Optimizing Help with spawners
Heyo! I'm having a lot of lag with spawners, i've tried using the recommend paper-world.yml/spigot.yml/bukkit.yml etc. They haven't really helped as much, mobs once they're out of spawners don't get stacked so there are a bit of them even after using Wildstacker etc. Would anyone know a plugin or specific setting in paper-world.yml that i can just set higher, to stack mobs? I am using wildstacker so it might be unsupported?
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Requested by aurarover#0
Only stack mobs coming out of spawners
theres RoseStacker, StackMob, as alternatives
I've tried StackMobs, however, StackMobs waits for the mobs to spawn which causes really really hard lag spikes
Any other solution? Is there no way to stack mobs once they're out of the spawner again?
Rose Stacker has a lot of settings in the config you could probably eliminate that issue with that
Does it have direct supportage of transfering spawners from wildstacker, if not then I wouldn't be able to transfer
Let me check now, for you
Can you send me wildstacker config I’ll see if you can get a good setup without Switching entirely
For safety reasons we do not allow executables to be sent as they might contain malware. If you're compiling for someone please DM them and as a reminder. We cannot verify if a compiled jar has not been tampered in any way
Uhhh put it in paste bin or something
Which ones do you need? There are multiple files
Send it all
For safety reasons we do not allow executables to be sent as they might contain malware. If you're compiling for someone please DM them and as a reminder. We cannot verify if a compiled jar has not been tampered in any way
its litterly a zip file
ill upload it to pastebin rq
Alright coo
particles.yml https://hastebin.com/share/ulamabaxet.yaml
lang.yml https://hastebin.com/share/qijocuyalo.bash
custom-names.yml https://hastebin.com/share/alaceredez.yaml
config.yml https://hastebin.com/share/qedasuwupe.yaml
There are like 106 loot tables need those as well?
Please use a paste service instead!
Paste services are more mobile friendly and easier to read than just posting a log file
Requested by aurarover#0
Question do you only stack spawner mobs or all mobs ?
Spawner Mobs
How many blocks from the entity should be checked for other entities to stack into?
# EntityType list: https://bg-software.com/entities/
# SpawnReason list: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/event/entity/CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason.html
# You can combine both filters using "ENTITY_TYPE:SPAWN_REASON"
all: 5
CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason (Spigot-API 1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT API)
declaration: package: org.bukkit.event.entity, class: CreatureSpawnEvent, enum: SpawnReason
Increase the merge radius
Try 10-15
Okii, tyvm
Let me know if it does not work you may have to switch
its already 10
also its for items
Nvm found it.
Didn't really help that much tbh. As soon as spawners start tps goes down to 15, as soon as i kill the entites in those chunks it goes backup to 20
Do you have spark ?
Can u do /spark profiler start and then /spark profiler close While it’s happening and
spark profiler start
spark profiler stop
live profiling is not great
Thanks big bro
Beforei clear mobs, or after?
Not sure why it decided to goto 20 tps for a little bit? However, here's it: https://spark.lucko.me/OIYm4UDZeR
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
Spark Profile Analysis
These are not magic values. Many of these settings have real consequences on your server's mechanics. See this guide for detailed information on the functionality of each setting.
✅ Your server isn't lagging
Your server is running fine with an average TPS of 19.
Requested by aurarover#0
It was averaging 17-14 last time i checked
Its having spikes of 16 tps, to 18 but never higher
spark is a performance profiler for Minecraft clients, servers, and proxies.
Spark Profile Analysis
These are not magic values. Many of these settings have real consequences on your server's mechanics. See this guide for detailed information on the functionality of each setting.
✅ Your server isn't lagging
Your server is running fine with an average TPS of 19.
Requested by aurarover#0
@khivato The mobs are also freezing up
I don’t think it’s the mobs but the spawners themselves
I could be wrong here
But are those spawners stacked ?
At all?
can you test something
I heard stacking mobs makes things worse
but idk if that's still a thing
only if its vanilla spawned ones.
because they then dont count towards mob count
Pro pro
but spawners dont count against mob count anyways'
So it would be the spawners and or chest hoppers near by for block entities right
it does also depend on how the plugin stacks em ig
I was thinking if he increased the spawn delay a temporarily and saw a change it would be better