Not sure what to title this tbh
Version: 1.20.1 papermc
So, rn my server is running towny because it's supposed to be a roleplay server where players can create towns/nations etc to complete common goals, but towny has a steep learning curve that i'm not sure the average person can climb over, so i was thinking of turning to a simpler factions plugin. Since this is going to be part of the core gameplay of my server i'd like to discuss some other options before going through with it.
Ideally i'd also want them to get a daily stipend of resources based on the number of chunks they've claimed, and I'd also like them to be able to capture enemy chunks.
9 Replies
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Requested by zayde_storm#0
Have you tried KingdomsX?
There’s free builds on their discord
nope, ima try that now.
:ThumbsUp: hopefully it’s what you’re looking for
@Skullians can i also request assistance on another unrelated matter?
I'm loading a 25k radius on my server (50k in any direction from one end of the border to the other)
and from my understanding, that shouldnt be requiring as much storage as it is
im using nearly 107gb total
That’s normal
pregenerating 25k radius should be ~110gb
(not counting nether and end)
oh, ok.
but yeah kingdoms x seems to work
by the way
World Size Calculator
Determine the file size of a world before you pregenerate