Do paper 1.19 plugins work on 1.20 versions as well?

Like the title says I'm wondering if plugins that don't have a version for the newest version of minecraft would still work on a server.
16 Replies
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ProGamingDk2y ago
most do except ones with nms
skootaOP2y ago
whats nms?
ProGamingDk2y ago
net.minecraft.server some plugins need it and its version dependent
skootaOP2y ago
would i find those on most of the like plugin pages?
ProGamingDk2y ago
Many plugins don't tell u if they use nms or not U would have to look at the code Or just try it on a test server Or get plugins made for your version
skootaOP2y ago
alright thanks!
PleaseSignOut2y ago
Only if the new version actually changed the plugin it depends on people will rate a plugin 1 star on spigot and be like “UPDATE THE PLUGIN👿👿” not knowing that nothing about the new version breaks the plugin So yeah it depends and like programing said if it depends on nms then yes the plugin will break but if it doesn’t then it probably won’t break unless it depends on something that gets removed or fundamentally changed in the new version. For example 1.20 -> 1.20.1 broke basically no plugins
what is the purpose of nms? also didnt they change a few other things from 1.18.2 to 1.20.1 like materialcolor was replaced with mapcolor? cause all the plugins i use for 1.18.2 are busted on later versions, and its not just because it reaches into mojang code nvm it looks like its an issue with changes to minecraft, i guess mc is breaking more plugins than bukkit/spigot is
its meant for modding but a lot of plugins use these too so i might as well include it.
Minecraft 1.19.4 -> 1.20 Mod Migration Primer
Minecraft 1.19.4 -> 1.20 Mod Migration Primer. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
Cooleg2y ago
if they dont reach into mojang code they should work on newer servers
yeah spigot intentionally has a backwards compat api (1.14-ish)
Cooleg2y ago
so they wont break 1.13 is when they changed plugin api a lot but pre 1.13 code actually has its code edited to work on servers
yeah, as long as the plugin doesn't have import you should be ok
Cooleg2y ago
so what are you talking abt here oh wait im stupkd didnt see next message oopsie
i was wrong cause i thought material colors was spigot here's a quick search of the plugin to see just how much just one plugin reaches into mc code that i use. afaik 1 method is broken entirely (, and another might still work but worse. (

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