The drop radius of objects after death
I need help moving an old single-player world back to single player after using it on a server.
loot table refering other loot tables
ViaVersion | Outdated version / Outdatded Client
Decent hosts with a free plan?
Not sure what to title this tbh
How should I go about trying to find a co-owner to assist me in running a server?
Could use some help with a problematic chunk/chunks crashing server
Gradle issue w/ multi module projects - Needing help.
Issue with server lag
Teleport to several places with a 1 minute delay between teleports.
way to make a permanent item in players inventory
Using Docker to host a modded server
i cant access puffer panel through the 8080 port locally.
MythicMobs and AuraSkills
"Move" Pterodactyl node from one panel to another
Players can claim paid kits without buying the rank ( help )
JVM obfuscation
Changing config settings for paper causes server to go into a bootloop.
1.20.1 Forge Monitoring tool
How to play sounds to wherever an npc or player is?
Forced host
a way to purge old player data
anyone know how you can detect how long a player has been using an item?
Seeking a more natural claims plugin
can’t connect to self hosted server
I don't understand whats wrong here
Handling Multiple Dimensions (Fabric)?
Terralith datapack performance
can anyone help me bring up my tps? is drops randomly and i hate it! i attached spark profiler pics
Can someone help me with geyser plugin?
Can I have a series of commands automatically execute in the server on launch?
Properly preventing drops on death
Commands not running
mod config issue
problem with velocity
my game can't load resource pack more than 256x256px images
Github setup for hiring configurators?
Having a problem with components after 1.20.5, need help please
Luckperms not working with essentialsx
What discords or resources should i know or get started with when getting into java plugins
Renaming essentials command
Making a surival games server, what plugin jar should i use?
help me! i cannot teleport to another world by using /execute in
I made custom mobs but my players can't kill them or hit them ( worldguard problem , mby )
Not MC related but looking for a new laptop (and got 1 suggestion so far which will not work)
Can't find what version of GriefPrevention to add to my minecraft 1.16.5 server.
Realms or hosted server
How do I use luckperms for essentialsx economy?
server crashes whenever a player joins when worldedit is installed
Forge modpack crashes on startup
Avoiding sending data/telemetry to Microsoft?
Do i understand chunky correct?
My friends cant connect to my server but i can
Recommended Plugin For Custom Textures (Geyser-supported)
disable wind charges in regions
Freeze then disconnect
is there a way to check the amount of ram each plugin uses?
squaremap web panel unable to start?
How can i set so its always snowing but in a diffrent world?
Port-Forwarding Options Through CG-NAT?
Plugin for resetting caves/wilderness that doesn't affect Towny claims
Autorank plugin or a skript?
How to dynamically allocate ram?
Which CPU for the MC Server
Setting up limbo
What on Earth is causing this??
Server Suddenly Cannot Appear Online
Test server as new player
Texturepack help
Deciding between 2 Hosts
Does ram speed affect performance?
epic terrain datapack
chunky not loading fast enough?
Server is lagging when loading chunks
How do I stop/start or enter commands in general for my minecraft server?
SVC Not Connected
MCA Selector custom filter for changed Chunks
is there a way to prevent new chunks being generated when players are close to world border?
Two Servers on Same Laptop, Port Forwarding Issue
Migrating H2 local database into MySQL remote database
Arena setup
Hosting a server
Donation Platform?
geysermc plugin problem
Too many ticks
Ideas for a Minecraft server
easy way to set up a store that has minimal external branding
DDoS/Spam Detection
Best Chat Formatting Plugin
Different skybox per world
im having problems with chunks taking a while to load so i used spark to run diagnostics,
Error when booting up the server:
is this normal
Do you have to buy Cloudflare plan to run a Minecraft Server?
Server setup for my college! How many players can I get on my hw?
Is there a plugin for cosmetics balloons which supports folia?
Can i get some flags for a server with 10gb
Alternatives to Analyse
Marketing for event server
Is there a good plugin for letting players setting their teleportation pads or something?
About UniverseSpigot
first time setting a minecraft server i got everything but am stick with 25565 is blocked
compass issue
Any other combatlog plugin out there except combatlogx??
host which is german friendly
perms problem.
Chunk Pregenerator question (+Oracle server question)
is tweaking the bukkit chunk garbage collector a good idea
Can't login to Oracle MC server all of a sudden
What is GC old and why'd it shows as red in my spark profiler
Sometimes cant build
scanning bots found server, what do I do?
netherite mining glitch
Best way to backup my Paper Minecraft server?
Sky Factory 4 server not starting
Port forwarding on a mac
How do I add mods to my Pufferpanel Forge Server?
Looking for a modified version of limited lives mod
friend disconnects every 2-3 minutes
Cant build on Nether Roof on purpur 1.21.1 Server
could random high tick times be caused by using a shared host?
Wanting Opinions: Frequent MC Content Updates vs Maintaining Paper/Spigot Version
Forge Server not logging commands
Is this a good host?
Is there a plugin that like , still allows you to use redstone but not build any lag machines??
Sudden ping issues
Java server with gyser
Player Retention | Long Duration Worlds
Looking for suggestions on optimizing server, lag too much
doDaylightCycle Settings Not Saving on PlotSquared World
Random super high ping lag spikes with solid 20 TPS. No idea what is causing them.
anyone know why my plugins aren't initializing?
All the mods 9 Server - Oracle Linux
Pterodactyl server ignoring garbage collection (memory leak?)
anyone here had problems with naturally generated leaves not decaying.
server start error
Crops not growing
Planning for a modded Minecraft server for school
Optimizing lobby
Looking for Plugin that customizes Paper permanent block breaking exploit fix (Block whitelist)
server specs
Velocity Network with modded servers?
Need help with optimizing purpur server 1.21.1
Looking for a more natural land claim plugin
Oracle Cloud Server - Always Free Problem
how to setup pterodactyl panel
Server crashes every few hours, but I have no idea what's causing it.
spawn plugin
Mobs aren't spawning, farms not working.
Forge mod that shows ranks in chat? And one that lets you ping that role?
Mods vs. Datapacks: Capabilities and Performance
Pterodactyl schedule
How to I solve this list of errors while starting the server?
Best Server Host for my Minecraft Server?
is cloudflare good to buy my domain?
How do I delete a spark profiler report?
Velocity Might Be Crashing Whole Node ?
players can’t see other players
This error happens every single time I start the server
Question about domain hosting
Issue with player connecting to my server
Strange NPC name on Citizens
Forge alternative for world guard?
how to decrease gamerenderer usage
Chunks being deleted block by block??
Core Protect donation key
Default spawn world for multiverse?
EnviroMC Installation Help?
Sorry for low quality post (am new to minecraft modding) but how to I improve clientside performance
Need help with pterodactyl panel
Core Protect not logging villager deaths
Appropriate way of saving player's inventory in database
hi chat how do i uh transfer my server world and it settings
Server Crashed
Server crash 'Exception ticking world'
Good Server Host for Jurassic World Reborn 2 Mod pack
ATM 9 with FTB Essentials, trying to lock certain /warp commands behind ranks
Server shows as Vanilla
Testing prefix Commands
How can simple voice chat connecting with proxy ip server
using my server as a vpn
BDS Connection Failure on Domain
Block Freecam?
Any ideas on how to revive a dead server? Input/output error
how good of an old pc do i need for a heavily modded 2-4 player server
How do I regenerate DiscordIntegration's config file?
Issue with mods not being able to join lobby
Mcmmo message
Free shop plugin with custom enchantments
Issue with LuckPerms or Tab?
Help running Curseforge "All of Create" in Kubernetes using itzg/docker-minecraft-server image
Portfoward issue
Plugins Help
How good is a Ryzen 9 5950x
optimised paper minecraft
Way to Prevent Portals past a Certain Distance?
Opinions, Fabric or Plugins for vanilla
cant re-join any server?
Really need Help Improving our Server Performance
Help with server instantly disabling everything after boot
Help with server instaclosing
Setting up SimpleVoiceChat w/ Oracle Servers
Can't connect to my server
Wrong formula for pre-1.19.4 horse breeding?
Skyfactory4 modded server issue
Edit text on Escape Menu Banner?
Setting up Ddos Prot. in Velocity via TCP shield?
Creative plots fabric
CMI Disable /playtime within CMI Config
Adventure Map World with Multiverse-Core (Paper)
Easiest Way to Run a Console Cmd at Particular Time of the day?
Plugin To Block Minimaps Mods?
Check Other players Stats on server as Owner?
crafthead for items
Fabric hide seed
help editing ncp anticheat config
regenerating caves
unix to date in a placeholder
add hearts under name like this
Are paid plugin ecosystems worth it?
Which claim plugin is best
Ram Optimization on Velocity?
CloudNord -Restore Backup
Server failing to restart (session.lock)
host For 3 Players
Friend who lives with me can't join my server but everyone outside of my network can.
Keeping chunks simulated for player farms
wildrtp and citizens
Via Version on 1.16.5
Setting up /back on Nitrado
2x X5690 For server
Essentials chat issue fix?
Purchasable permission plugins
public server hosting
setup Voting On Velocity?
Hologram plugin
server-side optimization
balancetop display using holograms
cant find pterodactyl ip
Pterodactyl error java could not create virtual machine
could i get help on mc baseball (aka) wiffle ball
Player cannot connect to my server
loading server chunks
Selectors Not Working With Vanilla gamemode Command In 1.21
Eureka Ships! for valkyrien skies forge Too many physic frames in que error
Custom Kick Message ?
random error resolution
How do you find out *what* an alias is pointing to? What command is being executed via alias?
Jpremium issue
Oraxen + Items Addder (+ Model Engine)
Prefix for GeyserMC Bedrock clients?
Pterodactyl only installing server properties?
Pterodactyl/CraftyController Docker
players cant join server
Stop replaced items to get broken while pasting ?
Make Invisble world Border?
How do I reduce the load on the server?
Chat Formatting Plugin
1U Server Recommendations
Alternative to LuckPerms
Is there a way to make players return to the survival server once its loaded back up?
Is there a Paper plugin...
Question: Should Xms and Xmx match or should one be higher?
Fabric players names
what to make a plugin with?
cannot connect to server
reasonable plugin amount
1.20.1 forge moderation mods?
Fabric & luckperms - trigger functions
Trouble configuring cloudflare SRV record to redirect the port
proxy server network
Best Anti Cheat Java and Geyser
How to set up eco permissions and how to link custom player head to a command.
fabric server not starting
got a vm off of my friend
How to target players with placeholders using deluxemenus
1.7.10 server crash help
MythicMobs vs. Boss and/or Other Similar Plugins?
Anyone know of a replacement for tydiumcraft's player head API?
Where is?
modded server not working
Need Help Identifying issue
Good Anti Dupe Plugin?
How can I avoid a command conflict with 2 different plugins?
Convert a Pocketmine 3.0 world to a java world?
Clients cannot join modded server unless they join a singeplayer world first.
Broadcasting a locally-hosted server without port forwarding access
any other alternatives to that are free and that arent minekube?
Cant use commands or chat
Help setting player permissions in Java Realm (PC)
Can anyone id what plugin causes this crash?
Forge Server Installer Doesn't Create the Required Files
Hi! How do I know, if a plugin has a virus?
Server keeps crashing idk how to fix it
linking domain to server ip
low priority pls ignore
Custom Death / Join / Leave messages?
[ASAP HELP] Red commands
I need a software for hosting minecraft servers.
player mod list check
Server wont start up was running fine last night error with level.dat not sure how to fix it.
Server announcing things multiple times..
Duels Plugin For SMP That Bet With XP.
Luckperms error when trying to join server via velocity
Help diagnosing lag issues
Seeking guidance on poor server performance
Server networking
Anyway to make these attackable under world guard
is "allowed amount of enchantments" configurable?
Fabric | Hide commands (plugins on in general)
SRV Record Problems
Advice on creating a command
What is the best way to host a server for 2 players that are physically very far from each other?
For every user in an /team (Vanilla minecraft teams system), restrict access to /msg
VanillaTweaks performance hit
Advanced Keep Inventory
need a reverse proxy solution
Any gambling plugin with XP support
Allow players certain permissions within claims
Name is greyed out
Two Servers on the Same IP
Better optimization fork solution than Leaf
what’s the best way to handle 200 players on a server
How can I optimise my server to lag less when players are exploring new areas?
Self hosted modded server PC specs
People duping on my server
Velocity Proxy Connection Reset
Help understanding spark report
Need help with a crash report
Fabric mod alternatives
Can large ingame maps lag a server?
Is it safe to remove mods from a server? What do I need to look out for?
LuckPerms on velocity network over fabric
Fabric Server Crashing on Startup
Give myself a map of specific zoom level
Help with /reload command
Nerfing (or disabling) minimaps
Setting up Velocity Inside Docker Container - Can't Connect To Server
ItemsAdder Help (their server is useless when it comes to helping)
Can I optimise it somehow?
server stops the second i start it how do i fix it?
Server Actions Blocked
changing java version on apex hosting
Having an issue while using fabric proxy lite and velocity setup
Fabric 1.21.1, Keep getting tick warnings in console
Enchanting any item causes server crash
Reloading server's resource pack
Build limit increacer plugins
Mods/ Utility recommendation
Restrict number of entities
Memory leak in all servers on pterodactyl 1.11.7
Any way to stop permanently rid an area of Pillagers?
Is it possible to show a GUI without the players inventory?
might seem like a dumb question but how do i set up a modpack on a server
Private Server Issues
Velocity not making config or plugin file
Server Lag (CPU and RAM fine, TPS falls)
Resetting world without losing inventories
How to add enchants to items that generally can't be enchanted?
low tps
Factions Mod For Forge 1.20.1
network Protocol error
how can i add a keyall timer in the scoreboard?
Minecraft Geopol Mapping / claiming troubles.
Server lagging at 20TPS
Cosmetics Core dosent start on paper 1.20.2
1.21 Fabric Server Crashing Intermittently, Please Help!
Voting sites aren't giving players rewards
Add custom music discs and goat horn sounds
Land Claim vs Chest claim plugin - Java Paper 1.21.1
Is there a updated version of this?
How to get ambience
Server just crashing when I start it .
How to run a stop command through discord bot
Making a server..
What plugin do I use to reward players for joining a discord server?
How to know when a ram upgrade is necessary
Proxy voting plugin that has queued votes
Why can I not even launch my server
book dupe
YML Hat/BackPack - ItemsAdder
Attaching through docker/podman doesn't work as expected.
server hosting options + advice
Anyone else been having auth server issues the last few days?
Looking to buy a server!
core protect command to got back in time X amount of hours?
anyone know any server managers who make bank on twitter/x?
Domain DNS cloudflare issue
recipe errors on startup
Need a Specific Team Plugin
Bedrock Support
about joining
Datapack issues (Trying to install a CTM on paper 1.20.4 server)
Network Compression
DDoS Protection for a larger network. 200+ Players
Server ram keeps going up I think theres a memory leak somewhere
i needd help deluxmenus requiremets menu rankup
all my friends are trying to join but it takes like 15 try's to get on
is there a way i can make a READ ONLY chest?
auto messages
Opinion of custom jars like light spigot, or axolotle spigot etc.
Essentials updated the underlying Player object for
Does anyone know how to make this? ( scoreboard )
Minecraft Launch Error
server wont start
what’s your favorite TLD?
Questions regarding Specs on server.
IPv6 Java Server HELP
Bluemap on VPS pterodactyl panel, 2 paper servers with a velocity proxy
Streak plugin Root tag must be a named compound tag
WITS mod plugin alternative (now current structure name)
Daily/Weekly/Monthly Playtime Tracking for 1.16.5
really niche claiming plugin
Help with handling mob spawning
Terra plugin
Aikar flags
Purpur server TPS collapses, add.AdditionalSaveData wrecking havoc
server overloaded
Suggestions for 1.21 Nether and/or End Generation (Paper)
How to fix my superflat world
Death upon RTP to the nether
I can't see the blocks my friend places
Cannot join my server
Loot Table Plugin 1.21
Velocity stopped working randomly
Looking for best price/performance host
Light server.jar options for limbo like lobby
Server is hitting 100% and everything slows.
Windows users timeout to minecraft server, but Linux users don't.
Using AI
Silkspawners problem
Data packs question
Growing my playerbase
server network usage
playtime plugin
Any plugin that can make an enchanting table level 30 without bookshelfs?
Something spamming "Message" in server console
Nether and overworld using different seed
Weird user Cornbread2100-- keeps joining and leaving my server
how to transfer perm and group from other server to server with luckperm
Farm Issues in 1.21 After Updating from 1.20.4 – Mobs Not Spawning Properly
'Could not open user_jvm_args.txt' when strictly running the .bat as admin
PaperMC Server Hosting Options
Question for someone that can find us a good price for a small server for Horror Cave Project
1.21 caused an unexpected problem with all of my command blocks
Change NBT tag of item every 10 ticks
Anti xray in nether didn't work ( paper )
TCPShield + votifier question
is there a way i can make the 1.20.0 datapack work on 1.21? using things like via version and
Need End remaster datapack or plugin
Players connect to a different port when using a VPN
rtp plugin problem
Prominence 2 Server Optimizations
Searching for a Plugin
Any guesses what could cause this?
Worldguard not working
Players keep teleporting to spawn on join
server crashing
combatlogx error
What is the best GUI Shop plugin that supports Oraxen?
Thoughts on Birdflop?
Solution for player driven supply & demand shops
Is it possible to increase maximum protection damage reduction?
Does anyone now how to compile Panilla?
DeluxeMenus making items from a list
Need a few suggestions on mods
Citizens vs Znpcplus
Server lagging and idk why :/
Is the Paper/Purpur Anti-Xray Client Intensive?
Issue with TAB plugin
AntiNuker plugin
How to check which plugin send the message?
Tab and Spark
Identifying Lag Cause
Are there any Lord of the Rings themed plugins?
What are the best magic plugins in your opinion?
What is the best reactive message plugin for Paper (welcome, leave, other events)?
Issue with modded Minecraft Server
Weird error messages in console, can't join modded home server
cardboard mod
How to clear stats
Port forwarding a home server
My first server keeps giving me timed out or connection lost errors
Hey yall
Any way to set constant time and weather in a specific world?
pve log, relogging and despawn mobs
anyone know of a forge mod that allows me to setup a minecraft-discord linking system?
anyone else had Shockbyte server issue?
Paper minecraft server, weird interactions limit
Simple way to clone or auto-replication with servers on Pterodactyl?
What is the point of ItemsAdder?
crazy craft updated, singleplayer keeps crashing when loading chunks
Running a Velocity proxy & Paper servers using Panel and Docker
I’m using EconomyShopGUI and need help with setting up purchase restrictions. Can you point me
What plugin can I use To get packet based holograms?
