Anyone able to code a Bungeecord Plugin?
Hello everyone, iam currently using the Plugin "Powerranks" ( ) for my server and its working just fine. The only issue is that there is no proxy compatibility. Is anyone able to code an addon plugin so that players have the same rank on every server? We can discuss the payment and all details over discord: god_of_sloth Thanks to everyone.
SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft
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Requested by god_of_sloth#0
Sure, Lucko has already done this for you. The plugin is called "luckperms" and is great.
Ill test it out, thank you. ive used powerranks for so long that it didnt even cross my mind to test soemthign new.
Hey im trying to set up luckperms right now, but its having an error. When i give myself the luckyperms.* permissions it says that i already have all permissions but after multiple restarts i still dont have them ingame. And when i copy the command from the luckyperms-wiki it says that this command does not exist.
are you doing the /lp command on the proxy?
do it on the server
like the backend
your lobby/gamemode server whatever it is
it says this command does not exist
to synchronize permissions across the servers you need to connect all instances of luckperms to one database
yeah because you did it on hte proxy
Or do i need luckyperms-bungee on the bungee and luckyperms-bucket on the game server?
no i mean it says that on the gameserve
luckperms bukkit goes on all the game servers
on the servers that run bukkit
Is there any version for paper too or do i just use the luckperm-bucket.jar?
luckperms bungee goes on the bungeecord server,
luckperms bukkit goes on the bukkit/spigot/paper servers
use luckperms bukkit
ok ill try it thank you
it still does not seem to work. I dont know what i did wrong this time. The console screenshot is from the paper server
what are you trying to achieve? you already have luckperms.* and can run any subcommand of /lp
you are running luckperms bungee command
lpb is for luckperms bungee
thats the command luckpermsbungee tells you to run hen it detects theres no permissions
if you're op*
Also since op wanted to setup ranks across servers ill just leave this here
LuckPerms - A permissions plugin for Minecraft servers.
LuckPerms is a permissions plugin for Minecraft servers. It allows server admins to control what features players can use by creating groups and assigning permissions.
So do i need to create ranks on the bungee-lp or the bucket-lp if i want a user to have the same rank across all servers?
in config.yml of luckperms if you scroll down there will be a storage section
you'll need a database, such as mysql or postgres
okay. Do i then need to copy / paste the files from the server where i set it up to all other server or will bungee-lp do that automatically
and you connect all the bukkit luckperms plugins to the same database
i have MySQL
what files?
just copy the luckperms-bukkit jar file over into the plugins folder of your other server
LuckPerms - A permissions plugin for Minecraft servers.
LuckPerms is a permissions plugin for Minecraft servers. It allows server admins to control what features players can use by creating groups and assigning permissions.
Ah, i see. I assume there i have to replace
address: localhost
to address: 3306
since this is default for a Mysql database?no
ok, do i leave it at default?
be default if luckperms detects mysql it will use 3306 port
Oh, perfect. So i dont need to set up anything there in order for bungee to work?
also dont use bungee
use velocity
its leagues better
^ and also you need to setup the messaging service
LuckPerms - A permissions plugin for Minecraft servers.
LuckPerms is a permissions plugin for Minecraft servers. It allows server admins to control what features players can use by creating groups and assigning permissions.
just connecting all of them to the db isnt enough, you also have to tell it how frequently you want it to update across the network
i usually just leave it at
sync-minutes: -1
to be instant
Okay great. When i create/edit a group on one server will it automatically be updated on all servers, or do i need to recreate it on every other servers?
if you set it up properly it will automatically sync updates on all servers
Okay the 2 things i dont get yet is how to change the rank of members to an other group and how to create a new group that all players have after joining for the first time. This plugin is a little bit more complex than powerranks
But apart from that it all seems to work perfectly, thank you so much!!
players by default get group.default which you can change as you wish
you can use /lp user {user} parent add {group}
to add a group to a person
to create a group you can use /lp creategroup {group}
Great. With which command can i do that or is that video config, because i couldnt find anything there
you just change the group
/lp group default ...
that command changes the default group from default to a new one?
no, theres no need to
just change the prefix of the group to whatever you want
default will be default
its a placeholder
so the ... is any of the other arguments that the command wants
thats just how you interact with the default group, or really any group
Okay for some reason the servers are not connected with each other. Is there a way i can still do that now or do i have to delete/reinstall everything? And how would i `fix that for both options
did you setup the messaging service?
are they all connected to one table?
what does /lp sync do?
Yes messaging plugin is online, what do you mean by "connected to one table"?
if you want my advice I'd read the entire luckperms doc and just try to understand how to works first
You're Jumping into the advanced stuff with understanding luckperms