In your opinion, what's the best chat plugin?
In your opinion, what is the best chat plugin? Do you have any recommendations for specific game modes, or just a general favorite?
44 Replies
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Requested by developedbyalex#0
I just feel so limited with LPC
My fav atm is FairyChat
It supports placeholderapi and different formats per group/world/server using luckperms
What do you need that you don’t think lpc could do?
Yeah, I have used it before. I just feel so limited 😂
I'm not asking for myself, I was just curious on what people actually use since there is so many. But to answer your question, I personally prefer FairyChat as it has per group channels, mini message and mini placeholder support and built in mentions
sounds like an ad
Channels confuse me as a player, but understandable
some people say ChatControlRed is quite good, it’s just a LOT of work to set up + is paid
and the dev is pretty hated
the only thing ive found that lpc lacks is on hover displays
other then that its mint
When will lpc have minimessage support?
uhhh fuck knows tbh
Also this, kinda annoying. I suppose at the end of the day, it is only meant to be a starter plugin? Idk
I've had experience with this. It's a nightmare to setup and the support is eh. Cause the owner owns MineAcademy as well as multiple players the support just lacks. He use to do refunds on it though which was nice of him.
ChatControl Red is superior but ya have to deal with Kangarko, as others have pointed out
But it has added a ton of customization to my network, plus cross-server chat and custom join, leave, and switch server messages are cool
And hover shenanigans
Isn't CCR incredibly annoying to configure?
I wouldn’t say annoying, just VERY in-depth. Probably the most time I’ve ever spent on configuring a plugin
The wiki is very extensive though and I would say it’s worth the effort for a very unique and customized chat
Hmm, I've been looking at it for a while and people have just said it's annoying to configure, yet worth it
I've had it in the past. It's kinda overwhelming if you're not that experienced doing configs. Like Torrent said though, it's in-depth, but the wiki is good.
Is there any place I can see what all it adds? Like a wiki etc?
Oh interesting! Where have you implemented this? As in what features have helped you?
Ooh that sounds great! I will def try it out
Ooh fancy looked good until it was archived
Very annoying it didn't actually list what it adds
It sucks that he's not gonna update it. Looks promising. Do you know of an alternative?
Wow guys, so many messages.
LPC Minimessage - Chat Formatter - Minecraft Plugin
A chat formatting with Minimessage Support plugin for LuckPerms.
super old post but whats wrong with kangarko?
havent kept up to date on the guy this kinda recaps some of the things he did
Why you can't believe Kangarko - Andre_601
Reasons as to why Kangarko's claims are just wrong
ohh that
i mean yeah no company is going to put kangarko on their partners page next to google aws or microsoft
that much is obvious
I like chatmanager, however, I also just use the CMI chat since that is built into the plugin, cmi
cmi ;(((
theres a active force teleport exploit rn
just look in general from @professor
no tab group sorting
its a mess of a plugin
Have u tried updated lpc with the new maintainer
LPC Minimessage - Chat Formatter - Minecraft Plugin
A chat formatting with Minimessage Support plugin for LuckPerms.
not yet actually
[item] is sick
no more interactivechat
Well it also looks like it has full minimessage support meaning u can on hover, or click actions or anything like that now
Although EssentialsChat now supports this too. EssentialsChat is surprisingly a lot better now that it has minimessage support. Idk if they’ll ever add papi support tho
yeah, still wouldnt actively use it tho
EssentialsX Chat
Looks like there is a proxy branch as well for the updated lpc. Curious how that’s coming along
that isnt a chat plugin really, it just disables chat reporting
its devs are also very very odd...
and also by default makes your server
non mug compliant
the server needs to display the popup
if it doesnt, it breaks the MUG
minecraft usage guidelines
whats MUG
It did take a bit to set it up for the first time but it’s been the best chat plugin we’ve tried so far