I wanna host a Minecraft Server with round about 30-40 Players where should I host

Hey. I wanna host a Germany Based Minecraft Survival Server. First off all im not completely stupid I just didnt take good decisions on my last hosting Services. So I know it will be allot of players for a single world and we have performance enhancing plugins + pregenerating Chunks + a smaller worldborder. As many I think I started a few year ago with Nitrado (obviously shit) and then changed to MCHost24 (better but still overpriced). Now we have someone in our team that could configurate us a webinterfaceless Gameserver or Dedicated Server. But the pricing and performance is too high for us I think. And some Dedicated Servers dont habe DDOS protection. Also Strato doesnt want to tell us the clock frequency of the CPUs. So my questions are: How should I host? (Minecraft Server with Webinterface or Gameserver and do it ourselfs) How many RAM would u recommend? (Id say about 12-18?) And most important Where should I host? (specific hosting services) Thank u so much for ur time
147 Replies
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Skullians7mo ago
!pleb #marketplace post with your PLEB. Also, clock frequency (ghz) doesn't matter for CPUs for minecraft servers. you want to focus on singlethreaded performance
Carl-bot7mo ago
What's your PLEB? Plan/Players Location Edition Budget
Thank u i will do that later
Alien7mo ago
Hetzner offers good Germany dedi's, although their good CPUs COULD be a bit pricy for some I would focus more on the CPU than the ram, typically a MC server can be fine if you have a really good CPU and as good ram You could do like 4 gigs to start off and upgrade if needed. If you do decideto go with Hetzner their rescaling feature is amazing. Upgrade in seconds If you ARE going to be doing plugins, then you could do spigot or paper (i hate paper and spigot), or for best performance you can go to Fabric, there's a lot of mods that do the same as plugins
Alien7mo ago
For DDoS protection, check out https://tcpshield.com or https://neoprotect.net
NeoProtect.net | Minecraft DDoS Protection
Resilient Minecraft DDoS protection to keep your network safe from DDoS attacks. Remote Shield allows full Remote Protection or IP transit with inline mitigation through GRE/IPIP tunnels. Our On Premise Shield gives you full control over mitigation and is custom developed.
gero7mo ago
If you want something very price-efficient, take a look at Contabo for VPS or Hetzner for Dedicated Servers and use TCPShield for DDoS protection.
Skullians7mo ago
fabric != best performance??? it’s the other way around, paper / forks generally have better performance by far ^
Alien7mo ago
Wrong it's been proven by a lot of TMC players how paper is not good for server performance Ofc if you need to run plugins you have no choice to run paper or spigot or bukkit or what ever, but paper is not optimized. TMC players have ran their farms on Paper and on Fabric servers and the MSTP on the paper servers would be around 50 while on fabric its no where close. It's better than Vanilla mc but not better than fabric. A lot of mod developers have also moved over to Fabric because of how bad paper is for performance
Alien7mo ago
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjjXYrMK4qw heres a good video from Cubic
The Problem with PaperMC
I am frequently confronted with complaints about the contraptions I share not working on certain multiplayer servers. In this video we will discover the problem with modified servers and how they impact the game to make features that would otherwise provide a universal gameplay experience inaccessible to most players. Of these modified servers P...
Skullians7mo ago
that’s for vanilla functionality not performance
ProGamingDk7mo ago
that just not true paper is FAR more optimized
Alien7mo ago
If your TPS is raising when running farms How is paper more optimized than fabric, when on fabric it doesnt lag as much That just doesnt make sense..... Im not hating on paper
ProGamingDk7mo ago
right, paper has async chunk gen fabric doesnt, it has multitude of other patches that help with performance that fabric doesnt
Alien7mo ago
What kind of patches
ProGamingDk7mo ago
take like 2 seconds to look at their github and if you go for a performance fork, smth like pufferfish you also have async mob spawning
Alien7mo ago
...or you could explain it to me
ProGamingDk7mo ago
? i cant explain the thousands of patches my man and i cant say the exact ones in detail, github is the place to go
Alien7mo ago
Im not asking you to name all of their fixes But if farms run better on fabric How is paper more optimized
ProGamingDk7mo ago
do you have any spark reports etc?