Server perf on an Intel Xeon platinum
Max RAM usage on server console but showing low usage on Spark
active online player list for discordsrv?
Paper performance issues
Velocity Luck Perms
Custom Texture Pack Distrivution
How to share my squaremap to my friends
how can i improve my modded server
Any way to easily delete all these messages from my discord channel?
Trying to Separate Join/Leave Messages in Discord
Zombies appearing in villager breeding rooms
Error message when trying to join
Discord Plugin
Inertia Anti Cheat difficulties
Any plugins that adds events or modifies mobs to make the game harder in a 1.21.1 server?
Anyone been able to get "Alex's Caves Optimized" server running on Linux?
Is there a way to reset armor attributes?
Consistent crashing on clientside, serverside fine 1.20.1 forge
Can't invite friends onto Bedrock Dedicated server on 3rd party hosting.
How do I allow bedrock players to join when I'm using velocity as a reverse proxy?
How can i remove these numbers in the scoreboard??
Modded server setup
Which motherboard should i choose for my server?-
Occasional high MSPT
Looking for inventory plugin
Localtonet TCP Tunnel
Is there any way to make the "Too expensive" message in anvils not appear?
is the server hosting platform nether host good? if not what hosting platforms do you recommend?
Paper Async Chunk Loading
looking for a immersive portals world stacking plugin
MOTD Plugin that supports MiniMessage + Custom player Hover for Velocity
Does any1 know how to make thsese type of holograms?
Adding custom skull nbt
Decreasing mob spawn rate and mob cap 1.20.1
Server Won't Start Anymore
Searching for a Plugin that tracks how long players are holding a set item
This mob can't be renamed
How do i make my PaperMC server public?
LAN Hosting error
Help with lag
Schammetic problem
any Discord-MC connection mods that aren't intensive on servers?
How can i sort ranks?
shop plugin suggestions (that support custom nbt)`
Modded server help needed
What kind of Perks can you add to a Rank that are not Pay2Win
Is something up with worldedit rn? (1.21) or is my web browser being pissy.
Suggestions for 1.21 Anti-Cheat plugin? (spigot, or velocity)
(Client) Ram keeps hitting 100 and freezing. Any help
Server gives random "connection reset" errors on remote players but not on local players (same wifi)
Server-side fabric mod with per-player spawn?
Alternative to Tebex?
Using DNS name for Bedrock Server
No kicking on restart
Good host for 100 players?
Server Instances
World guard Message - PVP forced off
Help with home IP to domain issue
world generation
Preventing mob spawns in claimed chunks?
Help reading a spark report
Any good clientside economy mods?
Player made a custom datapack - can someone check it before I add it?
Trouble figuring out what the issue is
Invalid Characters server
using /data command to remove specific nbt from a item im holding
MOTD problem
anyone know a team chat/partychat/groupchat plugin for 1.21.1?
Memory leak
Plugins on modpacks?
Plugin idea. Does this already exist/can be done through ssh?
one chunk freaked out
Pterodactyl with nginx proxy manager.
offline-mode question
Run velocity (proxy) commands with NPC?
Oraxen vs ItemAdder
Easiest way to preload chunks?
Is there anyone to allowed direct connection to a server on velocity instead of directly to lobby
open parties and claims: OPs can't check claims
It is possible to translate EssentialsX messages / PlaceHolderAPI - Integrations messages?
Is there a plugin that can make toggleable join sounds?
World Protection for Arclight 1.20.4
at home server recommendations!
Can't send messages in chat [Fabric 1.20.1]
Making an SMP server run well
I need a way to make my ranks look better
All of Fabric 7 Server not loading spawn area
Immense lag spike that lasts for what seems like forever
Plugin/Way to prevent the ingame day counter from progressing, when nobody is online.
why doesn't advanced crates give me tags
Server is unable to use more ram hence TPS drops to 8-10 even there's 16gb of ram left.
Need help re: ModelEnginer and MythicMobs...
For a custom plugin....
Server marks down as overloaded using little to no CPU?
there is way disable raid farms working?
anti-xray resource pack makes shulker box invisible
Kotlin Resources
Chunky mod Fabric 1.21
Crash Server
Server Icon Text
Modded Server 30+ People
Player keeps getting disconnected with the same error (see first picture)
Spawn Effects
GrimAC false flags
Zombies Refuse To Attack Villagers
Spawning Red Striders in Overworld
minecraft server on a raspi!!!
getsockopt error [Spigot, 1.21]
player bugged after dying while logging
Firewall config
How to make item and set it cannot be use in anvil
is MineOS good
are there any randomevents plugin alternative, this one already out of date for 1.21!!!
Votifier Not Binding
VPN Split Tunneling
Should geyser mc be installed on proxy or on the other servers?
Connection timed out: getsockopt
CPU Server question
Connect Simple Voice Chat with Bungee
Anyone know of a fabric version of worldguard?
Java/bedrock development
Unable to connect to a modded server
Item sorter problem on PaperMC
Can I switch my vanilla server to paper without losing my progress?
Modded server seems to often lag [fabric, prominence II, 1.20.1]
Anyone know a free server host that can accept any mod???
XP Shop Plugin
Permanent attributes, plugin with GUI
Im bit confused..
Lib question
Anyone able to code a Bungeecord Plugin?
What happen to my server?
I wanna host a Minecraft Server with round about 30-40 Players where should I host
Which CPU to get for Purpur+ FTB servers
Crashed Server with too many particles and forgot to set up backups
Improve Ram
High TPS due to DedicatedServer.updateTimeLightAndEntities()80.54%
how do i fix this?
MCdash plugin alternatives?
Datapack recipe for item duplication
What is this plugin?
an up to date Anti AFK / Anti - Auto Relog plugin?
Plugin / Datapack that allows you to inject any item of choice into existing loot tables?
are this the standard akais flags?
syncing discordsrv discord linking with geysermc linking?
How could i lower my CPU usage?
placeholderapi question
Is there a way to use Luckperms mod on a Forge server?
modrinth profile crash 1.21 fabric
How to setup bluemap chat plugin?
server cant start (keeps crashing) after uninstalling multiple datapacks
Is there any other site that has tons of skins with url?
Why is there no server software making use of the JNI/FFI?
"when in main hand"
Should I switch hosting services?
creating a Minecraft server but whenever I try to start it, it stops at "preparing spawn area: 0%"
What is the best quests plugin?
forge server consistenly crashing
Need help finding the source of this lag in a specific spot on my server. Spark report included.
world guard help
1.20.4 Pufferfish - spontaneous lag
Chat being doubled
Disable Commands Within Certain Plugins
can’t connect to geysermc
Prison Plugins
how to make a file
Extreme Lag
Supply Drop Plugin
Cannot host beta server on shockbytes new panel
MythicalRaces and MMOCore
Server issue, maybe plugin issue
Plugin not working
particles render distance
Not loading plugin error
What is the the best chat plugin?
ChatInjector plugin error
moving from one server host to another
Searching for monetization plugin (like tebex) with custom gateaway
Which plugin is this?
Villagers causing my players to disconnect when interacting
Is LPX really needed for higher versions?
ideas for pvp events for a private smp
Why is my server lagging so badly whenever I connect?
1.21 not loading resource pack?
are the flags down ?
adding new world as a new dimension (forge 1.20.1)
Any way to "add permissions"?
Velocity server stuck on joining world
Modpack failing to load mods on startup, crashes the game.
Same issue
Using a datapack on a specific world
Plotsquared not deleting blocks above plot floor when /plot delete
Feature Placement crash (Structures?)
Problem loading list in sererlist
Problems loading server in servelist
Letting players run their own world/server
Would like some insight on my spark report
Nametags not working on dogs/cats with certain users
can anyone help me to setup it? 🙂
I want custom music disc's.
what is a good max mspt? my tps is stable and average and minimum tick are both below 30 but my max
Multiverse? World Guard? How do I keep ops in creative when going from one world to another?
How to use Jetbrains Runtime for hotswapping
How well does a i3-6100 perform for a server?
Plugin that disables crafting and equipping diamond armour?
Custom coding for multiverse
Friends suddenly unable to join the server, need some ideas for solutions.
How to resolve long GC Old intervals
Resource pack Menu music
Help with a simple home server with docker
anyone make/ convert itemadder packs to bedrock? obviously will pay?
Having trouble deciphering TPS lag on Forge 1.20.1 server
Help with Tebex Gyser/Crossplay Store
Bedrock client unable to see buildings built on Java server
Advancement problem
Datapack error on papermc
Quick question
Netty channel closed channel exceptions
Plugin fpr /ec /craft /anvil ...
Console Error
Please give me advice on interpreting Spark report
Trouble creating a 1.20 paper server due to some plugins
Anyone able to figure out whats causing server_properties.json to become malformed?
Help with server hardware
Client Side AntiCheat
Need help!
How to mark bases on squaremap
Best way in 2024 to promote/market a Minecraft server?
Any tips on finding a memory leak?
Ketting/Mohist/Magma Performance Improvement?
Taller chat lines
tebex issue
hs_err_pid - constant server crashing
It's my first time making a server on one of my devices and i don't know how to fix this error
Need help with running my forge server modded
when allocate memory the server doesnt open
Do you let your players know when you ban a griefer or who stole from them?
Exploiting Luck perms
[Bedrock] Possible to retrieve inventory from disconnected player?
need to find a mob griefing plugin and hopper limiting
Running commands through NPCs without giving players permission to run them elsewhere
TPS spikes
players from various regions facing random lag, among other issues internally on the server
Private Server/Homelab
Beta 1.7.3 in TrueNAS Scale
how to get this inventory menu on bedrock geyser
Made mc server, but only one specific friend cant join
Broken Discs
Need a good Fork for 1.8.8 Bedwar server.
Can't enchant bow to Power V on server.
Plugin or tool that allows players each player to kill the ender dragon
Run 2 minecraft versions on same physical server?
Is this plugin essential / worth it ? ( i already own it )
What type of PC should I purchase?
Invalid signature for profile public key
Change main menu logo
Server loop? Can anyone help with this?
save-off turns on again after 1 min
Tile Entities Losing Data Randomly
Skript error on start?
Forge not working
The maximum RAM dilemma
What plugin should I use?
Chat validation error
Mixin config error for a mod on server launch
should i get a plugin like this?
How to make fake players on a server to test preformance.
Best game server hosting software?
Can only connect to my server locally??
How can I create a hybrid
executable items console spam
Cant Seem To FIx this Console Error
Help with %afk% in TAB, create new world in purpur and backups advice
Ignoring heightmap data for chunk xx warning in console
Good AntiCheat for Fabric?
Getting Unknown serializer type error and kicked from my server.
Couple Quick Questions About Starting a Server
yet another Port Forwarding problem
Fabric server crashing
trying to figure out how to download stoneblock 3 for an enviromc server
Trouble with vein miner plugin together with luckperms
forge server failing to start
Aternos Not Working
Managing MSPT & TPS - Multiple Worlds
forge server never starting.
Spawner Plugin
Where to configure S3 backups for Pterodactyl?
How to save a perfect sphere as a schematic?
advanced plugin null error not sure - Help
SRV Record Problems
Efficiency enchant doesn't work on 1.21 clients
Invisible NPCs
Are water streams more efficient than hopper chains?
Make players spawn diffrently depending on their LP Groups
Velocity Error
broken advancements?
Only let mc accs with linked discord on a website
Potion effects after death
Changing the server ip
no whitelist?
Best way to host a server for long distance with friends?
Item adder how to add knockback resistant attribue
Worldguard help
Pixelmon Server Not generating structures
Windows Terminal Lag.
ValhallaMMO skill wipe
random inventory clears
each plugin ram usage
How to point Tebex to main domain?
Bungee Craft
Linking Block Entities in region files with their correct Block States?
Help setting up a Forge 1.19.2 / 43.4.2 server through MultiCraft?
Server kick everyone with this msg -> IDK WHY PLEASE HELP
How to change timezone in Pterodactyl?
need veinminer and timber enchantments 1.21
Looking for a free config for Economy Shop GUI
modpack crash
Terra does not generate minecraft structures
Looking for a fabric mod that restricts dimensions
Help with a Modded Server Host
How to set up an Oracle Cloud VM server?
Anticheats for a Survival Server
Link Discord & Minecraft server
Good /kit plugins?
Unable to Join my own Server
Change Command Pop Up
Reverse Proxy on home server issues
Last time since login.
Deluxemenu permission node for luck perms groups
I can't do ranks in luckperm
best chat filtering plugin
Map built on server loads wrong only on server but works on singleplayer
Java or JavaScript?
You cant login from this ip address
How to turn on Villager Trade Rebalance on already started server?
good clan wars plugin for 1.20
TPS loss but what is the exact cause?
Is there a better way to view memory usage from Pterodactyl?
Looking for events / competition ideas
disable BAC advancments in creative world
Problem with some hackers
Problems with Garbage Collector and TPS Spikes
Setting Up tab
TPS spikes on a modpack minecraft 1.20.1
Modpack sometimes crashes on multiplayer join screen
Recommended amount of starting claim blocks and amount per hour
Having issues with MySQL databases in Pterodactyl.
Help with startup flags and memory usage?
looking plugin that can give players role or rank with K/D requirements
how can i debug the sound effect played to me
Error when doing a plugin command
Custom item for shops
need a timber enchantment data[ack/plugin
Anyone know how to get Aurelium Skills mana to work with MMOItems?
should i remove villagers trades?do they ruin the currency?
World Border Exclave
Looking for Fabric mods to load an entire map for clients.
[Fabric 1.21.0]Fabric Server Crashes
PlotSquared GUI
Is pre-generating chunks actually nessecary?
Does the Villager Double Carpet trick still work?
Looking for a companion
redstone @p vs @s
How do I block players from using /? using luckperms?
[17:35:34 INFO]: player lost connection: Kicked for exceeding packet rate limit
PvP arena keep-inventory
EssentialsX config not updating?
Server resourcepack errors
1.20.1 Forge Local hosted Server java.exe Suspended
plugin help plz
Purpur 1.20.1 Server having massive lag spikes during world save
267 Villagers stuck at 0, -63, 0
Pickaxe Lore
how can i disable the member rank's chatcolor permission
Something is eating the memory of the server, could anyone help me find out why?
What are the pros and cons of self-hosting?
weapon / tool repair shop - command blocks
Velocity not sending to lobby
Zipped Resourcepack Issue
Music plugin
paper server throwing a ton of errors.
ideas to make the server more active?
What do you guys use to verify discord users through in-game commands?
[Wed 14:00:21 ERROR Minecraft] Could not pass event PlayerInteractEvent to AdvancedEnchantments
How to get working trial chambers in an older world?
Debug sticks for players good idea?
What would be the best setup for my situation?
1.21 personal server keeps stalling with spawn area and ultimately can’t connect.
TCP Shield not letting me use simple voice chat.
How to let ServerReplay record simple voice chat?
Small Bold Font
Problem with server hosting (sorry if this isn't allowed)
Recommendations for how to create good tutorials for players? (Plugins/Strategy)
How to parse curly braces ({}) from a Pebble string?
Simplescore scoreboard number removal
what is plugin remmaper??
Spark Profiler Help
About to update from 1.20.1, but should I go 1.20.4 or straight to 1.21?
Minecraft SecretPassage Plugin Revival?
error OpenGL
internal exception: io.netty.handler failed to decode packet
Does anyone know any good chat plugins for 1.21?
How can i play on a server hosted on my laptop with my brother without port forwarding
How do i see my storage usage in oracle cloud? I think my backups are filling the server.
Proxy/Firewall Question
i5-6500 and 8GB DDR4
Very Bad TPS
Creative Kicks Players
A chat moderation mod?
Pickaxe Upgrade Plugin for Prison
1.20.4 Pl3xmap crashing server due to rapid ram consumption, flags issue?
High received packets, 0 fps?
TPS of my Minecraft modded server is dipping hard. What to do?
No playerdata after running world in SP
Trouble connecting to personal server (1.21) now with a picture
Anyway to make Fabric logs colorful on Pelican?
Client crash due to error below
:exclamation: Quick Shop Error HELP
mmorpg/pokemon Swrver
Migrating minecraft server world to a docker container
Looking for a Claim/Protection Plugin
NBT Tag was too big - Kicking players
is this allowed?
Cant join hub server
Forge server upgrading
How can I find a minecraft moderator for my server?
The nether doesnt exist anymore on my server
Resource pack problems
Best/good CPU for hosting using 2011-3 LGS socket?
Modifying minecraft login packet username
Summon Command Changes
Neoforge and Magma Compatibility [REPOST]
Locally Hosted Server Port Forwarding Issues
found reference to unknown structure
Does Eigencraft redstone actually break anything?
Looking for how to make a XP leaderboard
My server keeps failing to respond
Struggling with command suggestions on my server
Mythic Mobs despawning or losing models after tping away
New to SSH & Pterodactyl. Looking for my backups
Mod or Plugin to Hibernate
assigning permissions on join based on CSV file?
Essentials X Potions Not Working in Kits
Using Chunker to convert my servers world. What about the nether and end worlds?
Updating server to 1.21 one plugin at a time, can't join now
Annoying Hit Cooldown
Customcraft for Elytra
What is a client mod that autocorrects your messages?
Best Image plugin?
pl3xmap performance.
how to enable skin system on offline server
Graphics problem
Looking for an auction house plugin that will take a physical currency
Help with Custom Blocks / Ores in IrisWorldGenerator
Trouble hosting server outside of my own LAN
Looking for a mob stacking solution for Forge, minecraft version 1.20.1.
Forge server console spam
Votifier problems
Fabric slower internet than paper?
Discord Onboarding
Using velocity for multiple "worlds"
how to remove attribute of player in Server
Plugin to show how many players played week
Need some help to prevent an exploit.
Can i make item when right click to player and execute a command?
Auto start/stop server when players connect {Pterodactyl} {Ubuntu Server} {Paper Server}
Bedrock platform filter?
Some friends can join and some can't
Minecraft server specs recommendation
Can I host a server if I have CGNAT ?
Question about fabric
Please help me forward my ports
Building a 1.19.2 Forge Server
Optimization and Server Shaders?
WorldGuard Throwing Errors, I Can't Find Source
Bedrock-Java crossplay questions
Need an Auction House Plugin that uses XP as it curency
Server plugin config and adding plugins
Modifying resource pack GET request to include UUID?
Remove Text Shadow
Create a dimension with already preset world
modify villager trades with item components 1.21 fabric
Issues with connection to mysql databases
Solution for removing borders/outlines on a custom texture?
How do you add custom floating images to your MC server?
