Creative server bricked, can't start up
Had a guy who came in and bricked creative server, now every time someone logs in server crashes.
@Torrent @Skullians Feels good
81 Replies
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Requested by .deathpacito#0
Wrong tags lemme see if I can fix
Anyway, trying to get logs rn, seems to involve a spawner minecart and witherskeleton skulls somehow
Not sure what exactly he did to cause this crashloop
I assume you use plotsquared?
Look at your logs. It should say the location of where the entity crash occured
You can remotely clear and delete that plot with
/plot clear
and /plot delete
, but you have to get the arguments right which may involve a little research on the plotsquared wiki
Coreprotect rollback is also an optionspark
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
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Restored it to the fucked up save
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Requested by .deathpacito#0
It seems it's a wither skeleton skull with infinity velocity parameters
There is no NBT data for Panilla to block
Interesting bypass
Why are you giving people full creative menus instead of using an item picker system
I'm not that advanced yet, i'm still in the process of figuring things out
That likely just means itβs a fuck ton of withers in one tile
/minecraft:kill @e[type=minecraft:wither]
Run that
There is a few protections in plotsquared you can change. First of all, you can set it so that the road kills and entity that wanders onto it (other than players.) You can also turn off mob spawning eggs. You can set entity limits as well which would affect items on the ground
But all these are just stopgaps to delay someone from figuring out a way to crash your server if you give them full access to the creative inventory and donβt trust themHmm, perhaps I can work with that item picker system using shopgui
Yeah it seems server is stuck in a crashloop right now
not ideal
you might have to open the world in something like MCASelector or whatever itβs called and delete the entities manually
I'm playing around with the screwed up profile to figure out how to fix
I have a backup I can revert to but would be nice to know what to do in future to prevent this
Do you have any recommendations for implementation?
Would love some advice
Admin is reviewing replay mod info, seems to be potions as well
I would recommend you blacklist those items
Wither skulls, spawn eggs (maybe), potions, arrows
that would be nbtexplorer
MCAselector can only delete chunks
just do
/tick freeze
should at least allow you to find the source when you log in without it crashing
Cody wants you torrent lol
Based on investigation it seems to be a singular wither skull
but yeah OP like I said, the crash will be in the logs saying which chunk is bugged out
oh dear god
Both from replay mod and logs
Oh you do?
I knew them from an old server
She's sweet
that I used to play on
yeah she is really nice
She's the server builder and arter
Replay mod managed to get this somehow
ooh nice
Confirmed, it's a modified wither skull
Killing that entity after tick freeze works
Time to lock the server down
Would love to figure out your preventive measures, the creative server is technically just for server builds and devwork anyway like a backend/production setup
simply just don't give default players the permission
give it to a higher rank, like builderSo this didn't work
But the wither skull did
The server killer egg is a spawner minecart
They get them from saved inventories
you need to blacklist items
Minecarts, Potions, Wither Skulls, Spawn eggs
Going forward, I would like some thoughts on prevention:
Is Leche's solution (Item picker and players in survival) the right way of going about it?
Plotsquared entity limits and road killing entities sufficient?
Banning and blacklisting wither skulls, spawn eggs, potions, and arrows?
Iβd say so yeah
yes to all but players can still crash the server with minecarts so you need to put limits on that
and anything with velocity
Leche's solution is hard but also the best
not impossible though, with deluxemenus
@ProGamingDk / @Torrent Could I pay either of you $15 to help implement the above safeguards for plotsquared and banning of those mob eggs/other common crashables? I'm not exactly sure how to do this in practise so worried of messing it up
Skullians also recommended this
I guess not
sorry been quite literally drunk for the first time (and feeling horrible) yesterday, only plotsquared things correct, banning items i would just do a plugin that bans non vanilla nbt
because leches idea is while good a lot of work'
I dunno whose it was to give random people creative lmao
use panilla on the strictest mode
Oh yeah not expecting leche's idea, i'm tempted to try eshopgui as the medium in my own time though
Panilla has settings? π
I'll be damned it does
what plugin doesnt π
I guess I never noticed it :pepecross:
but sure, i can help with that, you already have a ticket so we can continue on that?
Sure, lmk what aspects for anti crash you can work on, i've got my moderator to investigate all their methods for further testing later
We have a couple of them saved and ready for self-harm behaviour on my server :thonk:
I found the issue, I didn't have Panilla installed on the creative server at all
π π π π π π π π
When I updated from 1.20.1 to 1.20.4 I didn't compile it so left it out
Yes I am smart
Genius in fact
I'm gonna buy it now
i would compile it for you again but I reinstalled windows and I have to build every version of spigot through build tools to compile :crydeath:
Not to worry, this is faster and way less awk to bug people for π© π
well few things
expensive but for a creative server i would heavily recommend LPX
and the settings i could work on, but i dont have the config in front of me rn
Give me about 15 min I need to get it and put it on the server itself
Is it useful for all servers or just creative?
all servers
less useful on other servers tho
just nice to have, if you keep it updated
Obtained, will be on all servers in about 5 min
check its config
oh wait for license you need to join the discord iirc?
Oh, whoops
On it
Get Bukkit | Download CraftBukkit 1.21 | Download Spigot 1.21
Get Bukkit | Download CraftBukkit 1.21 | Download Spigot 1.21
i meant craftbukkit
it does that too
u can download craftbukkit from this
Get Bukkit | Download CraftBukkit 1.21 | Download Spigot 1.21
Get Bukkit | Download CraftBukkit 1.21 | Download Spigot 1.21
yeah idk if its exactly legal
prob breaking some kind of tos.... but not my problem π
What's this?
Oh builds of every version of spigot
LPX seems to randomly mess with people and especially the essentials kit color book, any clue as to why? I gave the bypass to myself but it still keeps flagging me as failing the checks
report it to dev