Alien7mo ago
Not only farms, just overall
ProGamingDk7mo ago
overall? what
Alien7mo ago
I do not no
ProGamingDk7mo ago
right so get some evidence to back up your claims
Alien7mo ago
Watch this video He explains it very well Paper and spigot try to make "patches" and everything else to make a good server jar And for what its used for, plugins etc it is good So if you want plugins on your server then yes Use spigot or paper or something if needed But performance IS better on fabric.
ProGamingDk7mo ago
the video that has been made a joke by most people, because its not very true
Alien7mo ago
Lol it's funny because he says the same thing about people who think paper is better So it's to each their own I guess Maybe for his needs, paper would be better. Or maybe not. Depends on the situation brother
ProGamingDk7mo ago
lmao, watched a few minutes "why cant i delete the world folder when the server is running and actively using it, goddammit" 😭
Skullians7mo ago
as a TMC player myself, cubic is generally full of shit, and that video has been shit on so hard by everyone in storage tech
ProGamingDk7mo ago
also my guy is using a multitude of plugins his performance testing wouldnt need?
Alien7mo ago
Your not in the TMC discord?
ProGamingDk7mo ago
like coreprotect...
Alien7mo ago
Want a invite I mean, devs wouldnt be moving to fabric if paper was actually better
ProGamingDk7mo ago
who are? what plugin devs are moving to fabric and for what
Skullians7mo ago
?? which one lol
Alien7mo ago
Sec I'll send in DMs
ProGamingDk7mo ago
his video has no evidence other than his word which is just funny, he has plugins that while not much impact performance on his paper server, like coreprotect that... logs every single action
Skullians7mo ago
ULTIMATE video :kek:
ProGamingDk7mo ago
which at 1000 actions per tick or whatever in some of the bigger machines (guesstimate) just makes it such a joke
ProGamingDk7mo ago
No description
Skullians7mo ago
and also the reason why TMC servers have such great performance is because the big ones such as chronos have a literal 7950X3D dedi and they still often run borderline 50mspt if not more when running farms
Alien7mo ago
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Alien7mo ago
If you ACTUALLY watched the video, you would see him a farm in the video on both fabric and paper So no, he is not "providing no edvidence other than his word which is just funny" You just don't want to listen, which is fine.
Skullians7mo ago
paper is so performant because it sacrifices vanilla functionality
Alien7mo ago
Im at 3:26 right now
Skullians7mo ago
that is a known fact, and people are fine with it because most people who are using paper are public servers. If you’re a small private server with friends, use fabric. If you care about vanilla functionality, use fabric. I’m on fabric, but I use ServerCore which breaks some vanilla functionality because I need the performance
Alien7mo ago
I feel like everything I said here was just completely ignored. Not sure why
No description
Skullians7mo ago
Well yeah but we’re talking about your original statement that paper is worse for server performance
Alien7mo ago
The conversation has moved since then So if you want to ignore EVERYTHING I said except my first statement then sure
Skullians7mo ago
farms don’t run better on fabric by the way ^ the right terminology is that certain, more complicated farms work on fabric
Alien7mo ago
That's true lol
Uhm. Well Fabric is no option for me but i heard of the discussion which is now also here but thank u for everyone who tried to help. I think if u configure Paper right it gives atm more options in plugins and better performance overall. But Fabric has a lot of potential is more free, doesnt block that many farms, is easier to programm with and i hope it will be the main go to in the future.
Alien7mo ago
Go with what ever you feel more comfortable with Give Hetzner a look He also never said this, not sure why your lying?
