Players on my server can't drop items
This is kind of a weird issue but players can't drop items when they go into their inventory and press their drop key. I have checked worldguard and I have allowed item dropping. There are no errors in the console on start up so I think it's pointless to send logs but I can send them if anyone wants to see them. These are my plugin:
Paper Plugins: (2):
- FancyHolograms, TotemGuard
Bukkit Plugins: (85):
- ajLeaderboards, AsyncArenas, AxAFKZone, AxAuctions, AxEnvoy, AxInventoryRestore, AxKills, AxKoth, AxRewards, AxTrade
AxVaults, BetterRTP, BetterTeams, BlueSlimeCore, ChatColor, ChatGames, CoreProtect, CrazyVouchers, CyberLevels, DeluxeCombat
DeluxeMenus, DupeProtect, eco, EcoArmor, EntityClearer, Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsSpawn, EternalTags, ExcellentCrates
FarmControl, FastAsyncWorldEdit, FreeCoinFlip, FreedomChat, GrimAC, HolidayHunt, Infiniteannouncements, InvSeePlusPlus, InvSeePlusPlus_Clear, ItemEdit
ItemsAdder, ItemSpreadFix, KnockbackSync, libreforge, LifestealCore, LiteBans, LoneLibs, LPX, LuckPerms, Multiverse-Core
MyCommand, NBTAPI, nightcore, NotBounties, packetevents, PinataParty, Pl-Hide-Pro, PlaceholderAPI, PlayerPoints, PLAZMER-ENGINE
PlugManX, ProtocolLib, RayTraceAntiXray, ShopGUIPlus, ShopGUIPlus-SellGUI, SkinsRestorer, StaffModeX, StoreStats, TAB, Tebex
UltimateAutoRestart, UltraAntiFreeCam, UltraHide, Vault, ViaBackwards, ViaVersion, VirtualSpawner, Votifier, VotingPlugin, Vulcan
*wellkeyall, WorldGuard, WorldGuardFlagFIx, ZelChat, ZNPCsPlus
3 Replies
Thanks for asking your question!
Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
Make sure to mark solved when issue is solved!!!
Requested by tinyhelius#0
That's a lotta plugins you got there
One of them is causing it obv
It started happening today I will uninstall the plugins that I installed today and see if the issue is still here.