1200 markers with their coordinates pointing to furnaces, causing 120+ mspt
I cant take damage
best way to enable all farms on purpur
Does Matrix Anti Cheat have checks against Aimassist, autoclicker, ClickAimAssist?
Optimizations for server requested please
issue with CiscoModpack(watchdog)
problem with the server
passive mobs not spawning
Need Maximum fabric optimization guide
about "Memory(swap)"
griefprevention land claims in the end
/save-off command
Plugin question
Whats this from? All users are getting kicked every so often from chatting!
1.21 Mob Loot Plugin
Minecraft server hosting service
Bettermc 1.20 server host specs
Creative server bricked, can't start up
for some reason 1.21 broke my server res pack does anyone knows why is this happening?
Colorful prefix in chat
What are required plugins and essentials to keeping stable TPS
Per player worlds (similar to skyblock)
I tried to connect my server to my community discord server but when you click on the link
Maintained 1.8 fork
What are those characters?
Ping issue
help me fix this
World "world" regenerating
I am getting this error constantly and its becoming extremely frustrating.
Creating a modded minecraft server on home server and keeping it safe
Chat Validation Error [IMPORTANT]
Which optiplex should I buy?
costum resourcepack sounds not working serverside (they work in singleplayer)
I tried to connect my server to my community discord server but when you click on the link
Loading chunks
My money leaderbord is not working :/..
Simulation distance not applied
Looking for coder to participate in project Minfecraft
IPV6 Self Hosting
Good Old Server Crashing
server restaring every 30 minutes
How to disable all weather conditions?
Chunky lagging and crashing server while pregenerating
How do I add auraSkills to Executable items
Best way to give a group permission to ban but not any members of the group
Commands Displaying As Normal Text
questions about using hetzner for a host
Duplicate player nicknames
Best way to handle multiple worlds for a RPG server
Worldguard not working well
server connetion issue
[FEEDBACK] Problems or Things You Wish were Faster in Existing Panel Software
Prominance 2
Tps significant drops
High tick time
World wont stop growing
question about ram
Self-Hosting -- Control Panel for Mods/Plugins?
Stop time when no one is online on 1.21
What are the pros & cons for disabling duplication bugs and bedrock removal?
More than 2 cores?
World Border config for SMP
Auto-updating mods on Modrinth Launcher? 1.20.6 -> 1.21
Authentication for small servers
So I used to use aternos but now have a different host but nether is different
Calling methods from the game?
Math in PlaceholderAPI
Redstone in PaperMC
Raspberry Pi 4B Troubleshooting
is there anything i can do to lower the ram requirements of players joining the server?
Multiverse Placeholder For 1.21?
Original Player Data x Cracked Players Data
Buyable Plots Plugin
Help with proxy servers
Small Caps Font
Timeout issue
Land claim plugin that automatically claims based on blocks placed
plugin that lets me have a “kid mode”?
What mod adds huge sculk sensor structure underwater
Crash Report Help
furniture plugins
Is bisect hosting good?
Thoughts on opening Velocity/Folia server?
How install mcrcon or alternative tool in my local server bedrock?
Advice on server version
250ms+ Lag on Server constantly
new nether portal generation
necessary specs for a fabric 1.21 server (15 players)
think i messed up my server, what do i do?
how can i open my ip public
Recommend Chunky Config
PC specs to run server
my console keeps getting spammed with this and idk why
Enchantments not combining
What server hosting is your guys favorite?
Can't compiled EcoQuest
When I unzip and zip resource pack again, I can't use it anymore
Server occasionally crashing after using Nether portals
fastest way to tunnel my locally-ran minecraft server to my vps to make it publically accessible?
1.20.1 Fabric ItemGroups
TPS drop
Please answer mcMMO
I am new to Minecraft and I want to deploy a Server. Need server recommendations.
What could be causing me to glow?
Which permissions plugin to use with Folia?
Updating Paper while staying on a previous version
skript help
How to only restore the nether from a previous backup.
how can you make make simple voice chat less laggy on servers with 100+ people
How do I detect Neo jumps on my server?
Subdomains and shiz
I want to make an semi-anarchy server for 10-20 players. How should i configure the server?
Server decoding error, need help
HELP:exclamation: Where to buy maps
all in one hub/lobby plugin for 1.20.6+
Vanilla Player Reward Ideas and Server Lag for Oversea Players
stop ip stealing
Anything similair to worldpainter?
A plugin that shows chunks claimed on pl3xmap 1.21
need help setting up unifiedmetrics plugin
Please look at this PLEASE
need advice on choosing a host
Serria Oddness
Help me find a plugin
anti ore obfuscator bypass
add sounds to Minecraft on the go without resource packs
Arthria's Question Thread
Local backups from an Oracle VCN?
Looking for new server host
Auto apply minecraft: prefix to chat commands
Whitelisting players
Safely running a creative server
HELP:bangbang: Gringotts plugin error
Which Fabric mods and plugins to use for performance DNS lookup returns no IP address
EssentialsX spamming console
Spark showing 26% CommandFunctionManager usage, Vanilla Profiler shows a Tick Loop
Nether Portal Lag Vanilla Bedrock
Mac book ctrl plus left click issue
reset world files without deleting player data
How do I block players into certain areas?
Plugin similar to LobbyCompass
Itemssader & HUD plugin shader issue
Server Crashing???
Leading entities through blocks
Residence Plugin Flags
Mace Kills Destroying Player's Items
Updating server for 1.21
Is there a server-side only mod for editing and adding recipes?
ram overload?
Can people who aren't connected to my network connect to my server if I don't have a Public
Trade plugins
Cant disable pvp
Help diagnosing lag in modded
How to Find YouTubers/Streamers to Expose your Server?
TPS very low but server running smooth?
Is there a good mod (or vanilla way) to track playtime of players and have it viewable?
Questions regarding velocity:
Reverse proxy for DDos protection
Optimizing Fabric for Public Server or switching to Paper/Pufferfish?
Players kicked for packet rate limit
purpur not detecting java version
Linking litebans to custom website?
I need a new Skyblock Plugin
how do i fix luck perms not showing all commands?
Ran the latest build of Folia but when I try to launch the server I got an error message
Ryzen CPU server performance
Potential memory leak, trying to find cause
Mobs stopped spawning and Trees stopped growing
Rate My Tab Design
Centring a motd
Crafty Controller vs Pterodactyl
IRL Code Redeems?
Server Recommendations
Illegal Character Kick
Vanilla Connection Issues
universal graves mod has a weird UI for some reason. what could be making it?
custom domain
Setup Auto Reboot / Auto Backups for a curseforge modpack server
1.8 server software for mods/plugins
Cloudflare tunnel guide?
Fabric Server kicking player when joining from Velocity
what is a good anti lag machine (redstone lag machine) plugin?
Deleting [Better] Nether and End
Migrating player inventories and spawn points
Can you recommend an server hosting OS?
Memory Swap usage at 97%, server crashing on async tasks
I'm unsure why my server is looping in crashes, would love help!
Discord chat integration ethics?
What makes a good host
Server TPS very low on a pretty heavily modded Fabric Server
error randomly happening, crashing server
Paid Advertising spots on voting sites
Chunk overload problem
Server's latency lagging a lot than i expected
Heavily modded 1.12.2 Idle server skipping ticks
Wind Charges don't work when used by players
Item Adder is giving me alot of grief
2 server hosting on same IP
donkey dupe
How to give players ranks using items?
Server MSPT is insane, basically unusable.
Axiom and Velocity clusters
TAB Plugin Time Zone
Best geyser compatible AC
Plugin / Bot that can notify staff when a specified member / list of members joins the server.
Ping issues
What’s the best Server Jar for 20 Player‘s?
Best Practices for Fabric?
Can't drop items in world when imported to Multiverse
Help with ViaFabric Please
Standalone Velocity Box HW Recommendations?
What's the Best Way to Host a Server?
dedicated local hosting fails
Netty Pipeline Exception Error?
Server-side texture packs not working
1k players 1 server
command blocks don't work on fabric
so basically when i set the damage really high it gives a lot of particles so how do i remove them
Is UUID spoofing still a thing?
Should I disable BCLib's apply patches?
A player is getting "internal exception connection reset" error
edit files through sftp on pterodactyl
Using serversign, grief prevention and luckperms
TAB Colour username in tab-list
I want to open the server using a wired router.
Oracle VM out of capacity
Cooldown and Cost for commands
Is there a plugin like screaming bedwars but for more generic mini games?
Fun times with permissions
Advice for a new server
can't connect to a server
Linking new uploaded world to new Nether instead of old one?
Block logging and rollback for Forge 1.20.1 47.2.32
Increase build limit for nether (amplified nether)
I'm trying to port-forward my small local server
Recommended Hardware for a Large-Scale MMORpg Server
Crafty Controller problem
economy++ HELP
[spark] Timed out waiting for world statistics
Send a console log message
I plan on starting a public Minecraft server. anything I should know?
disabled end crystals
Which server-side optimization mod combos for Fabric 1.20.1?
GDPR consent screen
Laggy Modded Server
Bedrock server starter kit?
AntiDDoS protection?
does anyone have a dungeon schematic? I am using ‘the dungeon’ plugin
Server lag 1.21 Paper
Economy++ item stuck on shop
Economy++ plugin HELP
Hardware Selection
Setting up Ranks for TAB and chat
Fabric Mobcap modifier?
Server lagging, help with spark profiler
Resources for advanced Plugin Development
MythicMobs, how can I log item drops?
Any Idea Why Server is Lagging?
Entity Activation Range and Simulation Distance on PaperMC.
Paper Server 1.20.4 Connection and Performance Issues
Server Crash after adding Aether expansions?
Donator mod
Fabric Server 1.21 occasionally gets low TPS or will crash
self-hosting veteran looking for advice from the new generation
best bang for your buck cpu.
Does the network proxy hide the backend IPs?
Modded Server crashing when chunks load, logs not being of much help
Random Hoppers Despawn?
'finishConnect(...) failed: Connection refused' through local Nginx Proxy manager.
Corrupt resource pack
Inventory/GUI API to paint on Player's Inventory?
How to add map files on a server [multiworld plugin]
is there a way to stop the main “world” world from generating after deleting it
itzg/minecraft-server docker container with pterodactyl
How do i get the resource pack prompt
Server TPS falling below 20.00 even if CPU usage is low.
Forge Server issue?
Is my server lagging?
How to make a colored ampersand in itemsadder config?
Connection refused: no further information after crash
Very naive question about hardware requirements for minecraft server
Unusually high spawnable chunks with a lot of entities spawned.
Best plugins/mods for custom wearables/cosmetics?
mysql or flatfile for performance
Server CPU spiking like crazy
Fabric Server Lag (Disabling max-tick-time?)
Impossible to start my server
Resource world plugins (ores management and reset)
Chat disabled | has anyone ran into this issue before?
Huge lag every 5 Minutes (ig autosave)
Group spawns essentialsXspawn and luckperms
network texturepacks
Rate my server host gameplan - AWS/TMUX/Bash scripting insights would be wonderful
I dont load properly when I join my own Server
Ways to disable certain spawner types?
Player balancing
Help me figure out what im doing wrong with resource packs?
disable pvp within luckperm groups
Server pack or client pack
What are some recommended server monetization platforms?
How to fix this?
what plugin is this?
A way to ignore Mojang suspensions?
Server Specs Recommendation?
Should I use PlazmaMC (server software)?
any idea on how to disable this in the console?
Looking for specific plugin for PVP server.
How hard is it to build (compile) a plugin?
How are health bars like these achieved?
Resources for finding good servers for minecraft modded
1.16.5 server opening gui with nogui argument
Plugin Suggestion
Server not working again, what mod is it this time? :/
alias help
PlotSquared V7 from source
multiverse per-world inventory?
Right click commands
running private fabric server on steam deck?
I need help with Iptable (i dont know anything about it)
Any good Free server hosts?
votifier doesn't forward votes
Modded Ubuntu Server: Constantly 500-700 ticks behind.
Private server lags for about 2-3 minutes after start up, and when exploring new chunks
horses disappear when you log out whilst mounted on it then log back in after a while
Multiverse Nether Issues
pl3xmap squaremap or bluemap
Seasons plugin/datapack with visual changes
Too expensive
Is there a way that I can restrict players from making claims until they create a team?
Replacing emeralds with my custom coins
Tebex plugin crashing my server
1.21 Plugins
Most cost effective way to host a Fabric 1.21 server
Removing Portals From The Nether with no Return Portal
Making server public without port forwarding
Increasing spawner range
Is a flat donation model viable in 2024?
Best way to secure a public server with home setup?
lag spikes
getsockopt error
Java socket exception: Connection Reset
anyone know any 1.21 working slime launch pad plugins with settings of how powerful each launchpad
transferring files to game panels, there is something faster than SFTP
Players can't join fabric server
KB delay on velocity network
Moving from Windows to Linux, where do I even start?
Minecraft server host
Command blocks not working
Tebex broken
How can I change where Enchantments go on items?
Installing GPFlags disabled flying everywhere
Build height limit
chat message validation failur
Fly permission for VIP's
hey so im trying to allow players to open chests in spawn,
What is the better CPU: Ryzen or EPYC?
Nametaged mobs have their nametags not show
Forced-hosts With velocity
Debugging a hanging shutdown on a modded server
Enchants changing and not working as they are supposed to.
Phantoms are not spawning — help?!
Whats the best service for hosting resource packs which offers a cdn?
remove Rejecting UseItemOnPacket
my server crashed when goin into an end gateway
need someone to do analysis on spark
Render distance for players nametag 1.20.1
villager death notifications
how to block end gateway travel
Resources for starting up a new public server?
Eroded Badlands Error Code
Accessing my Crafty panel from another network
Unexpected error
TPS issues
which plugin causes gamemode to be changed when changing worlds
Book banning on paper
[45 mins +] Fabric's Minecraft server downloading extremely slow
The best CPU for Minecraft server network (dedicated server) (solved: 9900k)
Plugin for Chat groups with luckperms?
Server lag
Is it possible to use No-IP to redirect a port, e.g. 1234 to 25565?
Plugin's commands do not work on one server but work on another
Server has a huge lag again and again
me and friends kingdom server.
eglow and playerwarps plugins
Internal Exception: Connection Reset
Server is suddenly using a lot more disk space after 1.21 update.
resource-pack-id missing, using default
is it possible to have others remotely access/turn on a minecraft server from a windows computer?
User on my server cannot see usernames, what could be the problem?
Need help
Where can I find people to sell my plugin development skills to?
Login while the server is in online mode to be able to login while it is in offline mode.
My server is eating itself block by block?
Looking for a way to add daily login rewards
how many observer would cause lag in server
Retrieving Reset Server
How to make display like this
Enchants showing up wrong in enchant table??
lag machines plugins
Server suddenly has really bad TPS after 1.21 update.
remove world border
Need players to be able to break certain blocks in a region
Pterodactyl Wings Won't Install - Can't Find Help Online
Is it possible to have a custom drawn livemap?
Way to display custom Health bar below player nametags?
User Freezing and Being Kicked Upon Login
Deeper Dark | Deep dark dimension FOR PAPER?
How to make ranks and certain things look different with Resource Pack and without
Redirecting to a port depending on the subdomain
can't align my items adder gui
Pebble Premium 6GB
MCA Selector 1.16.1 not filtering chunks with specific entities
Server keeps crashing... full log
Sharding System
invalid signature
Server crashing at random moments
How to change menu music in my resource pack¿
EasyMC Detector
Luckperms is enabling Block_Hunger v1 legacy plugin
Anti combat-log PvE Mod/Datapack for 1.21?
Some but not all Users receive error "permisson denied:getsockopt" when trying to join
Can someone help me glean useful information out of my Spark profiler output?
Use vanilla selectors in commands.
What kinds of (Fabric) mods negatively affect performance the most?
TRying to test fabric proxy lite, I can't get it to work succesfully
Port forwarding not working
Plugin Remapper
is render-distance in resource intensive even if chunks are pregenerated
Survival server tips
Any good alternatives to DeluxeHub?
Why is the tps so low?
Server Version Help
Looking for a plugin to ban players for an hour when killed in a raid
I'm using Aikar's Flags for my server but I was wondering if I could replace G1GC with Shenandoah?
Is -server argument still used?
Does anyone know how to read Crash Logs?
Trying to run 2 servers off the same computer
Having trouble tracking down what is causing log spam after 1.21 Update
Chunk loading far from spawn + /worldborder
how to add a player LuckPermsVelocity permission through a servers console
Failed to download mojang_1.21.jar
Does anybody know where I can find a server owner?
If I install viaversion in velocity do I need to install it in the servers also?
'unspecified' cause for tps lag
1.8 pvp mechanics for players on new versions on a server running via version
Removal of Block Shadows
Hopefully simple problem
Server Hosting service recommendations
Mini CPU Recommendation? Modded Minecraft Server
I dont really know whats going on, Heres the logs, mod list, and Server version is 1.20.1 Fabric
How to add villages and vanilla structures to a pre-generated world without them?
What is this?
pterodacytl failing after sudo reboot
Looking for a good random loot crate plugin
even after port forwarding the port is still closed
time stopped after migration of world from Purpur to Fabric
Server lagging when players join
What kind of info should I put on a motd and tab list?
send-namespaced help
Best `network-compress-threshold` for a small SMP when players have bad connections?
is checking player permission resource intensive
What is this mc discord bot called?
Cant even login the server
Questions regarding setting up a GGServers private server
Velocity Player Count
Oddly Low TPS on modded server
Perfect worlguard regions
Lag from to many minecart_chests beeing loaded
offsite backups
port forwarding
Way to learn creating custom resourcepacks
can redstone cause lag
most optimised plugins
Anyone know a Command line to kill Skeleton Trap Horses but not Skeleton horses
Installing Pterodactyl
How to resolve conflicting commands from different mods?
Moving existing servers from MineOS to Pterodactyl
how can i change votifier public key
How do you do your Whitelist for a network of servers?
Fabric 1.21 server Netty Epoll Server IO #5/ERROR?
Do server owners care if you use bstats?
im having a build competition is there a way to stop litematica
Stat tracking plugin for items?
Possible to see when someone else's server was last online?
Which anticheat should I use? I'm choosing between Spartan, Vulcan, and Grim.
NCP disable certain checks
Java 1.21 Searching for NamePlate Plugin
Searching for an old Minigame (The Bridge + Spleef + The floor is Lava Twist)
Server won't start
C2ME on oracle server?
I have a player who used to be an OP, now isn't have issues with damaging entities
why did i crash?
Bringing back old achievements
how i can remove all of one item from my game
are spawners laggy
Hosting modded server on a gaming laptop
Is there a way to have my Forge server start when someone tries to join?