ProGamingDk7mo ago
he literally said that WORD FOR WORD well maybe not the actively using it part mb but everything else is
Alien7mo ago
he said "Oh yes, even tho I left the game, the server is still running, god damnit"
ProGamingDk7mo ago
no, i mean in context, and sorry yes* my quote was a bit wrong sorry, but it felt like a i misheard him the first time
Alien7mo ago
ok lol I posted a video link It is what it is 4:25 timestamp
Hey it would be cool if the discussion here would stay about the server side. If u want to adress this further i would ask u to move it to another place. Thank u
Alien7mo ago
Im using their VDS's theyre pretty good
the most VDS dont wanna say witch cpus they use. That feels like a gamble to me
Alien7mo ago
Theyre EPYC 7000 series I did a CPU test, I got about a 2400 single thread score, which there are much better options out there yes ofc. but for as cheap as they are I like them, but my server is much smaller than 30-40 players. The only time I ever see lag is when rendering new chunks with an elytra, and its not even horrible Lag, chunks just take a bit more time to render. But ur flying super fast, I doubt all 30-40 players on your server will be flying at a super high speed rendering new chunks 24/7
we will have elytras pretty late and a smaller worldborder
Alien7mo ago
If you want, you can join my server and see how it feels for you. Decide who if you want to go with them, if not you can check out #marketplace
ProGamingDk7mo ago
contabo is horrible, oversold to hell and back, has some of the worst networking i have ever seen and the cpu isnt very good
we will have like fights with 20+ people and that while other people stand at farms and stuff like that so testing that on ur server would be hard but thanks for the try for help
Alien7mo ago
Well Hetzner is hourly, and you only pay at the end of the month If you do decide to give them a try
But if i pay for DDos protection and configure everything and this and that. Is it realy that more cheap than just hosting it with a minecraft hosting service?
Skullians7mo ago
depends if you need raw performance you either use a good host with dedicated threads / cpu, or go dedicated server usually a shared host is fine
gero7mo ago
It is true that the CPU is pretty old, but not a deal-breaker for most minecraft server (at least not for the server I'm working on :))
Skullians7mo ago
often a deal breaker for most Minecraft servers ._.
gero7mo ago
I can only speak for me, but I haven't had any performance problems with over 50 players at peak times. I guess it depends a lot on what the players are doing and how aggressive you configure your performance-relevant values.
Skullians7mo ago
mhm plus VPSs often have worse perf due to virtualisation
So u (all) would recommend that if I have the money I should go for a lower Tier Dedicated Server + DDos Protection. Else just a host on like Birdflop or dedicatedmc? With how much RAM atleast? And VPS is kinda Meh for that player count or could work?
gero7mo ago
It could absolutely work, but you will almost always achieve better performance with a dedicated server.
ProGamingDk7mo ago
i would go with a shared hosting tbh for that playercount
Shared hosting means? Im sorry that i dont understand that xD But allready thank u all for ur time
Alien7mo ago
Your kidding right? Lol.... I think he means a VPS or something like PebbleHost, or SparkedHost
ProGamingDk7mo ago
Alien7mo ago
where they dont give you any dedicated resources wdym then
ProGamingDk7mo ago
a mc focused host
Alien7mo ago
really? i usually stay away from them
ProGamingDk7mo ago
dedicated resources are nice and all but generally dont improve much if anything a fair few are just fine
Alien7mo ago
i say one offering a really good ryzen cpu dedicated for $20
ProGamingDk7mo ago
hosts like old apex, mcprohosting, bisect give the community a bad name
like Birdflop and stuff like that?
Alien7mo ago
i was gonna give it a try but eh
ProGamingDk7mo ago
yea there are pretty bad ones and pretty good ones i heard
ProGamingDk7mo ago
you dont have the virtualization overhead from a vps you get a managed machine, panel with features that can be helpful or costly if implemented yourself
So u say for "just a survival Projekt" that will go for some month the whole work will not price out and will just be to much? (when taking a dedicated server)
ProGamingDk7mo ago
a dedicated + ddos protection would be a lot more costly and 30-40 players isnt a hard player count to host
gero7mo ago
If you are looking for a good KVM Root Server in Germany, you could take a look at https://bero-host.de/server/prepaid-kvm-rootserver-paket-mieten
SSD KVM Rootserver Paket günstig mieten
Bestelle schnell und günstig Ihren Prepaid SSD KVM Rootserver Pakete ab 4,95€ im Monat. Durch unser eigenes Webinterface ist die Verwaltung unkompliziert und so einfach wie noch nie!
ProGamingDk7mo ago
or get a mc host that has lower overhead, less to manage etc ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and can even be cheaper
And with minecraft host services how much ram would u all kinda say? Smaler world border but custom events with entity models and custom bosses and stuff?
