Pterodactyl panel server shuts down successfully but panel requires a kill order?
As per title, this makes it impossible for auto restart to work and i'm also worried that killing the process every shutdown causes issues.
Server uses the vault hunters modpack, let me know what other info is needed.

8 Replies
Hello, which egg are you using to run the server?
About the force kill, as long as the server is fully stopped killing the proccess shouldn't cause any issues.
Strangely it finally showed it shut down a full 15 minutes after it was supposed to, i'll go check about the egg.

It is possible that Pterodacyl did that on its own as it notcied no activity.

Are you sure you are using the default Pterodactyl egg?
I don't really know
Where do i check?
Normal pterodactyl thing tbh
It sometimes happens
It once happened to me
Guess it's just pterodactyl