Geyser Error
Any help? I really dont know what to title this
Player surveillance plugins
protocollib high usage of thread
Prevent autoclicking on SMP
Multiple Worlds in one server as a Multiverse (Fabric)
How important is fast storage for a 8 player minecraft server ?
help setting up multiworld or another creative world (fabric 1.20.1)
RAM climbs up and maxes out
Error when joining server
How to update game version in server list?
Compiling a plugin that requires dependencies
I need Help With my server crashes.
Best way to host a server resource pack?
What are the expected costs of running a server?
Camel Spawn Plugin
Understanding Spark Profiler (Using Fabric MC Server)
Help diagnosing crash cause/fix
Looking for a Simple Player Warps Plugin
Is Playfab any good for Minecraft Server Hosting?
Is copying a minecraft server illegal?
CoreProtect Vs Prism
Looking for an item for item chest shop plugin
LuckPerms Issue
Server Crashes when doing an Ominous Trial
Resource pack custom sounds not working for other players
Luckperms issue
Can i disable the end from server properites and re enable it another time?
Would the Threadripper Pro 5975wx be too overkill for ~100 moderate MC Servers?
Advice on creating a fun balanced PvP?
hi guys i'm having some problems with my server
Fabric compatible Factions with individual claims?
pterodactyl Schedule
Trying to diagnose performance issues
Plugin to stop people from seeing structures outside the worldborder?
1.19.2 modpack crash and i cant figure it out
Which chest locking plugin to use?
Need help, badly.
My enviromc server is having trouble with lag problems (ms) ,
operators get kicked from my server
can anyone help
How can I best disable villagers and other farms in a server?
Original rewards
how to delete reference to deleted datapack strutcures
Resourcepack Question [GUIs]
Home geyser server not allowing external consoles
What is the best way to give cosmetics to my ranked players?
I want to give players random enchantment books with enchants
Need help abt server crash
Console being spammed with error
TPS Dips (Spark Profiler Analysis)
Best Proxy for 1.8.8/9
How to setup velocity with paper 1.8.8
Sodium looks really grainy
API for bungeecord server
Command Function lag - After 2 hours
Mining warp regeneration
LF last man standing plugin
Plugin that doesn't allow multiple accounts
MineOS Java 21 help
Velocity & Multiverse
Spigot 1.21 Recommended Plugins
Ram allocation settings not working.
Dispensers shooting arrows crashes my 1.21 Spigot server
best skyblock plugin?
Server not using given resources
How do I enable villager trading balance on my 1.21 server that has already been running?
I have a huge problem
Forge 1.20 Crate mod
Fly on upon join
Is it worth it to try and start a server?
How to set-up and encourage factions on a modded smp?
Vulcan vs Spartan anticheat
1.20.1 forge/NeoForge Self-Hosted Server Unresponsive
I need a new plugin never found
Need Some Help Asap.
FTB Quests reward using KubeJS
Plugin replacement
Server keeps maxing out RAM and freezing.
**COMPLEX ISSUE** (?) - Players cannot join 1.20.4 server, met with "not enough bytes in buffer" err
Server keeps crashing
mod updates?
What's the catch?
Simple voice chat problem
Starting and stopping a headless server using Systemd service
Player warps plugin
Server running completely fine one day, than next day. TPS less than 10 :/
Really low tps
eventpriority low vs high
tps drops while 3gb used out of 12!!
Choose RAM amount for bedrock server?
Cant connect to server via velocity
Long-Time Private Server Going Public?
Can this option on be used for setting presets for generating flat worlds?
3d models
1.21 Plugins
Server crashing
Players timing out on self-hosted paper server
converting to fabric
NPC shop menu
Which Software to run for Vanilla server?
how to migrate from paper to vanilla on docker minecraft server ubuntu linux
Nerfing certain items
cannot use mcDash on 1.20.0
Plugin similar to CrazyAuctions for 1.20.6
Custom music discs for bedrock using GeyserMC
Hey, does anyone know or have an idea of when the Spigot server file will release for Minecraft 1.21
New to linux and this server stuff in general, need help changing versions to the 1.21
Core with consistency?
New Server Portforwarding isn't working
I use World Guard and can't kill allays
Anti Combat Evade plugin? (worldguard)
HOWTO: Running java server for Bedrock Switch - but kids?
Couldn't look up player profile warning
Are bot attacks an issue with GeyserMC?
Unplaceable blocks
Is anyone using the JEXT Reborn plugin?
LF "Seasonal vault"
Best Anti-VPN?
hubpvp plugin
Minecraft DNS question
Need advice on how to run a server correctly and get rid of some issues
Hardware Planning
Custom item textures
Plugin not supported and has error how would i fix it on my own.
Items in inv and chests disappear when bringing world from purpur server to forge server
Potential memory leak
Can't join own Forge server hosted on Oracle not allowing to get in to get any info
Is the -Xms Java flag really necessary?
hetzner port open
can i improve my server? keep getting this message in the console whenever there is a lot of players
honeycomb price
Sync TAB with 2 proxy servers
Anvil renaming filter plugin
Velocity and NeoForge connection
How to immediately refresh lootr chests using commands?
libsdisguises and replay mod?
How to improve ping for players far from the server
server marketing suggestions
BetterMending plugin not working
Pufferfish 1.20.4 Spontaneous lag and crash
Server installation error
Installing Modpack onto Crafty server.
cant eat
help on how to port forward
how can i make the distance from which automatic farms work?
Can you unload chunks? help
Anyone else noticing pentesting of console logins?
Will Lithium work on vanilla clients?
Disable Firetick only in the Nether?
Any ideas on what to put in non p2w crates in a mining server
TAB bossbar
Let's figure this out... Pufferfish, Folia, MultiPaper, startup flags and more
Worldguard vs. GriefPrevention
Unplayable server lag
Client Crashing, allocated more ram and still not working
how to add custom fabric modpack to enviromc
Pufferpanel server closes itself for no reason.
Best Anti Cheat for Survival Server
mobs despawn on server restart!
Looking for help
using Java plugins + bedrock addons on geysermc?
Inventory plugin
In your opinion, what's the best chat plugin?
Linking Minehut External to proxy
Massive tps drop when loading new chunks?
custom music discs in 1.20.6
Enchant disabler plugin?
Needing Proxy > Proxy > Backend connection order
player death
invalid public key signature
multiple servers on same IP?
1.7.10 server best JVM settings?
Bring Enchanting Table UI with a command?
Chat not working
how to extract end_world file from singleplayer world
Im struggling to make a unique server
Modded server is taking 30+ minutes to start up
hi i want anyone give me good for explain what is boxpvp
Increase server view distance
Best Gamemode for opening a fresh Server?
Over 2000 chunks loaded, and 14tps with only two of us online.
Self Host
Wither skeleton spawner not spawning
custom "tags" textures for my server resource pack
Moved too quickly
How can I create a backup of my Oracle Server?
Server store
Bluemap Question
Missing Public Profile Key
Server Access
server memory leak
hey guys what are some good chat formatting plugins that are upto date
Best method for updating a modded Pixelmon/BoP world
Recommended or best tunneling services for Minecraft? like ngrok or playit
Modded Server Network
Server failing to initialize: Unable to connect you to fallback Please try again later
Does this plan look pay2win?
Recommendations for creative server plugins?
Scoreboard Plugin
Free DNS "Records with starting with '_' restricted not letting me curl/connect to it from a container when wireguard is up
How to setup different groups to have different gamemodes in a world?
Cannot disable end
Best ban management plugin
Batch file for
Having console warnings thrown off over and over (same warning). Looking for help.
Cloudflare SRV record + Bedrock
Best plugin for player bounties?
logo in Minecraft
Luckperms groups
Plugin didn't load correctly
plugin to look for chests/track coordinates of chests
advancments broken on fabric server?
How to change the version of forge on my linux server
Recommended free host
How do I make my file usable
Recommended free host
Best Scoreboard that works with multiverse
Multiverse Scoreboard help
Scoreboard help
Parkour warrior remake
Server command /give syntax different from normal?
Make custom models for pre-existing textures
Excellentcrates not loading
What's a good plugin for open world lootchests for explorers that refresh every so often?
Luckperms skript permission
LP vouchers
Fabric Crash
bungee and mods
Holograms with ExcellentCrates
Trimming unaltered chunks
Minecraft server not starting. [java] (1.18.2)
Minecraft server not starting. [java] (1.18.2)
Command aliases.
pufferpanel not creating user in terminal
Can anyone tell me what is causing problems in yaml syntax?
Want to run server off my PC
Bungee cord
Problem with PlaceholderAPI
Replacing biomes?
change oracle cloud region
1.20.1 fabric floodgate
Java Core Dump
stop new chunks creation?
Votifier Question
prmissions for worldedit and worldguard
MythicMobs Bossbar not appearing
commands.yml help
pterodactyl panel on oracle free tier
Players can't change spawner type using an egg, how do i fix this??
Oraxen Rank Png setup
issue with bungeecord
Need help adding a BIG selection of blocks to map
High ping regardless of anything, really
How do I make the nether easier to see with a high render distance?
Connection Problem Minecraft Server 1.18.2 Modded
plugin not loading
Unable to connect to 1.20.1 server with 1.20.2
Anyone know how to converte a 3 gb bedrock world to java?
Unique error on server crash, 1.18.2
Tp cooldown
MCC code system
respawned in a place where chunks were invisible and now i can't log back into the server, can anyon
Multiverse plugin
Running 1.7.10 and 1.20 server at the same time
process for upgrading server when you have plugins
Increase dynmap render speed
I cant figure out how to make a custom 3D resourcepack
Server using more RAM than intended
Is my server using reasonable amounts of memory, or is something wrong?
Self-hosting hardware sufficient?
HELP! cant compile folia
Any Bedrock Compatible Dupe Detection Plugins Available?
Is Screen a bad option for ubuntu MC servers?
How to self host a small minecraft server
Looking for a developer that knows to use luckperms and worldguard.
Grief defender mass reset all accrued claim blocks
Seeking Help, Regarding Server Hosts and Costs...
I need help setting up a server with EnviroMC
Oracle Cloud server refusing my key
How do I remove enchant limit when combining items.
Unable to connect via public IP but mcsrvstat can
Custom armor available rgb colors
Essentials.Heal not working
I need help to create a modded minecraft server
Regarding xp/item farms and server performance
Outside of cracks, whats the use for offline mode?
Is there a way to force a server to use online mode?
Assign Server static IP
mcc remake point system.
start.bat question
Minecraft Paper Server Question
help finding a plugin
Help, Custom Enchant says the plugin is disabled apparently:
workflow for custom adventures?
My server gets resolved on but not in game
Is there a Spigot alternative to universal shops?
Server keeps crashing due to entities, can't find out why
Hiya! My paper server keeps having significant lag spikes (3-5 tps)
Aikars flags
My forge.jar for my server isn't doing anything despite having downloaded Java 8
Auto Whitelisting
plug-in help
I'm using ngrok and my friend says connection refused
Launch server with java 1.8
i need help
How to create Scoreboard datapack
Dont remember world files names
Bluemaps sql config?
i just wanna use the meta bot
Corrupted World
Possible memory leak.
Unknown problem with Blockbench
Hello good evening, can someone help me with a question please.
Version Checker
Server lag
Hardware requirements for modded Forge server
1.20.1 jar for smp
All of my plugin files are not working.
CustomItemModel Brewery
Only allow certain blocks to be placed
Would want some good alternative to dynmap
player.sendMessage is depreacted, along with this weird output:
Database setup question
Need help with CharacterDialogue config
What do you guys think about Geyser/Floodgate?
What VPS do you recomend for web hosting? I need one that has cpanel or something similiar
Hello everyone, could someone help me? Please.
Force player spawn world
Getting a partial image as a 'world map'
Can I undo core protect? Emergency
command block /spawn
AutoPlug Crash on startup
How to find TikTok creators to gain followers on a Skyblock server
date of server
Permission to do commands just once?
Can anyone help with jigsaw blocks?
Deleting Backups on pterodactyl
Rejoin Invincibility
Can't connect to my proxy
Custom Sprites for Gringott Currency
How do I create a live sparked profile and access it while it is running?
Velocity Trouble
ResourceLocationException when trying to join forge server.
Trouble setting up Velocity Proxy
Bedrock Players Unable to Chat
Any free plots plugin for 1.20.1?
What ports does ptero need?
Adding Auth Servers to firewall allowlist.
VH server crashing sometimes, likely due to flags
I don't have much knowledge of java, can you help me solve this error?
Worldborder command
Server crashing when coming from nether back to overworld
cost of panel updates
May i post a plugin i've developed on the subreddit?
Explosion Regeneration Dupe glitch..
Add to worldguard
Looking for a Staff/Moderation Plugin
Puzzling intermittent connection timeouts on Contabo VPS
Velocity error
Random death location maps now starting to be given
oci-arm-host-capacity script
Plugin for antilag lobby
anyone know how i can keep the mspt below 10 at all times
What's a good solution for in-game announcements?
Server crashing when players join
Is this guy on smt or is this true
Backup archive retention: How long?
Geyser not working
custom movecraft blast resistance
How to hide commands with tabcomplete?
Siegewar explosions
jpremium server not starting
Stupid question about Tiktok/shorts advertising
World Guard Perms
Override idle AI of non-rideable entity with a passenger?
Spark does not work...
New Chunk Loading Lag
Velocity Restrict Acces
Is that a way to make a HUB server linking a Fabric Server and a Paper server?
Chat Colors
Resouce pack loading screen looping
Velocity Console
help please
Chest Shop Default
Lp Editing
issue with mineos
Authentication servers are down
Errors with startup
Velocity Scoreboard
Aikars Vs hilltty flags
command block
Plugin for rotating shop
Purpur afk system and TAB integration
spawnpoint is wrong
My server is lagging but i dont know why
A Plugin to Spawn and Hunt NPCS for bounty?
Crashing from maxing out RAM
Any idea whats happing im using veloicty buts it asking to look in bungee cord config
Determining which vote site a player came from
Velocity Logs
Too many wither skulls on my Minecraft server
Slimes don't appear in the slime chunks.
How can I protect my modded server from cheaters?
CMI or EssentialsX?
Players Getting Timed Out When Trying To Join Modded Server
Turn off feather item in " Lands " plugin
Any mods that work with modded packs for administration/management?
server randomly lagging
change elytra texture when wearing it
custom resource packs failed to apply
Best plugin for Chat Games?
Anyone know what the values mean for the minecraft profiler?
Setting up a simple server for 2 players
Velocity Host configuration
Identifying Lag Computers
Disable Elytra repairing
TownyMissions plugin
Command to give item with custom name and custom model data
Anyone knows how to get modded textures to load up in dynmap?
Hi, my server ram keeps increasing and then crashes.
16 GB RAM Server Keeps Crashing With Only 10 Players
Vulcan Kicking
Remove recipes book
Luckperms not adding specific command properly
Should I go with a paid host?
anyone here farmilliar with geodns
Good plugin for /home and fast loot
Error biomes o plenty crash
how do i give booster rank on minecraft to people automatically?
Use EssentialX's display name for nameplate, death messages, and advancement messages.
CPU Load
WorldEdit-like actions with a wooden axe, but WorldEdit is not installed
Is using Google Drive as external backup a good idea?
Voting error
Plugin suggestion
NameTags Are Driving me Insane
Amount of players on 1 proxy
how to switch to dynamic external ip
How to stop mobs de-spawning?
Effective ways of checking for updates using a script and notifying an individual of updates?
Server crashing after Starting Please HELP
Unable to connect to Fabric server through Velocity
Pluggin for backups
Best Friends/Partys/Guilds plugin?
Worldedit as a voting reward?
Death Map?
High PING on minecraft servers but not non minecraft servers
safe to disable enforce-secure-profile on a public server?
ExcellentCrates Money reward over essencials x?
Disable maps
How Do I Secure a Server
Can I run a server through a proxy?
Connection refused
I need help finding a plugin
Chat format issue
Unexpected crash happens
tiny server for just friends - working on local, not discoverable
Running vanilla server on cloud vm
Is extra content against the EULA? Like a battle pass for cosmetics
Strange Minecraft Pingspike when using quilt server
Enable PVP for some players
Getting suggestions for a good server host
Weird server crash on Fabric 1.19.2
is there any way to do mods + plugins on 1.20.1 forge version 47.1.44
Finding a plugin...
Deleted plugin won't disappear from plugins list
Trees immediately decaying when planted or spawning in chunks
pins in chat
server crash
Auction House not showing info for heads
I forgot what type of server this was
Anyone else seeing Mojang session server hiccups these past few days?
Best time to bump US based server on PMC
how do i add a /rules command?
Simple Voice Chat with TCPshield
How do i improve hopper performance?
Bungeecord not functioning
unexpected packets received on server login
Transferring server
Moving a server from Paper to Fabric with Multiple Worlds
spawn invulnerability
Worldguard Greeting flag
Server crashing when Bedrock player joins
plugin code problem
What CPU is best for MC servers
DeluxeMenus Item Configuration
How to download entire server folder from cloud linux server using cmd commands
how 2 deactivate windows
I can only host 2 specific servers on 2 specific ports
Crazy Lag
Server Suddenly Crashed and Won't Turn Back On, after Switching over to New Host
Server hardware
Users failing to connect to server properly disappearing out of nowhere
Fly gets disabled every time when changing worlds.
Linux Server Doesn't Work Correctly.
Setup SSL on pterodactyl pannel
looking for a plugin where you can place inanimate player models
cant open port for local server
RTP plugin to teleport from spawn world
Is it possible to change essentials messages to hex color codes?Question
found corrupted chunks while pregenerateing
Cannot connect to server down?
Can't use /spark profiler open
mob movement stopped when outside a ~24 block radius
Console Doesn't Respond from OP sending command, + enchanting not working correctly
Pterodactyl - MC console not available over internet, only locally.
[player] lost connection: failed to verify username
Noclip for admin use?
Unmuted player can't speak
Minecraft server connecting via Cloudfare tunnel to my Domain?
server crash
REI crashes game when reaching 6th tab
Playtime Plugin
Seedcracking Mitigation 1.20
how to use custom prefixes / retextured symbols from itemsadder with geyser?
security / moderation
Modded server crashing, not sure what mod is causing it, any ideas?
Pterodactyl setup
What's a good plugin to stay on the same server when you logout from a velocity network?
Tebex not Executing Crate Commands
Server tp'ing all members to spawn on join
One Player Cannot Connect to Server with this Error
Best plugins to make a lobby?
i need a mv expert
Auto Vanish
AFK Kicked
Skript geniusses here?
