Oracle Cloud server refusing my key

I'm using the same key than yesterday but it doesn't work anymore, here's the error message : Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic) I haven't changed anything from yesterday, other than restarting my computer two times, and i've tried to login with powershell and bitvise but it does not change anything.
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Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
after some research i found out how to get more information (by using -vv) and it's outputing this :Could not resolve hostname C:\Users\reque\OneDrive\Bureau\SSH key\ssh-key-2023-09-20.key: H\364te inconnu. "H\364te inconnu" idk what's this oh and "inconnu" mean unknown in french the command i'm using is : ssh -i "C:\Users\reque\OneDrive\Bureau\SSH key\ssh-key-2023-09-20.key" [email protected] and the server is running on linux shitee when i'm trying to login as "root" it says "please login as the user "opc" rather than the user "root""
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Can you access the ssh key at that path?
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
yes it's the right pass as i said i haven't modified anything
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Like, if you pull up explorer.exe and type in C:\Users\reque\OneDrive\Bureau\SSH key\ does it show up?
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Mind sending a screenshot of the explorer window?
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
sure the one with the .key ?
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
And a screenshot of your ssh attempt? :NODDERS:
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
X) ok
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
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Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
here's everything you can zoom in your explorer right ?
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Powershell might not be able to access onedrive, try moving the private key (and the path in the command) to the C: drive, something like C:\sshkeys
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
it's the same problem on bitvise tho ? you sure i try that ? ok i'll try anyways it won't kill me
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
In your command with -vv, you'd need to move the -vv to after the path of the key.
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
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Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Might need to try and access the vm another way
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
i can maybe try on the oracle interface on the site web you can maybe do a call so i can share my screen to you ? if you can
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
I'm at work lol
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
okay X) thx for your time let's see
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
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Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
where should i go ? i can go see the interface of the subnetwork of the server if it's useful
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Troubleshooting the SSH Connection
If you're unable to connect to a compute instance using SSH, follow these troubleshooting steps to identify common problems.
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
ok i'm gonna take a look at this bruh i think i found the solution apparently they make regular keys rotations and i'm supposed to get notified but i haven't got anything i'm gonna change the key to see if it's that
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
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Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
looks like it wasn't the issue
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
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Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
tried with another ssd but it's not work either
Try bitvise For windows
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
yep like you sugested yesterday but doesn't work either
Is ur server still up On the ovh panel
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
Can you ping the ip and get a response?
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
take a look at that:
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Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
what's the command to ping ?
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
yes but what do i put after ? the ip ? oh did it it says the waiting delay is too long he received 0 packets
Something wrong with the connection then
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
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Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
of the server
Doesn’t that console window on the top corner open a console window in browser
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
cloud shell and code editor it propose me that you mean the console icon at the top right corner ?
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
No. That just means the host doesn't respond to ICMP requests. His host is online and responding, otherwise he wouldn't get permission denied.
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
yep maybe i can authorize myself from the online interface ? but idk how
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
Sorry i'm reading everything but i can't even understand the half of what's it's asking me to do so i've looked at it completly but it does'nt give any information about what a should do in that case HEY I think i maybe found a way to resolve but i need you help to get data on how to do some things i need to edit a file but i don't have access to the console from my pc because i can't connect so i should connect from the console on the managing page for the server but the problem is that i don't know what console i'm supposed to use
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
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Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
when i'm in one of those it always ask me a password but i don't know where i can get this password i've never heard of it or created one
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
If you want to sign in to an instance using an instance console connection, you can use Secure Shell (SSH) or Remote Desktop connection to sign in. If you want to sign in with a username and password, you need a user account with a password. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure does not set a default password for the opc user. Therefore, if you want to sign in as the opc user, you need to create a password for the opc user. Otherwise, add a different user with a password and sign in as that user.
