•Created by Deathpacito on 9/29/2023 in #questions
What's a good plugin for open world lootchests for explorers that refresh every so often?
I want to encourage players to explore the map and fight mobs to get loot at POI's instead of stick to farming consistently, and I would love to have the ability to have custom items (ItemsAdder) be in those chests as loot, as well as have a long restock cooldown. The appearance of the chest being looted or not should be quite visible from a distance if possible so people know at a glance whether the chest is available for looting. I know that lootcrate plugins exist for those gambling boxes with keys, but I was wondering if such a solution exists.
21 replies
•Created by Deathpacito on 9/27/2023 in #questions
Replacing biomes?
I purchased a world online which was created using worldpainter to be a nether island, but to my annoyance found out that interspersed around the nether waste biomes are plains, badlands and other biomes. They never got back to me with an answer (or at all) when I asked so I need to fix this issue myself, any recommendations on how to approach this?
I tested the world on my server and in Singleplayer 1.20.1 so I know it's not the version that is the issue. The map was created for 1.19+ so it should have included the new nether biomes.
14 replies
•Created by Deathpacito on 9/25/2023 in #questions
How do I make the nether easier to see with a high render distance?
26 replies
•Created by Deathpacito on 9/10/2023 in #questions
How do I create a live sparked profile and access it while it is running?
I am currently running the Vault hunters modpack on forge 1.18.2 and having crashes happen. When i run the 3 min profiler it works until it crashes but after that point I am not sure where to get the link.
21 replies
•Created by Deathpacito on 9/9/2023 in #questions
VH server crashing sometimes, likely due to flags
I have a theory that my flags for ram allocation are wrong but just wanted to confirm with yall and how to fix it
48 replies
•Created by Deathpacito on 9/3/2023 in #questions
Any mods that work with modded packs for administration/management?
For example, I would love to know some server side only mods that can help people in say RLCraft or Vault Hunters servers claim their bases.
I also hear that bluemap has a mod that allows you to generate it? I'm not sure though and would love other recommendations whether performance based, management functions, or otherwise.
46 replies
•Created by Deathpacito on 8/18/2023 in #questions
DDOS protection for Forge server?
Hi, I have followed two videos for my modded forge server running vault hunters but keep getting stuck at the add domain section on TCPshield. Is the installation of plugins compulsory for DDOS protection?
I just purchased my domain today and created accounts for Cloudflare and TCPShield today, if that is any help. People can already log into the server using my domain but I can't get the DDOS protection to work.
32 replies
•Created by Deathpacito on 8/14/2023 in #questions
Pterodactyl panel server shuts down successfully but panel requires a kill order?
13 replies
•Created by Deathpacito on 8/10/2023 in #questions
Setting up multiple minecraft servers using Ubuntu and Pterodactyl on a self-hosted home rig
Before a fresh install of the latest Ubuntu OS on my home desktop, I would like to know if there are any good tutorials on how to set up Pterodactyl on it and how to easily remote access my desktop again now that I wish to use Ubuntu.
I am currently attempting to test panels using an Ubuntu VM through the Virtualbox app in a Windows 10 OS to confirm this works before I port my servers over to Ubuntu and need help on a couple of things.
In summary I would like to know:
1. Whether a simple step by step setup tutorial exists I can follow for Pterodactyl or other recommended panel to set it up on a fresh Ubuntu install and port my old server in.
2.1. How to have multiple separate servers running properly on it whether they be forge, paper, or bungee servers
2.2. Whether there is a recommended bungee/waterfall tutorial for Pterodactyl to make them link properly.
3. How to allow external parties to remote in to Ubuntu (Pterodactyl panel) and allow them to modify files and settings, as well as secure these servers from hackers, ddos attacks, etc. (I currently have an admin teamviewering in on Ubuntu to make an attempt but it crashes every 5 minutes and doesnt seem like a great solution)
4. Recommended ram distributions for the following servers and whether dynamic allocation is possible:
4.1 Minecraft Forge server running the Vault Hunters modpack for 10 players
4.2 Minecraft Paper server with around 30 plugins, planning to bungee it and expand a lot over time from <10-100+.
5. Any other good practises for self-hosts to one-and-done the process/not suffer immensely having to consistently take the server down for expansions and improvements to the servers they manage
@Auster @Mortis Pinged, thanks for your assistance earlier ❤️
18 replies
•Created by Deathpacito on 8/10/2023 in #questions
What are some of the ettiquettes/do's and dont's of asking questions here?
As per title, I was wondering a couple of things:
1. If someone was asking a question on a certain topic in a different forum post, can I follow up and ask there if I have the same question and wish for further clarification on that same topic or are posts reserved for the OP only?
2. As I am self-hosting, should I make that clear at the start/post the specs of the rig in the question when I need help regarding setups or performance matters?
3. If I need help from a specific person, is it looked down upon to ping them from within a post?
4. If I would like say someone to provide support through teamviewer or similar, is that a marketplace thing or a questions thing if my original question is located here?
Please point out other related things here, thank you.
13 replies