New server, RCON question
Server Specs
Armor Stand/Item Frame Despawn
Eclipse Memory Analyzer reports block state data as memory leak
Diagnosing mod incompatibilities. Zero to Hero: ANQCMCS Chapter 3
if you wish to use ip forwarding please enable it in your bungeecord config as well
Are datapacks optimized?
Freshly made server, still working out what plugins to use for what features I want
mod server
My server has been kicking players when they join through minehut proxy
Tebex or craftingstore?
Performance mods for Forge 1.18.2 - Zero to Hero: ANQCMCS Chapter 2
Invisible map
Players cant connect to my server after version update
Trident texture with ItemsAdder not working
is it possible to install a custom map while also using multiverse-core?
Private server freezing
LPC Chat Formatter
Plugin not loading
Looking for recommendations on Java args for a really, really big modpack
could you help me with java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
Identify reason for lag
Spark error when opening live profiler
Symlink world folder in 1.18.2
Im looking for good spigot/paper plugins
how to use Oraxen with bedrock / geyser
Restart takes a long time
When implementing an update or a new feature do you have a design philosophy and what is it?
Source of these holograms?
I have made a server that me and my friends wanted to play on and my brother messed up something.
Disable Mail
Amount of blocks in a server
arrows, exp pots, and tridents disappear on throw
associating a user with a minecraft uuid using oauth
Spark Profiler error
Does anyone know of a good coinflip plugin for 1.20.1?
Best Plugin For Cinematics
Low tps
Should I show off my server at this con already?
Using Essentials with Gringotts
Velocity Domain.
Need help w laggy server
Self-host or aternos?
Precise anticheats
Raspberry Pi 4 for self-hohsting
Server crashing
can i use luckperms for rank in 1.20?
how to make a proxy for eu players
internet speed required
Zero to Hero: A noob's quest to creating a Minecraft server. Chapter 1, How to begin? Is Linux it?
Default Values for Movement
Chat validation failure On Velocity
How do i add /h, its meant to be an alias for /home, i use essentialsX for homes. + tab completion
Hide knockback resistance lore on netherite armour
Good way to set up server on Ubuntu
Prevent user with specific mods to join the server
i just made a modded server and in getting this error massage
Permission based Viaversion
Resetting players inventories using mv inventories
rpack in bedrock
Invisible map
Does anyone know a plugin which restricts the amount of items you can carry
How Do I Make A Modded Server Without A Server Pack?
A countdown til placeholder
How do I prevent tab completion when doing a command?
is bedrock realms allowed?
Any Fabric Mod For 1.20 That Adds Nukes/ Big explosives
What's the best way to diagnose server lag?
Resource pack
Cant join server with public address
Command Aliasing of Existing Plugins
UHC plugins recomendations
setting up dynmap link
How do i make withers only shoot players
DNS IP Problem
How to make the iron throne with plugins?
item block
Player Drops In Worldguard
Tool like FAWE but for fabric
my server froze for a few seconds and gave this error message
Per-server permissions on Luckperms [bungee]
Is creating 1 arena per multiverse world a bad idea?
Why is this?
random connections to velocity server
Paper Development
Im trying to sell weapons in /shop but i dont have a identifier. Any ideas?
What is the best mod server software?
How can I block showing plugins to meteor client or other clients?
BossShopPro alts that supports importing from BSP
Towny/Land Claim War Plugin
Tebex and velocity
Server Crash - No Log
Player Kill Counter
Player Kill Could
Consistently high RAM usage. Startup command issue?
Techinical Minecraft Server
How much do you pay a Youtuber/Streamer to advertise?
Villagers Causing Tons of Lag
First join spawn
My server wont connect
TAB Plugin placeholders not working
Separated chats
Disable Spawning of Specific Mobs, Despawn All Specific Mobs
Need help with server, my friends lag but I don't
GC values too high
How to reset the stronghold portals after players have used them?
Chunk Loader for paper
Where the hell am I supposed to get players?
Making Faction Server
Deleting pig spawners
Port Forwarding Help
Accessing Dimensions Question In Custom Datapacks
Having random player kicks, getting [Netty Server IO#36/ERROR] reported.
Spark - worldguard & mythiclib takes half of my server thread
white squares itemsadder
Sudden Lag
Spark Analysis- Server lagging
Best Hub plugins?
How to see how a player makes so much money
Too much lag on my server
cac farm breaking
Starting a new community from scratch, looking for tips
Server encounters an unexpected exception and won't boot
Fabric Server Advice
Server not starting `Exit code: 128`
DDOS protection for Forge server?
1.20.1 - Exception thrown when sending a message in chat
EULA Compliant Server Packages
Any recommended reading for server security practices?
I have invisible small armor stand and normal armor stand I wanna remove them
How to find a lag source + limit lag machines
MCC Scoreboard Coding/plugin
hack attempt?
Ultimate Timber Negative Axe Durability
How to make good knockback on a practice server?
Skins not showing properly
Water Glitch
Console Spam
Land Claiming on Modded Minecraft
Pregenerator that "ticks" chunks
Backup Minecraft Server to Google Drive
Perfect plugin for custom images?
Better MC Modpack | Fabric | 1.19.2
ways to increase the rate of a certain item in naturaly generating chests/loot tables?
“player tracking” vulnerability/exploit
Hiding underground players on a PL3X-Map?
Portforwarding issues
Nether Portal And Claimed Lands
How to make dynmap use more resources
Getting the lowest possible ram usage when zero players online?
Custom Doors/Trapdoors
performance difference between square/pl3xmap, dynmap, bluemap etc
Non-staff can't join server
Compiling PlayerVaults
port forwarding on ubuntu
Best Skyblock Plugin
Full servers permission
hey is anyone aware of a plugin where any player can log coords and look em up
Plugins to allow Custom Schematic Generation
Oraxen Directional Blocks
Dh Error
Something like Slumber or Tick Stasis for PaperMC?
1.19.4 shield for 1.18.2
knockback resistance disabler
MOTD randomly switched to unknown charcters
Issue with a large number of plugins, yggdrasil ProfileSearchResultsResponse.getProfiles() is null
can someone who know java help me? :D
Tick-related issues, warning messages, MSPT really high. Any tips?
Self-hosting vs. cloud hosting
Grief Prevention Question
Help with Minecraft Multithreading
This error keeps crashing this server and I can’t access logs because it says it way to big
grintgotts and towny not working, everything is updated.
Pterodactyl panel server shuts down successfully but panel requires a kill order?
How do I change java version on a forge 1.19.2 server?
my server has been really laggy and i have no idea why
Dangers of enforce-secure-profile being set to false in
Utility item
tab list name color changed
rank placeholder
server wont let people join but joining the world in single player works fine
TPS Drops, Spark Profiler Shows SpawnerCreatures.a() taking 30% of the thread
Java creating dumps, endlessly rebooting
Forge auto start and stopping server by user
Can't connect to locally hosted server via bedrock.
How can I allow bedrock clients to join my java server?
Timings report.
Player Teleports to Citizen NPC's Head After Click With Hand
My Server keeps crashing, any fix?
World zip files
How do i fix players from hurting tamed mobs.
Is my 1.20.1 server safe?
Any plugin or way to make mob drops only come from player kills?
Server was fine then randomly wont let anyone join
update on server situation: more out of memory killer errors now, ssh shutting down, new server
Missing datapacks
mobs wont spawn in certain worlds
/reloading a fabric server. Is it as bad as with Paper (and alternatives)?
I need help
server size increasing while pre-generating
Shulker data is not help when creating kits?
All Villagers on map disappeared
PebbleHost randomly shutting down server
In an SMP, how would you address possible sorting system lag?
anyone know the plugin 99% of annoying gen servers use that allows bedrock to connect by friends
How to get information out of placeholders
Will Quilt launcher load Fabric mods and not change gameplay?
Custom Prefixes
Port Forwarding
DiscordSRV - Discord Chat to Minecraft doesn't work
do i just have too little of a cpu performance ig?
Bossbar progression tracker
Land Claim Plugins?
Core Protect alternatives other than ledger for 1.20?
Android ChatCraft alternative
ViaBackwards Plugin Message Spam?
DeluxeMenu remove item from player inventory
Conditional Events Check if item is in inventory?
How do I make tab sort groups by luckperms weight?
offhand switch cooldown
Why is my mspt so high
where can I find staff?
block glitch
Server console outputting warning every 45-50 minutes [Quilt]
How do I upload folders to lilypad
Can't place armorstands in creative world
help working out what kind of specs I need to be looking for on a lightly-modded server
Any way to prevent spectator mode players from teleporting? [FABRIC]
Infinite Falling/Death on server join
way to replace anvil gui with a chest-menu type?
some players crash on join..
Chat message validation failure.
Random ping spikes
DDoS protections broke some plugins
Raid issue
Guide to Setting Up Server Plugins
How to change vertical knock back in bedrock edition
Setting up multiple minecraft servers using Ubuntu and Pterodactyl on a self-hosted home rig
Removing a mod that adds a biome?
Picking up new hardware for a home server
Help understanding EULA p2w guidelines for SMPs
SMP World and End
What are some of the ettiquettes/do's and dont's of asking questions here?
Players get kicked upon using World Edit
can't find plugin crashing server
Random lag spikes
Upgraded server and copied all files to new machine, now crashing and server randomly overloading
Data Problem
server crashes
Forge server says old even though mod loader & game version are same
How to control ubuntu server remotely?
Whats the best crate plugin for Minecraft 1.20?
Having trouble updating server to paper 1.20
I am unable to use cybrancee domain for minecraft server
How do I can I backup my world save from my ITZG Docker container?
GeyserMc Problem
best discordsrv placement
Looking for person/company to run my server (ongoing basis)
Dupe Fix
Dedicated Server
Multiworld spawn problem
No mobs whatsoever are spaning on server
Can you just straight up use pufferfish+ without paying?
Advice for VPS
Can't get hoppers to just work with LWC
Purpur error logs
DX DY DZ with Bounding Boxes
Minecraft Vanilla Team Logic
LuckPerms No Access To Command Even Though It's Added
Help Decide New Server Specs!
Way to check updates for every plugin?
Voting Delay
Mod to change the visual model of one specific Villager
Whats wrong with this config?
"Up to date" capture the flag minigame plugin?
Item Frames from a far distance
Best proxy fork
How do I disable certain villager trades? (1.20.1 PaperMC)
Any good server hosting / vps platforms
Ubuntu 20.04 unable to start server
do I have to add an additional port to the server to use Nuvotifier?
How do I install a plugin on my Forge server?
Change } else if (permissionARG.contains("jobs.boost")) for listening to command
Server TPS dropping (Skyblock style server)
Sell and buy landblocks in griefprevention using essential sign
How much world should I pregen
Is 16 cores on Folia really necessary to have more performance than on Paper?
Website for my Minecraft Server
Block Numerical IPs
Mob spawner help
handle pvp
serverwide high ping
Server version
How do pluguins exactly work?
High MSPT when changing dimensions
Create mod on a server
Tips so people can connect from other countries
TPS falliing due to GC_active (native) taking too long
Jobs Reborn Questions
How do you do backups/what is the best way to create backups?
monthly bandwidth for server?
PC crashed and now server won't worky
Alternatives to tebex and or what should I do?
Critical server error
this is killing me
Command blocks are confusing me
I wanna generate a paper world that people can't brute force seed finder
Geyser GUI’s
mcMMO and Jobs Reborn boosts weirdness
Looking for a java dev to create a simple plugin
Best way to create a Minecraft Network
Any fabric mod or datapack that disables certain enchants?
Itemsadder items on bedrock
World Border Size Recommendation for 8 Players
does anyone know a mod like fast tag but for 1.20
someone please help
noteblocks not giving any redstone updates
How is Oracle Free Tier so good?
Problem with server resource pack
Performance Issue With Recipie Book
Keep chunk loaded
Can't connect to Papermc console
pterodactyl mc server connection
How to Reverse Proxy
If you add the lp permissions before deploying a plugin, will they be applied afterwards?
plugin for client-side block changes
Multiple Resource packs without merging
IPTables rules for backends in different ip of proxy
Disk space?
Proxy for Forge
Vanilla-ish villager shop plugin/datapack with native ui?
Multiverse alternative for forge ?
Display an link with Citezens?
Best mod for customize world generation ?
Difference between TPS and MSPT
Jobs and MCMMO timed boosts don't work
A good plugin to skip the night?
How do I migrate a server into Multicraft?
How can I disable custom hotbar loading on my creative server?
Hello! Best world custom generation plugin?
per world command blocks?
world position saving
Where can I start learning plugin development?
Recommended server specs for up to 10 players and 100 mods?
Kicked to hub
Server crash
Noiserouter not showing on F3 on my Paper server
How to kick afk players?
suggested bedwars plugin?
delete thrown trident?
Remove Witches from Raids?
Votingplugin not giving crate keys
Is there a way to block base finder or piechart in a server?
Is it possible to let players with cracked accounts log into the server if it’s in online mode?
Every player that joins reduces TPS by 5
High CPU usage issue with pterodactyl
leaked plugins
free alternative to playervaultsx
/ignore for join/leave messages
Plugin that randomises what stat the scoreboeard shows
server acting up, linked message is one type of message that gets spammed,
bedrock cant purchase ranks
Issue "Log4j2-AsyncAppenderEventDispatcher-1-Async WARN"
How to get members
Server getting overloaded for seemingly no reason
best way to make a game selector menu for lobby
Does this plugin exist?
use velocity/bungeecord without offline mode?
How would I show player is afk with TAB plugin?
Anyone know good server performance mods for fabric 1.20?
Player joins and all online players on said server are instantly kicked
gradlew failing to compile
Block placing specific blocks
Anyone knows how to disable chunk reloading (f3 + A) on a server?
How to make a builder role without it being OP?
What is the purpose of this flag
Anything I can do about people being able to /msg me while I'm vanished?
fishing rod delay
Best survival SMP land claiming plugin?
Timings Analysis
Is there a way to add bungeecord total players on discord? using discordsrv
Whats the best plugin to block certain words in chat?
What are some good server optimization mods i should have on my fabric server?
server cant even open. im desperate
Bungee cord issue when joining 1.16.5
Anyone know any shops plugin for diamond based economy?
People always say that hybrid solutions are bad, but why?
Corpse plugin
Command for spawning a certain item in a chest?
help about dynmap showing wrong border
weird error
anyone know what this means?
Spike lagg
Has somebody used ArcLight as an hybrid server before?
Run Multiple servers on one world.
Anyone have/know of a NCP config they want to share.
Server starting error
I don't know much a little help please :D
worldguard and creeper block damage
Name hide of all players
MyCommand Plugin help
good auto restart mod for fabric 1.19.2
Is this cheating?
Custom loot table
Minecraft Docker rewriting IP tables
Cooldown plugin ?
Recommended pterodactyl panel theme
What's the best factions plugin?
Fast craft not working
Using Autoplug on a hosted server
does bungeecord need aikar flags?
a plugin config sending unnecessary messages!
MMOCore skill trees
Failed to store properties to file:
Jobs Reborn boost amounts?
plugin for duplicating worlds for players
BungeeCord Force Stopping or Crash
Prefix in chat not showing up while visible in TAB!
hello where can i use this?
Console Spam
player rewards
how to generate or paste trail ruins structures without causing gravity blocks to fall and break
How do players exclude their Lands from `/l top`?
command not working?
Steps to Mitigate High Ping
How do i show other heads with the "Headsanywhere" plugin
LWC command to forceowner for all of a player's protections?
How to detect XRAY?
dynmap on velocity proxy backend server
creepers still doing block damage
How to prevent structures from spawning.
RTP Plugin Not Functioning As Wanted
velocity /server not working
Can an unmodded paper server be affected by unsafe deserialization on modded clients?
How To make discord srv console Feature not show coordinates when logged in
Server crash error (again)
Pplaceholders that will track vindicators killed by all players cumulatively
TPS falling down after above 20 players
increase Fabric Server performance with mods
Lagg spikes cause of GC
Why are players joining and immediately leaving my server?
Struggling with Dynmap for Mohist
Delayed Chat
Are there any downsides to using Pufferfish+?
Name of a plugin that allows holographic text?
Minecraft Client experiencing extreme lag on server
Minecraft server management tool?
Pixelmon server
Name of a mod? that allows setting up server clusters
Help with voting plugins
aureliumskills ui
Is starlight mod included with paper
Error for 1.12.2 Modpack when connecting to server, game crashes
slimeworld manager
Questions to plan properly for solid foundations with scalability potential
Is it better to release a server without a community or first focus on a community and then release?
Crash on Fabric 1.20.1
Is it possible to use SFTP with Shockbyte?
Player chest shop
Where to host a download
Question about Bedrock Dedicated Servers
Luckperms Farmland
High Ping on a locally hosted server for me and a friend
Server VPS has 32gb, only 7gb is being used.
Can anyone with good core protect experience help please?
EssentialsX Chat formatting for admin group but not moderator group
What is the best chat plugin?
Use of github as ftp ?
TNT Duping not working in paper 1.20.1
ranks in leaderboards
Server Announcer Plugin for 1.20.1?
Cant join server but bedrock can
Can someone help me with rewards plugin error.
How to paste text in books without getting cut off
dynmap not showing
High cpu usage
What's the best tab list plugin for 1.20?
TAB Format Name using permission node
Some problems with setting up my dedicated Bedrocks server
Sending commands to backend servers via Velocity proxy
How to set permission?
quest plugin
player client crashes when opening chat
Medieval faction Plugin
finishConnect(..) failed: Connection refused
How do i solutionate the error "Connection reset"?
Self-Hosted backups.
Whats the best DDOS protection plugin? (Better than TCPShield) Free ones
thoughs on square map?
how much does a pregenerated 10k radius world weigh normally?
Offhand disabled
Chunky made server slow
EssentialsDiscordLink removing Discord roles.
worldguard getting errors on start
Bulk Plugin Installing
Placeholder API animations for my tab plugin
Tebex Question
Clouflare proxy breaks bedrock connection
Abysmal wither skeleton spawn rates?
luckperms help
Unknown players connecting to personal server?
Took too long to log in client-side
is there a way to replace only chunks in a region file?
can you get a file from a ptero backup without having to restore a server?
advanced placeholder usage?
multiple plugins fail starting
/lobby plugin
Ram usage on proxy
Auto Chunk Reloading
What is better for advertising?
What plugin can do this
I'm looking for an anti-cheat system for a Fabric server running 1.20.1.
How to use theme with pterodactyl panel
Webserver configuration for dynmap
Plunder / Loot among players
ItemsAdder GUI
server not starting
Fabric close the end
Minecraft GeyserMC help
RCON help
Excess command list
Litebans unmute
Rotating stock, citizens plugin.
