Looking for a Simple Player Warps Plugin
Hello, Im looking for a simple player warps plugin. I dont want it to have any GUIs. I want my player to be able to make thair own warps with /pwarp create [name] and warp to them using /pwarp warp [name]. I have seen a simple plugin like that on one server like 3 years ago. (1.21)
6 Replies
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Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
Make sure to mark solved when issue is solved!!!
Requested by obe107#0
how would this be different than a homes plugin?
players can make public warps to thair farms for other players
does that first one look good?
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EssentialsX has warps
Just give everyone perms to warp somewhere
U don’t want that cause they wouldn’t be able to delete their own warps without being able to delete other peoples warps
Alternatively you could just use essentials homes, and give people access to tp to other peoples homes