If you want to sign in to an instance using an instance console connection, you can use Secure Shell (SSH) or Remote Desktop connection to sign in. If you want to sign in with a username and password, you need a user account with a password. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure does not set a default password for the opc user. Therefore, if you want to sign in as the opc user, you need to create a password for the opc user. Otherwise, add a different user with a password and sign in as that user.
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Troubleshooting Instances Using Instance Console Connections
Use a console connection to remotely troubleshoot malfunctioning instances.
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
ok sorry to flood the tchat with alot of message but it's to keep track of what i should be doing to solve this problem hope you understand
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
That's what the thread is for!
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
uh this link is the first you send to me but it's not useful
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
No, I sent you to a specific part of the page.
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Well, it was supposed to.
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
because i don't see the part where it says how to get my password i just need that for now atleast is it what you showed me ? because it puts me at the top of the page
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
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Discount Milk2y ago
That's what I was trying to link to
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Oracle is like "yeah we'll give you buttons that link to a specific spot"
do they work
"I never promised that."
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
ahah no bro that's not what i need but i'll search myself
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
No bro I'm pretty sure it is what you need
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
it's not the key that i need it's a password to enter when i'm in the console or i'm dumb and i don't understand mb
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Well the one under is shows you how to reset password But BUT The ssh key reset is what will get you back in
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
okay i'll try to follow what you say for now
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Otherwise, the reset password is
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
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Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Literally the next one in the list
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
"After you are connected with an instance console connection" but i can't connect how can i follow that ? like, i need a key to connect, but to get the key i need the password and to get the password i need the key to connect wtf X) that's why i'm trying to get the password by other mean than the console, you see what i mean ? okay i found a way to get the password
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Boot into maintenance mode
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
let's see
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
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Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
ok i'm doing a lot of things at the same time so it's confusing me sorry
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
No worries Take your time Discord is asynchronous communication, idc if you take a week to respond
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
👍 hmm in the process to put maintenance mode it's asking to go back to the terminal but idk what is it talking about
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Have to have the serial console open The web panel where you'd try and put in the password to opc
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
ok huh i tried to follow the instrutions but no menu appears idk if i'm doing it well or not i did strictly what it asked
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Alright, what did you try?
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
ok i did it i need to do it one more time because i fucked up something but dw i'm doing it
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
:NODDERS: :NODDERS: :NODDERS: I believe in you
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
X) i think i made it bug it's been stopping for 2-3 minutes when it was doing it instantly before i launched while it was booting up i'm stupid is it broken now ? i think i'll just wait for now when you come back from work, is it possible for you to go on a call ? i understand if you don't want to oh it's running again huh so i'm trying to create the new key but i don't understand how to do it because for sure just copy and paste don't work i need to modify the names
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
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Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
it's not supposed to say that
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Where are you seeing that? What step of what guide are you on?
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
i'm on this page i'm doing like the guy in the video and it's the first this he write
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Are you on the cloud shell?
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
The uhhh The recovery area?
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
nope it's not in the video
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
it's not asking me to go in recovery mode i mean maintenance
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Did you mkdir .ssh
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
no where did you see that ?
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Step 2.
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
but i'm at step one
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
Of the link you sent
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
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Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
why the fuck is the video dans the page saying different things i'll follow the page i guess
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
The video just skips that step Mkdir just means "make directory" Like, create the folder. It already had the folder created, so it didn't need to make it
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
bruh i'm doing the commands but nothing is showing i'm restarting the cloud shell AHHHHH when i type "mkdir.ssh" it's saying command not found
Discount Milk
Discount Milk2y ago
You need a space before the . After mkdir .
Mr.ThingsOP2y ago
i tried doesn't work neither oh wtf it worked i guess i surely did an error previously if it doesn't show anything it means that it works right ? yay it worked ok so now i have the public key the public key and the private one are on the server so what do i do now ?? i'm waiting for your instruction bc i don't want to fuck it up idk where you live but in france it's 22pm so if you're only here later i will maybe be asleep. I'll continue tomorow ok i found my login for the console so i'm using it to start the server but idk how to setup the key i generated

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