Anyway to prevent bots without a whitelist?
enviromc performing awfully
Fine grained permission control with Forge, LuckPerms, and WorldEdit mods
Voting plugin rewards not working
Does anyone know of a factions addon which displays information like when players were last online a
Wither potion effect damage not working
Minecraft Bedrock Server software for a Survival Server (plugins)
Server crash error
JobsReborn alternatives
Best floodgate bedrock prefix
Seedcracking and spigot servers
Bot joining Server and greeting. Any informations about this bot?
Cant get Suffix to work on LuckPerms and LPC
Simple question in MC 1.16 and above dimension -1 is nether and 1 is end?
Spigot/Paper Fork Optimized Datapack Compatibility
Multicraft Daemon
Server Host
Ore stat plugin
Minecraft Server Start Error
Starter Kit after Death
Anti-Base Finder
Fabric anticheats
Minage dimension
How to embed dynmap on https website
Name of location/time plugin?
Port forward on oracle
Database for plugin
Pebblehost 12gb spigot server
Server having TPS drops even though no one is online
Stayed up until 3am trying to fix this...
Discord account linking for multiple Minecraft accounts?
Anti night vision pack
tpa gui
Multiple Currency
Server keeps lagging behind and I don't know why
Best Chest Shop Plugin?
server crashing
Backing up multiple machines
Not Natural Generation
LuckPerms Tracks
Way to limit commands to a world
Does anyone know of a good punishment plugin?
Geyser join on PlayStation
Large schematics
Random Loot chests Plugin
Why its actionbar spamming?
Is this right?
Minecraft server in container
Best velocity player balancer
Geyser join on PlayStation
Veloicty not working on my new pterodactyl install was working fine on pufferpanel
Geyser Please log into Xbox
console spam
Server crashing when using Aikar's flags but doesn't crash when run without
Is it possible to modify where ores spawn in already existing chunks?
CombatLogX item pickup
Setting up oracle pterodactyl server
What setups do yall use for homeservers?
Unable to join velocity server.
Plugin that disables the end with players that dont have permission
What is the best plugin loader to use for a minecraft smp max 60 - 100 players.
Hello, how can I do a reverse proxy on Dynmap on debian 11?
Not Being Able to place Redstone
Minecraft Bedrock Server Question
Custom Texture Pack
Do paper 1.19 plugins work on 1.20 versions as well?
Best friends plugin
Is it possible to have a player lose permissions based on what world theyre currently in?
is it possible to copy a server map?
Server ran out of disk space
plugin to keep certain parts of the inventory on death
help me read my profiler
Poll: Self-made Plugin vs Existing Plugin
lycanites mobs optimizations
backup software
need urgent help
Spigot player data to vanilla
What does this error message mean? (Timing out server and kicking all online players)
(bedrock) titleraw command
server not starting up
Random people joining
2 servers 1 IP
Clans plugin
1.20.1 Chunk Claim Mod/Plugin (Server-side only)
Difficulty setting up custom pause menu...
Is it possible to have DynMap data stored outside of the plugins/server folder?
forge script question
What is this?
Player GamemodeSwitcher permission
Staff+ Error on Player Disconnect
Convert a normal MOTD to MiniMessage.
The end and the nether are not generating
allow-piston-duplication set to true, but tnt dupers don't work
One portal returns to different places
Player Analytics for FORGE 1.18.2
Random people join and instantly leave server why?
error message
End & Multiverse-Core
right click image to run command
World Edit inside Grief Prevention???
Low MSPT to be expected?
server timeout
Essentials sign shops
Server resource pack couldn't be applied
How can I center a message?
Head Name Fixx
Water world
Best way to set up proxy for local Java server
Minecraft Spawners
Chat name formatting
Text countdown timer for events
Best Shop plugin
An internal error occurred in your connection
Modded Zombie Apocalypse Server Question
Best combat log plugin 1.20
Best Host 10-30 Players (Survival Server)
Modded server having issues being run.
Errors when trying to play with my friend
Random server choke. Need help with determining the reason of this
Velocity server was working until i added one more server to it
Forge 1.7.10 (GTNH) Client connecting to the server through Velocity
Boat sync issues on Fabric server
How to drop sand from the sky?
Purpur.yml, able to add zombie villagers to be leashable
does anyone know a good box reset plugin for 1.19+?
Luckperms rank icons with Oraxen
Max item dropped
Change join/leave message without plugin
Last location to world groups instead of worlds.
itemsadder self-host problem
Converting GD to GP
How do I allow a command exception to non-admins?
Why can't i place structure blocks?
help me i can get back to previos location in multiverse survival
FAWE enable block gravity?
Expandable chests plugin?
[Marker] message spam?
anyone of a guide for compiling geyser extensions from source?
Trying to make a datapack that pillagers drop an emerald on kill
chat message validation error
Can docker download modpacks using mohist type?
Would giving out custom colored name tags for items/mobs in my server be against EULA?
datapacks not working
help with Adguard home and private DNS settings
Minecraft Server Hosting Provider
Need help with skripts /end and /nether.
Server lag when players using Elytra
Risks of running public server on home network
How to set up autoban on grimAC?
Keepalive Timeout
how to stop certain commands for certain words
How to give a player specific amount of items based on a unique stored value
Bedrock players joining and leaving right away
Screenshot dynmap
is enough for bungeecode
Extreme Lag spikes after /tpr /spawn /home
Multiverse & datapacks
Tekkit-2 Docker Compose Image
how do I bump a server on planet minecraft also what are good ways to get players on a mcserver
Failed to request yggdrasil public key (Timed out)
Java.lang.nullpointerexception spammed in console
Does a datapack or minimap server side mod exist for Fabric?
can't install pterodactyl on debian12
CPU & Minecraft Server
Citizens plugin help
Oracle Cloud Server still running?
Slash worldname velocity
DiscordSRV Big Error
GrimAC Error
big olllll errors server set up help
what's the best minecraft server software for performance?
PluginManager updater
Lands placeholder not working
Add Player Health Before Chat Name
Plugins review
Lands vs. GriefPrevention
rtp for one time only
correct way of discard folder on backup?
Multiport server with bridge capability
Is there a size difference between storing in a database and in server storage?
any plugin available to change timescale?
Essentials /tp @s
Minecraft 1.16.5 RAM Distribution/Allocation for Integrated Servers vs Dedicated
Need Help with Server Set-up, Error Code: 0xC0000BB8
Connection lost
How to set which world the portal in nether takes you to?
Enderman farm is not working properly in minecraft server.
Players' Disconnect Message Without a Join Message. Are these bots or actual players?
Back & Forth Removing Mods For 1.19.3
help to remember a Plugin economy
Sync time between multiverse worlds
Cannot use admin commands such as /stop as OP, vanilla bedrock server.
A server setup plan but not sure if it would work
Can a 512mb Proxy run with 1 vcore?
Server-side fabric mod version of the InteractiveChat DiscordSRV Addon plugin
need help with multiverse plugin (tried asking on there discord but it’s a bit dead)
DynMap Reverse Proxy
Show server MOTD when server is offline
big ram problem
Entitiy cramming, Entities don't die
random errors
End Portal frame glitch
resource area
EarthSMP 1-1500 world border
Night Skipped But No One Slept
Plugin to disable player damage
¿Any mod to disable specific mobs/items?
Access files stored in pufferpanel directory (not pufferpanel instance) on oracle cloud host
Force Mod for server without making it forge/farbric
Villagers reset how can i fix them
Entity Render Distance
how to check for CGnat
is there a plugin to make drowned zombies spawn in a warm ocean biome?
Generate rectangle/square in world edit/FAWE?
How to create a modded server with
Player spends X amount, they get X rank.
farm control
Mob spawners
Multiverse bed respawning & teleporting to other worlds
Respawn Problem
Fabric mod to run a command and program at regular intervals for backup?
WorldGuard allow Players to only Break specific Blocks in a Region?
Velocity Proxy not working
Bungeecord ping spam
What plugin can do this?
dynmap fullrender
Prevent End Pillars from Replacing blocks
can i somehow make people on consoles have custom resource packs?
Tebex does not detect new players
Looking for mod name
Stopping Users from getting kicked when a server goes offline
Garbage Collection is running, but it’s running extremely slow
Allowing specific blocks in a WorldGuard region with build denyed.
Shulker farm help?
Synchronize Scoreboard between servers?
Chat message validation failure
command to let users know what commands they have access to
pl3x isnt loading the entire map.
Best VULCAN AC Configuration
Paper vs Fabric Performance
How to get dynmap to not register seasons from the seasons plugin
stfp file transfer
Reduce CPU load.
Best GRIM AC configuration
Player just joined and can’t see player names or ranks
Plotworld sizes
How to broadcast "can't keep up" to chat?
How to put Parkour Spiral on my server with working command blocks?
game crashes every time i try to join a server
Server out of memory after new world import
Faster alternative to dynmap?
Thoughts on Oracle server?
RL Craft with plugins!
I have a list off UUIDs of players who have joined, how do I automatically add to whitelist?
Hyperverse is dead. How does MyWorlds compare performance-wise?
modrinth server mod on auto curseforge?
MSPT Fluctuation
Dungeons arise error when loading server
Error when opening jar for the first time in ubuntu server
Slow connecting to server
EssentialsX is worth?
Best anticheat for 1.19.4
SmogClient kicking players?
router factory reset got rid of port forwarding and will no longer work with servers
How to delete items on ground while server is off?
My friends can't join to my server until I join or leave
Chat message validation failure
Anyone know what this error is? It's a paper 1.13.2 server.
startup commands
Building plot squared
Lilypad keeps crashing with Exit Code 1?
Entity death log
How do I add mods to Lilypad?
per world spawn with /(world name) tp
does anyone know a free alternative of plot squared?
Any Good Hats Plugin?
Speed of pre generating Terralith worlds
My server's TPS drops as soon as it hits 45 players
Nether Problem
How can I protect my server resource backs?
How to install Forge 1.18.2 on a dedicated Multicraft Machine.
Overload ram server (37 plugins)
best plugin (that supports 1.20.1) for npc's that run commands when clicked.
how to enable keep inventory in the nether
how tf mythicmobs works without mods
Oraxen items in geyser
Random players joining my server
ram allocation
Preventing chunk bans in 1.18 forge server
Limitations of server-side mods
VaultChatFormatter and LP
custom rpg health numbers
How do i setup my domains DNS correctly to work with my server?
How to create custom GUIs like this
server gets this error and lags a lot
Server Panel
Friend unable to join server "Connection timed out"
server cant keep up and a single server tick to 180 seconds (should be max 0.05)
Continuous Purpur Thread Dumps, related to memory?
Installing Java on Steam Deck issues
JIT dump occured in 'Async-profiler Sampler' Purpur 1.19.4 build
Velocity/Paper Fabric Mod Detection/Blocking Plugins?
What are the basic features my Factions server should have?
whats the best Ban/Staff Management plugin? litebans vs staff++
Plugin that differentiates original and duped armor trims
ItemsAdder - Bungee Resource pack
Villager trade reset
Geyser Bedrock Plugin Broken?
ItemsAdder / BetterRanks - Pixelated
Folia ? What do u think ?
Looking for a plugin that makes it so all loaded chunks recieve random ticks.
Trying to solve my server members lag
itzg/minecraft-server and SkinsRestorer
mod for easy custom recipes 1.19.2
What is the better "scripting" minecraft plugin? Skript, or Denizen?
Best custom world generator plugin
Server TPS Lag with multiple players (Origin SMP Modpack + other mods)
Needing help w/1.16.5 forge server
Docker ATM8 Server & BungeeCord?
Doing /restart breaks the server
How to fix "If you wish to use IP forwarding, please enable it in your BungeeCord config as well!"
String duping in purpur 1.20.1
Tps Lag Random
Guild / Team / Faction plugin
Curseforge API Variable for Docker Compose - ATM8
Survival Gamemode Plugins!?
Plugin that display website
Timings and spark profile analysis
Plugin Hanglider
Server lag
Poll: Plugin Based Server or Mod Based Server
Chest lock server side mod for fabric
humbleservers vs wisehosting
I cant Place Command Blocks on my APEX SERVER.
New world move inventories on server
how do I port forward properly?
How do I fix "connection refused"
Help with the optimization
Performance problems with oracle free tier
performance stats
Server Side mods
coin/eco Plugin for Velo/Bungee
valhelsia 5 cannot start server
Resource Pack Conversion
Noteblock issue
Looking for 1.20 data pack to disable rocket boost on elytra
Duplicated messages.
Create plugin recommendation needed!
A cosmetics plugin for a Practice server?
Velocity VS XCord
windows game panel
velocity placeholder
Help connecting velocity to spigot
Enabling commands only in certain regions
Essentialsx command cost /repair
Where can I adjust "Incompatible Client" Message
Minecraft Server running slow while CPU usage is at 32%
Async tasks causing TPS drops and massive CPU usage
Axolotls not spawning
Two armour pieces have custom model data, one looks correct, one does not
Nginx Config
trouble with RAM Usage
How do i get rid of a lag machine
Does paper break chunk loaders?
Move away from paper
Help with setting spawn points on different worlds
plugin to always show nametags regardless of the distance
1.18 forge startup command pterodactyl
OOM Kill need help with startup configuring
Are there good plugins that prevent people changing UUID?
Plugin to enable teleport timers
How can I reduce lag on my server
Is the Intel Core i3-6320 3.90GHz CPU good for modded minecraft?
Why does the connection to my ngrok server get refused?
Custom Minecraft Server : Mod or Plugin
What's breaking my config?
GeyserMC x Authme
Need to disable player collision. My server does not have paper.ylm config in files.
All the commands
Anyone who knows Donut SMP's scoreboard plugin?
NoChatReport compatability issues (invis msg in console)
Mines Are Not Excavated
Jail plugin
How to distinguish between shared and dedicated Resources?
test message problem
Temporary blocking joins on server restart
Why arent my cacti breaking via fences?
What is different between NoChatReports (Server side) and FreedomChat? Is my understanding correct?
plugin like essentialsx
purpur v pufferfish
Anyone familiar with Pl3xMap?
Pufferfish piston duping config
Colored Signs, Colored names.
VanillaTweaks Track Statistics Reset
ChestShops not working
Does ilmango's Gold Farm work in PaperMC 1.20?
Item shops
does anyone know of a shop plugin with limited buys/sells per day for no inflation
How does velocity work?
How to create GUI nice custome GUIs for player commands?
Oracle VPS + Votifier
Anyone know if cardboard for 1.19 will work with 1.20.1?
need help with open parties and claims mod - fabric server config - mainly perms
Vanilla tweaks on a fabric server
AFK with essentials
Venilla style purpur config file
Using plugins to change an item from a mod?
Best anti-xray
Trying to enable query
Server crashes when trying to load buried treasure maps.
Looking for a Farming Plugin like this (Instant Replanting / Growing Wheat)
I'm looking for a good virtual chest plugin!
[FORGE] autosaving keeps turning on even though I use save-off
Noteblocks not sending out redstone signals
GeyserMC just says "unable to connect to world" for bedrock player
Stoneblock 3 Scheduled Restart
whitelist broken?
Regenerate / Reset Chunks?
Could anyone make me a free server logo
Random bots joining and instantly leaving my server
Discord SRV bot on multiple Minecraft servers?
Waterfall Magma cannot connect
LimboFilter change string?
How to upload "local" server to Oracle VM server?
Which Server Jar?
How can I disable creeper explosions without disabling other "griefing" events?
How is it possible to create a sub proxy with velocity?
Trying to get an oracle server running. SSH doesn't seem to work?
Self hosting other device cant connect tot the server.
Self Hosted server running out of memory and crashing
Towny Alternatives?
How do I fix [08:49:45 ERROR]: Couldn't place player in world?
Good and fun modpacks that can run on really low end hardware
Essentials Player Selecters Issue
How can I make my player list look like yes?
Fly Plugin
How far can I get with these specs?
Does anyone know how to increase the world height limit in the nether?
"Saving Oversized chunks..."
Wiping player data
Obscure error when starting fabric 1.19.4 server
Looking for critiques or suggestions for a dedicated Minecraft Server I am building.
Separate Permissions for different worlds (Multiverse)
I can't put more than one word for ZNPCS
Best Server Icon Maker free
Easy best motd plugin for veloicty
deluxehub join and leave messages not sending
Slow Chunk Loading
is 13 gb enough for a paper 1.20.1 smp with 39 plugins
LuckPerms: How to add a parent group without setting it as primary group?
Chat with colors that are not in Minecraft
Mycommand custom command not working
ServerListPlus not enabling
Discord integration
How can I log EVERYTHING my players do?
Backing up running server?
Trying to start minecraft server gets error
Can you add consolecommands in economyshopgui?
do you think this is to much p2w
String dupe on Paper
Players "xxx lost connection: Timed out"
Bluemap Plugin
1.18.2 forge Exception in server tick loop
EvenMoreFish rarities not working
War plug-in?
any random teleport plugins that are easy to config and easy to use?
The longer I leave the server running, the more the RAM usage increases until it crashes
how do you exempt people in grimac?
Chat Verification error
offline inventory inspection
How to remove/hide particles from Endermen?
Failed to request yggdrasil public key
how do I see what score is being tracked in the Player List?
Enderpearl phasing
Is my world corrupted?
Ping lag on specific server
multiverse_does_not_return_to_previous_location BY ZNPCS
CoreProtect v21.3 with Mohist 1.19.2
getting kicked randomly when sending messages - just moved to velocity.
TAB not showing up in tab
World Version Updating
My server isn't reachable and I can not figure out why.
Mods similar to MyWorlds/Multiverse plugin for 1.20.1 Fabric?
What is the most optimized MC 1.16.5 Paper fork
Player Profile & Friends List
Running VH 1.18 Version 11 on oracle, getting connection refused: No further information
What do I do if oracle don’t pay my money back!!!
Excellent Crates Didn't work
VotingPlugin question
I started a Minecraft smp server(paper) 1.19.4 and I saw some issues like why chunks are so slow
backup plugin
minecraft Moderation Team Help
I'm looking for a plugin
Constant Crashes Every Few Hours (Log Attached)
Connection Lost: Chat message validation failure
What are popular non-hub cosmetic plugins?
essentialsX nicknames don’t show in tab
Disappearing bees
Any way to increase fishing drop rates for specific items?
I need help figuring out what is causing random TPS drops
Someone is ddosing my Oracle Free Tier server... HOW???
Making a new UI bar above hunger (Items Adder)
Which Fork Should I Use
Coreprotect Nametag
What Auto Broadcast plugin do you recommend?
help reading crash logs
What is a good server backend high perfomance and vanilla features
lightweight, functional, Discord + MC chat
Spawn area plugin
How can I stop these un-natural flat edges on map?
