Queue system without bungeecord?
Anyone know of a queue system plugin that doesn't require bungeecord?
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Requested by maxthecreator#0
the purpose of a queue system is to reduce the load on the main server.
unless you are making an event or something, then https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/ajqueue.78266/
SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft
nevermind. the above needs bungee
you wont find a queue plugin for a single server because its pointless
and if you are needing a queue, you can afford another $5 a month for the queue and proxy server from getting donations from all the members you have
yeh it says it requires bungee
so, how many players do you have joining?
100 - 300
on the server?
yeh, just events
ok, so its an events server
just need a ueue system, first come first server thing, happy to run it all on 1 server
yeah, so in your case, you can get a bungee setup and then add venture chat to link chat
theres too many tutorials on how to start a bungee server, i cant help you with the fine details but i can definately help for plugins or software, etc
legend, so you def think its worth getting another server
im sponsored for 1, which i run an SMP on
i have another which is free for anything else, events
what host?
yeah just ask if you can get a proxy setup
oh fr, idk if they will let me lol
what i want
my plan
is to setup a main server, then from there you can connect to the event, and old event builds, and then you can also connect to the SMP, a different server but yeh
im gonna run the events with mutliverse
sometimes especialy if they sponsor you or if you just ask, they will give you a free proxy as normaly they run on less than half a gb
to make the new worlds
or they sell them for like a dollar
okok ill ask, the guy who was dealing with me got fired 😠so ill ask someone else
do yk anyone personally from bisect
im not sure
but if you wanted, im not sure if this would work properly but if you got a dollar proxy from pebble or revivenode then route that traffic to the bisect servers
i dont think it would work but it might in theory
ok i just made a ticket, hopefully they get back to me, i asked for a new BH member to add my discord so i can message them
tysm for ur help, ill def hit u up when i get the proxy server so I can set it up properly
do they not have tickets?
yeah np
just playing around with plotsquared atm
no they do, i just made one
this thread is open always so just ping me and ill respond fast if im awake, but ill get to any notification within a day or 2
legend, thanks for all your help so far
god never revivenode'
nah, their pricing and hardware makes them not a good option
damn ok, if im sponsored may as well use their services tho
adding latency from them being in different locations on event servers arent recommended
yeah free is free
but uh
gl getting 200-300 players to run on a single server
ofcourse easier for event ones
with limited chunk gen/loading etc
yehhh, ofc i would need a bigger server if i was hitting those numbers, i am trying to get 100 atm, just setting up the server so i can promo
what hardware?
atm its only 6gb 💀
ill get bigger tho if i have the pitch
6 gb wont work for 100 players
oh fuck fr
they said it would
they dont know what they are talking about lol
what cpu?
bro idek where to find that
use spark
whats that
sorry, i just do the content lol not usually the config of stuff except plugins
spark is a plugin
that lets u monitor performance
but also gives u good intel
like cpu informatio netc
installing now
Spark Profiler
Spark can be used to see why your server or client is lagging.

Admincraft Canned Responses
it could if it was a void world with everyone on 1 block

its literally everyone claims a chunk n builds in it
not too intense
yes but
is it infinate?
wouldnt recommend it
can u limit with plotsquared?
i have no clue
yehhh ill get them to upgrade, just gotta prove the interest
u can with worldborder not sure how those work together tho
ill give it a go another time, just trying to get everything else set up atm
if u have any more questions feel free to ask
configurations/setting up plugins is what i do normally (as my main source of income lol)
got spark, how do i find the cpu using it
thanks so much
honestly, most helpful discord lol
nice to hear!
i have no life so ill probably be on whenever u need help next kek
do you know a lot about plotsquared
a bit
what if, i wanted to set up 100 plots, i can do the deco, i want a main house in the middle which isnt a plot, and each plot is a chunk
at that point just select the one in the middle and caim it
claim it
but u can technicly break it if u have perms
So i managed to sort out the proxy server
Any chance u could help with setup?
uh which part