papermc running on a docker image by marctv
Hi guys, i got a papermc server running using this docker image:
can i install plugins from : ? If so how do i do that?
Any advices as to what cool things can i add to the server? playing with a few friends
Hangar - The best place to download Minecraft plugins
Hangar allows you to find and download the best Minecraft plugins for your Minecraft server
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Download a JAR file from hangar, and upload that jar file to the plugins folder in your server library
10 Replies
Download a JAR file from hangar, and upload that jar file to the plugins folder in your server library
thats it?
and adding and removing it required a server reboot?
if you need more help I can hop in a voice call and show you while you screenshare, but as long as you put them into the "plugins" folder you should be good
technically you can use /reload, but it causes all sorts of problems and I wouldnt reccomend it unless a plugin specifically says you should
if that really is everything i should be fine, works case ill dm you, thanks 🙂
dont dm me
put it here
that way others can see the question and answer
ok np, thanks 🙂
have a great day