Best way to run the server?
Disable wither's projectiles from breaking blocks
Inventory cleared
SimpleScore scoreboards
Multiverse Inventories issues
overlapping issues
what causes this crash?
How to keep farmland hydrated?
worldguard, but not on curseforge?...
Your world was used on a newer version before.
Gravity doesn't affect blocks in WorldGuard region
2 Nethers and Ends
Server process keeps killing itself
ViaVersion not replacing blocks
Self hosting
world spawn set in different world
Plugin Finder
Magma - Multiverse Core with Biome mods
Bungeecord setup
Ram issues
Way to keep specific item in player's inventory on death?
Which mod to let you pregen multiple dimensions ?
Bedrock Dedicated Server world broken after update to
Multiverse vs myworlds for datapack usage
spigot - what damage cause is conduit damage?
Server crashing regularly, errors and timings about firework lag, not sure how that correlates
LP and NTE: Making ranks have incorrect tag in tab+nametag
Velocity: making players switch server with command-blocks
how to generate with forge
Best Resource Pack Hosts
Help Error with data pack
I'm looking for a "friends" system for a survival server that allows teleporting friends to dungeons
Bedrock AntiCheat
No longer receiving [Server thread/INFO] messages in console from ExcellentCrates
Issue with joining forge server I made
convert start.bat to
Invsee mod for forge 1.18.2
Plugin or Other Method to delete Chunks
plug-in to save pre-made items, and give them to online and offline players
Does anyone know a placehodler for placeholderAPI for listing out all players on a team?
Paper Server, ex-Forge world - how to clean up world file and unknown attribute warnings?
lands plugin permission issues
Fishing rods in spawn
lag question
Fabric Server, Spark Report
Velocity IP Forwarding Bypass
What is this issue with Lands?
[DEV] Wheel selector
Let players read a book in a lectern but not take it
players unable to build unless operator
Pre-Generated World Chunks Loading Slow. Keep in memory?
Need mods similair to grief prevention and worldguard
Change the Day/Night cycle speed?
Oversized chunk killing the server
Which is the best multi currency plugin for minecraft??
help me choose a cheap host
Does anyone know how I can disable /fly in specific regions and during combat?
Kimsufi VPS
in my server paper mc 1.19.4 ive got one issue the xp are collecting to one big xp particle
unknown host error on established server
-Xms10G -Xmx10G what's the difference between the two?
Mod that turn on and off pvp randomly for 1.20.1 Fabric
Custom /help command
Getting banner with pattern into Deluxe Hub server selector?
Localization datapack problem
Resource Pack does not work correctly on MacOS
what plugin to pre-generate a world ?
optimal places to look for players to test my server
Resource Pack Problems
Dynmap not full rendering
Recommended RAM and CPU Amount as well as Startup Command for Upcoming Influx of Users
Semi-Hardcore plugin/mod recommendations
Overworld settings missing
How to disable optimizations
How to tell where command comes from
What's wrong??
Powertools in essentials
Chat message validation failure
ShopGUI+ inconsistent shop inventory sizes
Per-Player Private Islands plugin & House Customization plugin?
How to update my server?
Going to release a new season that is estimated to have around 80-90 players with version 1.18.2
Multiverse Hub and Survival
slow pregen
free mcmmo alternative
Going to host an event with ~100 players in 1.20.1, tips?
with luckperms and fabric, and the only permission groups minecraft.* and luckperms.* ?
Plugin with same functions as holographicdisplays
Bad user connection
Looking for server recommendations
BetterRTP Help
Fishing rods in spawn.
how to put a price on player heads
Gens Tycoon Server PLugin?
Server lagging with barely any players online.
alternative for plotsquared
worldguard: resume world activity
Skript where when player dies they get a random gun
World Border Mod for fabric...
Disabling End Dimension
can someone help me with this crash repport
discord srv bug
P2W competitiveness
Tips on Plugin Configuration(s)
Identifying a possible virus
nothing abt this, yet, so making a post
Anyone know how to remove the number code stuff from prefix when it shows in the discord srv
Is there a placeholderAPI expansion that can list all players in a team.
Is it possible to use LWJGL version 3 on sub 1.14.4 versions of mc?
LPC and Towny
Player not enable to connect to server through velocity
The chat format is not working as intended! URGENT!
Which server to choose for crossplay
How do I make it so that it executes a command if someone has a certain permission on luckperms
Which popular plugins do people have running on a 1.20.1 Paper Server?
I want to make it so that players have permission to change their own team but not others?
LibertyBans Question
Question regrading this post
Random player constantly connecting and disconnecting from my server
Is it possible to put a Vanilla 1.20.1 world backup onto a Paper or Spigot server?
Why am i crashing?
Question about MyCommand plugin.
Issues with portforwarding
Only one player has extremely bad ping
Need tips on claims for a small SMP server
mystry hologram - not made with any plugins i know of
DriveBackupV2: "Failed to upload"
how to add addons in minecraft bedrock linux server
Velocity Tab Not Syncing w/ Backend
"Server Overloaded?" Bisect hosting
Recommended Flags for Java 20 for a Fabric Sever (1.19.2)
Disallow commands regardless of permission
Same villager trades across different players
Disabling a command doesn't actually disable it (EssentialsX)
Server crashing when I run /spawn sometimes
Best plugin for player-run economy?
Modded server won't load up, error below
Unable to run forge server after adding mods
User limit of inotify instances reached or too many open files
server message
Weird Big Long Error Long
Best way to restart a fabric server?
How to ban someone from a bedrock dedicated server
Router and Relations with MC Server
Change font color of event messages
Is there a 1.20 plugin like MCPets or Forever Adorable
Will A World Eater Lag Out My Server?
Problem with CreatesPlus
Pirate Launchers
Best subreddits/Discord servers to look for builders and staff on
Anyone know what's up with DiscordSRV
Heads in chat
Vanilla commands for Luckperms?
Hosting a minecraft server on the same network on a different pc but can't join
Is Map Data Unique for each Overworld?
user somehow got op? [edit: glitched citizens npc]
bungeecord or not
how would i go about adding gen altering datapacks to a server?
clock doesn't work even if its night time
Dawncraft server 1.18.2 stuck on encrypting
does bungeecord have command aliases
The "Admin" Rank is not above the "Player (Spieler)" Ranks
Transfer server data from offline to online
(StaffPlus) Plugin failing to start
Upgrading Plugins
java.lang.ClassCastException: class com.destroystokyo.paper.profile.CraftPlayerProfile cannot be cas
How to disable flight enabling upon join?
Update to 1.20 failed
How well do Oracle Cloud free tier servers run modpacks?
How to purchase a server from someone?
Make signs only editable by sign creator
Best 'small community server' host?
Full CPU usage from /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gpu/
Worldguard allowing flight issue
people can change their name to anyone's
Custom resource pack makes inventories lag / isn't downloaded correctly.
WorldGuard PVP Damage flag does not work
Left Click requirements not working
World Edit Unable to load schematic
Forge to Fabric
RecourcePack not working on Macos, Not loading on 1.20
Counts all mined blocks
Problem when opening minecraft
Default Skins
Mob Spawning Issues
How to configure SimpleTabList
How to Enable String Dupe on a PurPur Server 1.19.4
Exception in server tick loop crash report
disabling OP in server
Forge Server (1.16.5) running poorly
Modern Economy Solution
friends cant join server
Help with valhelsia server not starting
Worlds Directory
optimizing my server
offhand item placement for Bedrock Edition??...
Queue System
I want to make it so that if a player has a certain permission they will join a specific team
how to disable essentials economy
Looking for quest plugin
Recource Pack Questions
Detecting Silk Touch Enchant
How should I set up my Dev server?
1 of many players cannot join server
Economy Plugin suggest
essentials config file keeps resetting
Announcements Plugin?...
1.12.2 villagers
How do I type the place holder for the Playerlist plugin?
JVM flags Xms and Xmx
Hot create npc
Worldborder on premade map
SupremeChat not working
Securing Velocity Proxy
/wild configuration
Alternate Bedrock server software for normal vanilla minecraft
Mousepad recommendations?
Looking for voting plugin
Folia - Very Cool, it's it worth it?
Yet another post on here, this time talking about runaway ram usage. (Again)
Best Queue Plugin?
Super new to hosting a server, having issues with tick rate.
I'm in a CGNAT?
Villagers frozen?
I'm looking for a name color plugin
[Fabric 1.20.1] Server crashes when a user joins
(DeluxeHub) Disable fly on join
Need Help Increasing RAM Allocation to Server
Reload Plugin
Pause daylight ticks when no players online
Make gamemode persistent across worlds with multiverse
What are the important hardware components for a modded 1.20.1 fabric Minecraft dedicated server?
Spawnpoint not saving when sleeping in bed?
What is the towny plugin that lets people make other nations vassals
deluxemenu not working
Seeking the Best Server Optimization...
How to ping mc server on Homarr home web dashboard
Custom whitelist plugin
How to deal with redstone?
Plugins not functioning
Alternative for Plugin Hide Pro
How to override a certain command for another
"Unknown host error"
How to stop CombatLogX from activating on fall damage?
How to detect ban evaders?
I have a plugin 'Core', is it something I installed by accident, or did it come with installation?
I can customize a hosting plan but I don't have much knowledge about it, here's what I came up with
FTB Skies connection to Velocity proxy
Op without me knowing
Fabric block certain mods
Geyser old Version
Im suffering
Cracked Players
Disable enchanting
What is the mostly used server type on Bedrock edition for big servers ?
pufferfish - paper - purper
ideas for non-p2w paid things to add to my server?
getting rid of spartan
proxy server joining
How to make it so when you press a next button it takes you to a differnet menu
Everytime I join my hub server, it gives me a game selector compass
Server crashing when specific chest is opened
how to fix tab plugin messing up my prefix colors in playername tag
How to disable Luckperm prefixes popping up in join and leave messages
Some cool features/mechanics for survival
Itemsadder texture pack
How can I limit my loaded chunks? | and what are the side effects or downside of doing this?
How to make a upgradable option in deluxemenu.
getting kicked for "chat message validation failure"
Simple TPA plugin weird.
Default Worlds
people can't use the lectern at spawn withworldguard
A Better way To Do This
Manual Java .bat Selection
Basic claim plugin for SMP?
How to un-deathban
Transferring from SQLite to MySQL
Xbox Live Friends Server
Less a MC Admin question and more a Sysadmin question...
Best websites so use with a votifier plugin?
auto smoothing around existing region files
Low CPU usge
/ranks Gui
Colored names in-game
Consistently 100 ticks behind
How to detect PVP hacks.
CPU usage on bootup
elytra bug
How do i convert forge or fabric mods to paper?
I'm currently using the SilkSpawner plugin and its duplicating spawners every time I mine it
Invalid command in Economy
logout location
why did this break?
Problem with the ip
What IP do I have to send to my friends to join my server?
Luckperms not working
Recommended JVM Arguments
Discord Leaderboard
deluxemenu not working
Force gamemode per LuckPerms user group?
ItemsAdder chat emojis are colored by chat prefix
Player error message
1.20.1 fabric server having low tps
what does this mean
Create mod crashes server
I appear to be having memory issues, any idea what may be causing it?
-xmx & -xms must be the same value?
Player Shop Plugin
Why does it show two messages.
Anyways anyone knows a java program which is a proxyprotocol reverse proxy?
looking 4 copy chat message mod?
Horrible fps drop from Spigot to Paper
Is it possible to see who crafted an item?
How to optimize or reduce RAM usage from datapacks?
Items adder
Client crash with java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Packet Payload too large ... [Fabric, 1.20.1]
session locked?
Which host should i choose?
Transfer PAPI placeholders across velocity servers
Plugin suggestions for private server while still maintaining Vanilla feel?
Worldedit bukkit
plugins enable/disable per world
part of pl3xmap isnt rendering
Java Version for 1.16.5
Only 1 thread being used by server
npc citizens permison
Here we go again, portforward stopped working
Inventory Per World in 1.20?
Server Transfer
Server crashing for being out of memory constantly
Massive server lag on initial load in
Best DDoS protection for a dedicated server?
Best Java version server software and best JVM?
Fabric server anti cheat
Coding Plugin, Doesnt seem to work
Invidivual Small worlds
Minehut blocks my original server ip and I can only connect through Minehut.
What is this placeholder? (vault)
Remove "KICKED for spamming" thing
Server resource pack not working
Forge 1.19.2 server crashes on start
Difference between MythicMobs Premium and Free?
Broadcast admin commands to all players
Discordsrv: Discord to Minecraft Chat not going through
villagers on forge server
pvp in hub plugin
Itemsadder bedrock and java
Java/Bedrock Cross-play Custom Model Data Via Geyser (Custom Mappings Help?)
i want to create a blackjack table using
Nether Portals Not Connected?
Creepers don't grief the world
Respawn Issues
What is wrong here? Im lost. Thank you in advance
Disable anvil renaming?
Issues with Fabric Server (1.19.2)
Server crash due to bukkit datapack load fail
Simulation distance and view distance
OOM Crashes on Small Server
do I need a dedicated IP to have a custom IP?
Luckperms Velocity
Optimal Villager Settings to avoid lag?
Server crashing infrequently due to 'out of memory' warning
Cauldron or Magma better?
Players getting kicked from server after typing in chat.
Looking for placeholder
Ranks whit luckperms in geyser
Compass Plugin
Chat message validation error
Best Browser World Map
How to safely host a server
Waterfall linux script to launch all servers at once
Couple questions about building a home server
Good Shop plugin for 1.20.1
CPU Upgrade For Vanilla Server With Poor TPS
Forge mod that auto-hibernates server
What is the best minecraft control panel for a privately hosted server
How to connect my external Bungeecord server to Minehut.
bedrock server info on server selection page
Looking for a plugin that speeds up hoppers but won't break any sorting machines?
Optimizing Help with spawners
looking for a good paper/spigot 1.20 plugin manager plugin (replace plugmanX)
Doesnt work Citizen plugin
"Auto-save:" message in console | how to disable
is there any way to have your friends start up the server whenever they want to?
Plugin to make it so that levers can be activated by redstone
random kick
Not exactly minecraft related.
Where is best to advertise?
anyone know how to organize tablist?
How much players will i be able to run without lag
How to disable Join/Leave Message Forge 1.18.2
1.18.2 110 players
What plugin is this?
Anyway to deny specific block place with worldguard on 1.19.3?
Players can't build/destroy in the wilderness
New World With Only Certain Items
Dynamic/adaptive economy plugin
Multiverse Hardcore
Help with Server Lag
anyone know the plugins for the stoneworks server?
no idea where NBTs come from
Linking chats of 2 different servers
Spark Report
LPC Plugin 1.20 Version
Dedicated x Shared threads
looking for a particular factions plugin
Server crashes when loading new chunks, help interpreting crash log?
Permission denied attempting to run server - Ubuntu
Why wont this Kit with custom name, lore, and enchant work?
Creating Spawn-egg with player's username?
Multidimensional farms don't work
dumb question for a stupidly pointless idea
Block lag? Any settings or plugins I can adjust?
Cannot register in minecraft server lists
Cant hit players
purpur 1.20.1 feature placement error, help!
Recommended luckperms permissions?
Good Night Vision Plugin
GeyserMC Bedrock roof
Server drops TPS heavily when one specific player logs in.
Worldguard not working?
1.20 signs - text disappearing
waterfall vs paper
Error with PlotSquared
Make a server accessible for both America and China
NPC shopkeeper
server crashed and i dont understand the log
Create a spawn area only accessible using /spawn
Fun Survival Plugins
EssentialsX /sell command table
Dynamic Map or Blue Map
Server host with the best deals? (that isn't
[DEV] save in database
Best staff plugin
Disable Vanilla /op command
Players struggling to connect
Better Hits İn Pvp
PVP zones for modded mc
Bedrock server as a background service on Ubuntu
How do i force players to use a resource pack on a bungee?
I've been trying to open my port so that my friends can join the server but nothing works
Mobs Just Stand In Portals
Wardens don't despawn on server
Best current Tree Feller/Logger plugins ideally with fast leaf decay (1.20.1)
Ever since updating to 1.20 our TPS has been abysmal
How to make an alex npc with citizens
My paper server keeps starting and stopping
How many cores/ threads do modded minecraft servers need/ use
What change logging mods exist for 1.19.2 Forge?
Server random crashes
Mask My Public IP
Low ticks on Single Player (Fabric 1.19.2)
How to configure advanced rewards for VotingPlugin?
Confused on Server JAR FIle
How to remove (mcmmo) prefix
ItemsAdder with GeyserMC?
How to add player heads skin to tab list
How to fix lags/ram spikes when you open a chest with treasure map ?
looking for hosts, couple questions I couldnt find easy answers to yet.
deluxemenus thingy? how to add the name-tab complete because it's a working command it is showing
placeholder isn't showing up
Earning money Essentials
plug-in for player place chest
Any plugin that allows making NPCs like Hypixel?
Fall back plugin // lobby plugin bungee
create mod crashing
Remove blanks heads in TAB
Performance issues
Shops for secondary currency?
TNT Blowing generates cobweb?
Question about proximity teleporting
Rank Icon Plugin
citizen shop deleted
Friend stuck in some godmode type thing
Server HW: Would better single thread processing and faster RAM allow further chunk render distance?
Worldborder command per world?
New mods on server causes fatal chunk loading error
Where can i find a list of unvalid unicode characters for my custom pack?
1.19.2 Fabric Chunk Unloading and/or Memory Leak issues
Is it even worth making a minecraft server in 2023
Crashing after updating mods
Friend Can't Join - Java Server
/back not working fully
Using a Github repository for a self-hosted server
Installing Plugins on Bedrock
Help setting up a Minecraft Server
1.16.5 Mod Pack Compatibility
Rl craft server constantly lagging. see details
Console don't close after "stop" or "restart" command
Change Online mode without users losing stuff
Essential (to my server) plugin replaces vanilla command, anyway to remove plugin replacement?
CNAME not working
Simulate growth and time on chunk load plugin?
Weird error when one player tries to download server resource pack
Mobs hitting through block corners
Minecraft server lagging.
Can't change RAM allocation or the server wont start up.
Player requested jobs/requests/quests plugin?
How to reload /balancetop?
Does anyone know a vanilla command similar to this world edit command?
Hi Could anyone make me a rtp gui for free please
Private mine plugin
HELP with minecraft server with Fabric API
Discord authentication via roles?
Pulling data from mariadb
Luckperms prefix working in tab, but not in chat
Mod like coreprotect for forge 1.19.2?
What is causing these messages in chat?