ProGamingDk7mo ago
i would do 12, could go 16?
Alien7mo ago
Ram isnt super important 8 gigs is fine
ProGamingDk7mo ago
lower can work yeah
what are root server?
Alien7mo ago
Focus more on the CPU
on the single core performance right?
Alien7mo ago
Correct Do not use userbenchmark lol
but still some ram like 10-12 i would say with custom data models and many plugins
Alien7mo ago
cpubenchmark is much better There was only one time I gave my MC server 16 gigs, I never even used 10 gigs at once even with a shit ton of plugins and people on But 30-40 CONSTANT players may be different My server was much smaller than that
Skullians7mo ago
you can do 30-40 EASILY on shared hosting
Not Constant but a high peaks at events. And i want them to work u know?
Skullians7mo ago
pufferfish, optimisation, pregen, good host like Lilypad
Alien7mo ago
Yeah you should be fine with 10-12
Skullians7mo ago
10-12GB is rather high for 30-40 8Gb should be fine, 10 at max
Alien7mo ago
My main server I play on has 4 gigs of ram I rarely ever go past 2.4 gigs
Skullians7mo ago
Would do 10GB with Aikar flags because of overhead So your server can use 8Gb with 1-2gb for overhead / docker / etc
ill note that thank u
gero7mo ago
Servers where you are guaranteed to get the performance you pay for. On non-rootserver VPSs, the whole (real) server has e.g. 256GB RAM, but the provider sells 512GB RAM, because not everyone uses their full resources.
Skullians7mo ago
well no not every host oversells
Alien7mo ago
Nearly all do Very hard to find one that does not Overselling is how they make money
Skullians7mo ago
and afaik most hosts won’t do 256gb of ram, more like 96/128/192
gero7mo ago
If they don't do it, they advertise it as a rootserver. They would be dumb if they don't do it, because thats what the people are looking for.
Skullians7mo ago
eh I’ll rephrase most hosts do ‘heathy overselling’
Alien7mo ago
Skullians7mo ago
Oh no the next disscution xD
Alien7mo ago
its hard to say overall what server providers do
Skullians7mo ago
you can do shared hosting without overselling and also not every host makes profit
Alien7mo ago
I suggest he at least get dedicated cores/threads Hetzner offers this 😂
Skullians7mo ago
take birdflop for example dedicated threads isn’t necessary though
Alien7mo ago
I feel like you say this for LITERALLY everything
Skullians7mo ago
I run a heavily modded server on 4 threads of a Ryzen 5 7600 and that’s shared
Alien7mo ago
lol "A working computer isnt necessary" 😂
Skullians7mo ago
if it were nearer to the 100 mark I’d suggest dedicated threads
Alien7mo ago
100?? bro lol
Skullians7mo ago
That saying does not apply here again depends on the usecase
Alien7mo ago
in what case is shared hosting able to run that many players and be stable
Skullians7mo ago
gero7mo ago
If hosting providers don't oversell, they advertise it very clearly on their page because it is very uncommon.
Skullians7mo ago
enviromc, bloom, Lilypad, roboticnode etc the list goes on
Alien7mo ago
Im willing to invest into a server and if we can get 100 people on and have no log
Uhm okay. Thank u all so much for the help. I will see what I will do but all of that here helped me very much. I wish u all a wonderful day
Alien7mo ago
i will be very very surprised.
Skullians7mo ago
:catjam: you’d find it easier to get 100 players if it’s a PvP server where everyone’s together If I had, let’s say, a 7950X server from the likes of enviro or Lilypad you would most definitely be able to do near to 100 players :/ assuming you optimise
cal7mo ago
did someone say folia
Skullians7mo ago
god no
cal7mo ago
Skullians7mo ago
folia hardware requirements are ridiculous plus from what I’ve heard there’s more problems than just regions
cal7mo ago
well yeah it is in early development still
Skullians7mo ago
eh If you call 3 years of commits early development
cal7mo ago
not as bad as satisfactory released 5 years ago still in early access
Skullians7mo ago
kek palworld has the best performance though :KEKW:
cal7mo ago
no starfield does

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