Spawn area plugin
Hi guys, do you know some plugins what will spawn you when you first join a server or die without a bed in x blocks around the spawn point.
For 1.12.2 version.
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Requested by zedamc#0
In safe area
Vanilla Minecraft already does this, or do u mean in a random area around spawn
theres a gamerule for it
not sure its for 1.12.2 tho
But it can spawn players in dangerous area
make the area around ur spawn not dangerous
That's anarchy server
i can't just make it not dangerous
Naturally Vanilla Minecraft will not spawn players in lava, fire, in the middle of the air, etc. so I’m not sure what you’re looking for.
I am using 1.12.2 version of minecraft, paper when i set spawnRadius to some number of blocks i am spawned randomly in that area however sometimes i am spawned in lava
It doesn't allow you to do what i want
Just do /setspawn
thats not what he wants