Tebex Question
Coreproctect and litematica
Long tick crash via ServerHangWatchdog when near a particular chunk
Knockback effect / velocity
Fabric Server - bad chunk loading
Deactivation of Advancement Announcements
Help With Vultr Minecraft Console.
itemadder custom ranks geyser
Server System like on
Friend has atrociously high ping on our server despite living next to each other
need help with cmi alias
Self-Hosted Automated Restart & Backups
Essential Alternatives
Cat wireless redstone not working on Paper
Possible to run Paper with Fabric?
reset end dimension
luckperms delete perms
DecentHolograms - line wont update for groups
Datapack permissions
can only ops use supervanish plugin?
Oraxen or Itemsadder?
BungeeGuard (or sth. similar) with Waterfall and Fabric
Add custom ranks
players are constantly timing out
Maintenance plugin?
Which proxy supports forge and paper server forwarding (both at same time if possible)?
Are there any claim mods that work on both Xaeros and Dynmap?
Voting rewards not working
does anyone know how to change the odds of an item dropping in a datapack?
enforce-secure-profile=false not staying set
Ubuntu Bedrock server ram usage increase?
Geyser MC not working
Pl3xmap causing server to be atleast 5 seconds behind after full render
Coreprotect Fabric 1.19 alternative?
Glitched wardens
worldguard isnt showing up
it wont let me break blocks in the main world
Proxy Server with Forge
Votingplugin Random Rewards Format?
paper server only uses 1 threat and doesnt run properly
Roll back region
How to disable certain entities (bats)
anyone know anything about better rtp not tping people into the right areas
DecentHolograms - Hologram line WONT update depending to permission!
how to have console issue a command when a player logs in?
Home-scale server software that can run on a VM with just CLI
Constant TPS Lag Spikes every 10 minutes.
Can people see me using worldedit on my server if I'm the only one with op?
deleted worlds coming back when i restart the server
what defines which group is higher or lower in luckperms?
How to deactivate persistent mobs when holding items in hand?
Modded Multiverse worlds
ATM8 - Server crashes and just says "Killed"
idea of additions for my minecraft skyblock server
What is the best possible anticheat for 1.19+?
Searching Plugin for Restart on high ram -usage
Chat Message Validation Error
Question about plugin depends
Spartan or Vulcan or something else?
ItemsAdder Regular Shield Not Working
Hub command plugins
java mod dev needed will pay money for service/time
BungeeCord FallBack server setup?
Enabling Airplace with NCP?
first join spawn
ping got high for everyone randomly
Problem with Player Auctions permissions
npc commands
looking for auto save/restart mod
Can someone explain which resource packs will/wont work on a server
Resourcepacks ⚠
Issue with TAB plugin
teleport plugin that works only in specific worlds
craftingstore/buycraft/tabex alternative for Fabric
Massive lag on 8GB Fabric Server
Fabric server "connection reset"
Weird text block, can't break it or place block here.
World gen datapack messing up
BossBarr with Cords
Server Crash at start with different IP than IPv4 and my friends cant join
Hi i want to create a some kind of cutscene if player join server for first time
How to get Vault on 1.19.4?
Cant join my own minecraft server
Silkspawners help
Server side Fabric mod to remove ALL mobs from the server and prevent spawning
Anyone have a purpur or PaperMC .yml without bugfix?
Sorry for the newbie question!
PVP Servers
Limiting spawns in ocean?
Disable a command plugin
whats the best minecraft webstore host
how to make the fabric console to use colors?
oracle cloud
anyone know what this is
Looking for a working vote rewards plugin (spigot)
Adding spawners to ShopGui+
Failed to validate message acknowledgements from
Cant paste litematica on fabric server
Crashes - Fabric modded client
Leader board website
Implementing custom textured GUI's via ItemsAdder
How do I deal with xrayers?
Building a dedicated server
server proxy does not work on hetzner vps
server console spam
back not taking me to the correct spot
Voting rewards not working now
CoinsEngine placeholder problem
server killed
Trying to run a Vault Hunter/ forge server for the first time, but getting stuck doing so.
Chest Shop
Cactus farms
prevent chunk loaders
Enchanting table movable from pistons
"does this exist?" - difference in what world looks like for different players?
help with error log for crucial 2
friend sent me our smp server files (chunks reset)
Spam messages in bedrock server
Chunk Loading Config
How to hide commands players should not have permission to?
How do I get custom domain to work for bedrock?
Lag while loading Chunks while flying over Deep Dark biomes & Ancient cities
Pickup Spawners
Minecraft 1.19.2 Modded Server has some weird crashes
Chunky reliably crashes within 3-6 hours of pre-generating - DAWNCRAFT modpack -reopening post
tebex bedrock players on java server
TCP Reverse proxy solution for Minecraft + web apps
(1.18.2) A plugin for the same player stats on all servers.
Server crashing after starting it up
List of Fabric mods that don't work well with Velocity?
I need a way to auto-replenish chests with custom lootables, but can't find any compatible plugins.
give players night vision in specific world
tickspeed error
invalid signature error when chatting?
Issue with Oracle cloud free trier registration
Hey guys. I'm using DiscordSRV to better communicate in my server. Only my messages won't go through
Custom menu Plugin that works with multiverse?
voicechat mod for server keeps saying voice chat not connected
What that chat plugin?
Is there a plugin to make shops that sell using in-game items?
does anyone have a consle client for mc accounts?
How to make bedrock server (world) backup while server is up?
Anticheat for 1.20 PvP server (Java + Bedrock)
How can I exclude all name tagged mobs with @e?
Region market for fabric server
chat plugin
Luckperms asking for op regardless of permissions
minecraft je memory
tab/essentails being buggy on 1.20
Ways to Reset the end after the dragon is dead
Best method to toggle pvp for Fabric 1.20.1 server
Is it better 1.19.4 or 1.20.1
Bedrock Dedicated Server Memory Leak
Tablist plugin problem
Is it a bad idea to run Spartan and Vulcan at the same time
Incorrect Header Check error
How to make a “government treasury” using virtual economy
Convert resource pack Bedrock
Pigmen not attacking me in 1.20.1 over-nether-roof Gold Farm
Bedrock custom item 3D model?
Forge 1.19.2 and Discord Server Integration
Any free backup plugin?
Why my prefix dont work
is this a hack?
How much RAM to allocate
DecentHolograms problem
Minecraft Server lags and freezes system then crashes on linux.
Help with Velocity-Fabric setup
Haven't been on here for a bit but I have a question, are these stats good?
Commandaliases fabric help
Weird problem with modded server
Simple voice chat using ngrok server linux.
Queue system without bungeecord?
my server says it uses high precent when i give it a lot of ram
Vinilla tweaks graves locating folder
Low TPS on fabric server
How to add true backwards compatibility to 1.16.5 and older versions?
How to diagnose "Loading Terrain" infinitely on Fabric?
How to install forge with wget
DecentHolograms permission
TNT dupping - PURPUR
um why is my server like this
Temporary group and promotion
How to switch image on Oracle Cloud vps
High ping for people
Ideas for games?
Problem with installing Java 8 script
No pillagers spawning and mobs not burning
What are some compatible economy plugins with towny
Dynmap rendering in cross pattern
How do i share the updated chunks only?
minecraft server
Getting Lag Spikes Every 15 Seconds
Help with Shopkeepers Plugin
ItemsAdder/HMCCosmetics wings
/join in the lobby dosnt work?
Modeled NPCs
Plugin to make animals grow faster?
I want to host a server in chicago and link it to a proxy that is in atlanta.
I can't set up a redirect from domain to IP.
Tab plugin help
Remove BetterNether mod and regenerate a new nether?
tebex/buycraft plugin for velocity
How to enter AdminCraft Reddit?
Best world size (pre-gen and border)
how much RAM
Forge and Plugins
Auth mod for forge 1.19.2?
Mods like CoreProtect for 1.19.2 forge?
Report Plugin for Waterfall (BungeeCord)
Ways to increase server performance other than improving hardware
Tab not showing essentials afk
Bungee NPC player count
Tab Plugin
Sudden crash
Question: What should I go with?
Bedrock Port Issues
[Server] Startup[1 apple, 1 golden_apple, 1 enchanted_golden_apple, 1 banana]
Has anyone experienced this problem with oraxen?
does anybody know if open parties and claims has an enemy system or addon?
New router modem combo and I cant port forward
Teleport Plugin to only teleport themselves (and not other players)
How can I kick players with a custom message if they don't have the mods they need?
Help identifying cause of problem
Reduce ram usage? or at least not be at 100%
Best Budget Minecraft Host?
kicked due to keepalive timeout
Optiplex 7050 for Spigot 1.20
Send Post requests ingame
how much ram does the wrapper/pteropanel need to run comfortably and not constantly kill my server
can someone please look at this error message im getting?
Paper Or Purpur which has better performance?
Can't search items in PlayerAuctions with ProtocolLib
SpigotPing and essentials AFK
SpongeForge alternative for 1.19.2
Remove chunks / fully re render dynmap
Hub Inventories
Exception in server tick loop keeps killing server
UltimateAutoRestart not restarting
How to show who is afk in the tab, using TAB plugin?
Ive set up a vanilla Minecraft server on my desktop computer and there is lag for no apparent reason
Prefer the loading row of plugins ?
Kill warden command java
packet server crasher?
This server requires you to install the Origins mod (v1.7.1)
mob spawn issue, need help
Updating a world from 1.18 to 1.20
Best /HOME and /MSG plugins?
String dupe
Best anti-vpn/proxy plugin for 1.20.1
Implementing unique life system
Suggestions on how to grow my server
Looking for Fabric Chest lock plugin
worth.yml config?
shop - sell
book and quills
What exactly is this?
Errors on my Host, but not in my Local Server
i am trying to set up voting for my server but when i enter the ip to it says
How do you stop players from using enderpearls to phase through blocks?
Commandblocks getting wiped when reloading server sometimes.
Anyone can show me full thread of this link
Bluemap web not appearing
Any good Anti-Bot plugins to stop this?
Weird issue possibly with purpur, server CPU maxed out for no reason and crashes on join
% complete on dynmap render
Unable to Port forward
Locating Build
Warn while server stopping after switching to PurPur
How do I use multiple currencies in a server?
Set specific gamemode (i.e. only spectator and adventure) with Luck Perms
Strange disconnect messages on server panel
PaperSpigot Vanilla-like Protection Plugin?
How to enable `Beta APIs` in experimental settings, of a bedrock world on dedicated server?
Bedrock Texture Pack
Hide Commands
1.20 waterfall disconnected.unsigned_chat error
A player called cuute keeps trying to join from different ips
Is there anyway to disable Crystal, Anchor and TNT Minecart Damage?
server keeps crashing
1.20 paper limited discount villager
How do I make players in tablist be sorted by ranks?
Help Port Forwarding
Help Finding PVP Plugins with these features?
UFW blocking Mojang auth servers
Guardian farm causing lot of lag on my server
CoreProtect alternative Fabric
Oracle Machine Unresponsive
Server using a lot of ram
Can I run chunky on my world??
NPC’s keep disappearing after I unload the chunk (Citizens plug-in)
Resource pack prompt every time someone connects
random IP keeps trying to join but fails
Chunk loading issues on Fabric Server running Lithium, Starlight
Looking for Docs on the Server List MoTD and Status
RAM Optimization Mods for 1.20.1
3gb RAM, trying to get as much performance without affecting farm performance (as much as possible)
All the mods 8 server crash report while starting up server
How worried should I be about a port scanner on my home-hosted minecraft server?
i made a modded server but it sasys this when i try joining
Is ElixirNode a good choice for hosting?
Dynmap Roof Layer
I just started getting "thread dumps" after updating to 1.20.1
What is a dedicated server?
Should I invest in a Pebble server?
Server startup first person lags
(probably noob question) High ping on self-hosted server
Voting plugin config
Gifting Plugin
weird bug where a single person is inside blocks and wont connect properly.
modded server doesnt start up keeps crashing
How Can I Create A link based IP for a local hosted server
How do I fix my server?
Server keeps getting pinged and I thinks its harming performance
Iron Golem Spawning
Can't verify username
Create: Above and Beyond crashing repeatedly (java stack overflow?)
Multiverse Core not found
Multiverse Last Location
Does anyone know how to set player amount perms for the Lands Plugin?
Connecting to running server on the same network doesnt work. People from outside my network can joi
Odd "**has disconnected, reasonDisconnected**" in console/logs - was not there before.
Server is generating phantom mushrooms
Region-Based Proxies for Server
someone with a similar message in the logs to the "cuute" bot did the thing
How do I hide my public IP adress for free or under 1€/m?
suspicious player keeps trying to join server
mob spawning
Bedrock Clients can't connect to my Paper server with Geyser MC
How can I disable tipped arrows on Paper
Plugin to increase the ore vein size in 1.19.4?
Translate YML files
how to enable tnt duping on spigot 1.19.2
Plugin to allow enchantment stacking through anvil?
Bungee Server Error
setting up fail2ban to limit scan bots
Implementing custom GUIS
any good recommendations to limit mob breading
can I have access to console if I run the server via systemd
mob farms better on spigot or paper?
GeyserMC error in paper server
Server failing to start and crashing
Players unable to break/place blocks in geyser crossplay
good ram for fabric server
is this a bot?
Server logs not generating (FabricMC)
Player trying to connect even through whitelist and a ban
server icon not working
WorldGuard Lavacast
Does someone have expirience with MCSManager?
Advancement Leaderboard
Best Crate Plugin for Java 1.20.1 Paper Server
Replay mod?
Text Effects
Plugins must have
Issue while starting my server
Experiencing server lag even though spark is reporting low CPU and Ram Usage
Is this guy hacking or spoofing?
weird spark report
Best way to automove players on Velocity?
How to hide italicized name when in spectator mode in tab for non opped?
how to add requirements?
Do "Raw Statistics Track" plugins cause performance problems?
Weird INFO console logging about destroyed blocks
Does anyone know of a plugin that will execute a server command when a discord user receives a role?
Opinions about Ptero vs AMP? Alternatives?
Oracle minecraft server stopped working after a few days
Custom Scoreboard
Alternative to Insights?
is there anyway to auto start(when attempted login) and shut down with no players on my server
Which server location should I choose out of these two?
Anti-Xray with GeyserMC
optimising server performance on low ram budget?
bedrock players on java server
can anyone look at this crash report thing?
World specific datapack?
Seed Cracking
Why are * permissions bad (eg; essentials.*, cmi.*, or of course, the classic, * by itself)
Deflating a server economy
Moderation Web UI Plugin
PaperMC and Forge mods on 1.19.2
someone tried to join my server with a the name "serverseeker"
How to make a player fail quest on death ?
how do i make it so players cannot use a command unless they use it through a book?
Best Claiming Plugin for SMPs?
Saplings not growing on player placed dirt
Anticheat Combination
GeyserMC Bedrock players can't break blocks
Upgrading to Dedi - Questions
Temp public ip
Image in tablist too small
Dynmap/Dynmap-Worldguard customization
i keep getting a bug on my server
very high spawn rate around players
jobs reborn- anyone knows how to set nbt tags with this plugin
Internet crashes while hosting a server locally (with lots of block changes)
New blocks?
best vanish plugin
Server overloaded
Why can't my friends join my port forwarded minecraft server but I and my other device can?
Is there a way to create a CustomModelData but for mobs?
Error starting forge installer
Does the clay diamond trick still work in 1.20.1?
Benchmarking mods/tools for Fabric Minecraft server
does anyone know if StatsSB plugin has something like %playtime% to show ?
GraalVM Error
SRV records not working
Vanilla-like teleport spigot/bukkit plugin
How can I use ConditionalEvents to play a sound for all players?
Does anybody know what unihex is?
Need Help With a Server Related Networking Issue
HELP - Datapack World Gen
Multiverse advancements for separate worlds?
Horrible TPS on my ATM8 server
Filler not working
is forge or fabric better for modding
WorldEdit //replace with clipboard?
Can no longer see players changing GameMode (Paper 1.20/CMI)
Dev help
block unwanted ips?
(PebbleHost) Reactivating achievements on a vanilla Bedrock world that has had cheats enabled
Low TPS during peak hours.
Disabling the End
do fabric servers auto save?
Someone created an insta-kill zone in creative build world
Help adding a custom tp command
Broken Saturation Regen?
Citizens alternative to create NPC statues using ModelEngine or MythicMobs
Help with chat color
getting a villager spawn egg with specific trades
You need to authenticate to Microsoft Services.
Disable default _nether and _the_end worlds?
Custom GUI with Datapacks / Plugins
Bed spawnpoints not working for players
"Selector not allowed"
hardcore - ( softcore which plugin )
Phosphor or Starlight?
My server keeps overloaded
Best Auction House Plugin
Paper RNG Manipulation
What causing this error..?
server randomly crashes without crash report/logs
Best VPS Providers - 50€/month
Custom Textured Blocks
Disable Book and Quill (Paper)
Help with higher tier enchantment books
Bot clogging console
Bungeecord security running on local host
GeyserMC Whitelist a PS5 Bedrock Account
Is there a command to give custommodeldata with a customname?
No idea how to use OneTimePack
HMCCosmetics vs MCCosmetics vs MagicCosmetics
Constant connection attempts from a player called "cuute"
Harder difficulty
Server Crashing
Incredibly High Ping
Bungeecord Hub Plugin
Help with Windows PowerShell
Help with Crashing Server
Weird issue
Best config for Orebfuscator?
Anyone Know what PLUGIN is causing this??
help with wandering trades plug-in
What's the ec_player_profiles folder?
Faster minecart 1.20 plugin
Tebex plugin help
I can join my minecraft server, but my friends can't
Crash "Timed out" player after tp commands
Server Performance Chunk loading
Creating a Grafana Dashboard for a Forge Server
How do I whitelist multiple people at once?
Geyser on Survival Server?
How do I add coordinates to the simplescore plugins scoreboard?
Plugins not being picked up not sure why
are there any ways of deleting unused chunks with chunky
local fabric server backups
I keep on getting error messages when i connect to my mc server
Just to double check, these errors are just server scanners right?
Goat Horns not heard more than 20 blocks. How to fix it?
Please remind the server
Couldn't verify username because servers are unavailable
Staff file access
Random ip's joining
Building Course
Is there a suggested "correct" way to update modded servers running cursefoge modpacks?
Plugin for regenerating natural looted chests
datapack reloader plugin
Lightweight anticheat plugin that has autoban but doesnt take up 30% of server rescsoursces?
Anvil too expensive
cant build in the wild towny pluggin
ExploitFixer vs Illegalstack
Anyone know what this Problem in the Tablist is causing?
Random user keeps attempting to join?
ATM8 1.0.20 server lag
Some can connect, some can't
How to get addons for Dynmap?
Next page