
hi, I wanted to ask if anyone has a whitelist plugin that connects to discord, actually, I've tried several and it just doesn't work for me, either because of the bot not responding or because the plugin's whitelist doesn't work, if anyone has one that works for you would be very helpful:mem_uwu:
12 Replies
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta‱2y ago
Thanks for asking your question!
Make sure to provide as much helpful information as possible such as logs/what you tried and what your exact issue is
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Requested by arthely#0
ProGamingDk‱2y ago
᳕ ֗  𔘓 arthely ゜ ⋆ đ–Šč
you say through the logs? forgot to mention that i need one where users can put themselves
ProGamingDk‱2y ago
discordsrv has a whitelist feature where u need to send a message to a bot to link up first
᳕ ֗  𔘓 arthely ゜ ⋆ đ–Šč
Could you explain a bit where it is? please ;;
ProGamingDk‱2y ago
linking.yml - DiscordSRV Wiki
The official documentation for DiscordSRV. The most powerful, configurable, open-source Discord bridge plugin out there.
᳕ ֗  𔘓 arthely ゜ ⋆ đ–Šč
thank you so much! I'll try
Penguin Terminal
Penguin Terminal‱2y ago
Would also recommend discordsrv as it is very popular and highly regarded as one of the best discord to mc linking systems
BlurrySteve‱2y ago
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta‱2y ago
Only moderators and the Post owner can close this post
᳕ ֗  𔘓 arthely ゜ ⋆ đ–Šč
do you know what the command is? I already enabled it since I already had it installed but did not have synchronization activated, now yes, but I don't know what's next, an apology I already did, thank you very much! ♡ !solved
Admincraft Meta
Admincraft Meta‱2y ago
post closed!
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Requested by arthely#0

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