Pale Oak Logs Unstrippable

Before I start binary searching this, anyone experience this bug or have any ideas? (I've attached a video as well)
Current Purpur Version: 1.21.4-2376-4bf1b98 (MC: 1.21.4)*
* You are running the latest version
Current Purpur Version: 1.21.4-2376-4bf1b98 (MC: 1.21.4)*
* You are running the latest version
[04:58:00 INFO]: Paper Plugins: (1):
[04:58:00 INFO]: - PaperTweaks
[04:58:00 INFO]: Bukkit Plugins: (54):
[04:58:00 INFO]: - AdvancedAntiVPN, *AlwaysOnline, ArmorStandEditor, AxGraves, BlueMap, Celebrate, Chunky, ChunkyBorder, CoreProtect, CoreProtectTNT
[04:58:00 INFO]: DeathCoordinates, DimensionPause, DiscordSRV, eGlow, EnderDragonTweaks, FlagsH, floodgate, FreedomChat, Geyser-Spigot, GSit
[04:58:00 INFO]: Hat, Infiniteannouncements, InteractiveBooks, InteractiveChat, InteractiveChatDiscordSrvAddon, InventoryRollbackPlus, InvisibleItemFrames, LibertyBans, LPC, LuckPerms
[04:58:00 INFO]: MinecraftStats, NBTAPI, OpenInv, OreAnnouncer, packetevents, PetNameFix, PL-Hide, PlaceholderAPI, Plan, PluralKitMC
[04:58:00 INFO]: PreventStabby, ProtocolLib, PurpurAFK, SimplePMs, SuperVanish, TAB, Tebex, UltimateAutoRestart, Vault, ViaBackwards
[04:58:00 INFO]: ViaVersion, voicechat, Vulcan, WitherSound
[04:58:00 INFO]: Paper Plugins: (1):
[04:58:00 INFO]: - PaperTweaks
[04:58:00 INFO]: Bukkit Plugins: (54):
[04:58:00 INFO]: - AdvancedAntiVPN, *AlwaysOnline, ArmorStandEditor, AxGraves, BlueMap, Celebrate, Chunky, ChunkyBorder, CoreProtect, CoreProtectTNT
[04:58:00 INFO]: DeathCoordinates, DimensionPause, DiscordSRV, eGlow, EnderDragonTweaks, FlagsH, floodgate, FreedomChat, Geyser-Spigot, GSit
[04:58:00 INFO]: Hat, Infiniteannouncements, InteractiveBooks, InteractiveChat, InteractiveChatDiscordSrvAddon, InventoryRollbackPlus, InvisibleItemFrames, LibertyBans, LPC, LuckPerms
[04:58:00 INFO]: MinecraftStats, NBTAPI, OpenInv, OreAnnouncer, packetevents, PetNameFix, PL-Hide, PlaceholderAPI, Plan, PluralKitMC
[04:58:00 INFO]: PreventStabby, ProtocolLib, PurpurAFK, SimplePMs, SuperVanish, TAB, Tebex, UltimateAutoRestart, Vault, ViaBackwards
[04:58:00 INFO]: ViaVersion, voicechat, Vulcan, WitherSound
23 Replies
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Requested by ibotmealot#0
duolingo se acerca
You’re in vanish
IbotmealotOP7d ago
happens outside of vanish as well, it was reported to me by a player
ProGamingDk7d ago
as suggested in syscraft, Athena would let you find it without the "long" process of binary searching
Lunaiskey7d ago
ATHENA - Minecraft Plugin
An extensive and robust event debugger for Paper
Lunaiskey7d ago
thats nice one of the most painful things is figuring out wtf is touching the events
IbotmealotOP7d ago
yeah trying that now
IbotmealotOP7d ago
any idea what the event would be, tried using PlayerInteractEvent as suggested but it didn't seem to pickup anything
IbotmealotOP7d ago
also thought I should add the other wood types DO work, just not the pale oak
IbotmealotOP7d ago
ProGamingDk7d ago
what version is the server and what version is the client
IbotmealotOP7d ago
both 1.21.4 latest purpur build and I'm on fabric, but I've had other people have the same issue
Lunaiskey7d ago
it is playerinteractevent make a fresh server, using the same server jar with no plugins, try to strip the wood if it works, we atleast know its definitly a plugin thats doing it tho it might be worth checking geyser and viaversion just with them protocol hacking, they might be preventing it to stop a crash of some form make sure they are both on the latest version of each
IbotmealotOP7d ago
just made a new server, same plugins & datapacks and it works :pain:
IbotmealotOP7d ago
Lunaiskey7d ago
now that is weird dumb question, on the new server are you opped?
IbotmealotOP7d ago
Admincraft Meta
Closed post!
Your post has been marked as solved!
Requested by ibotmealot#0
IbotmealotOP7d ago
It was purpur's fault, they have a strippables section in their config and since I'm using a config from 1.21.3 my main server didn't have the pale oak logs in this section
No description
Lunaiskey7d ago
how did you find this out? genuinely curious what made you check the purpur config didnt even know purpur had this as a configurable thing
IbotmealotOP7d ago
I changed all my server config files (bukkit.yml, purpur.yml, paper configs, etc) and the issue occured on the test server again. Then deleted the plugins to make sure it wasn't that and narrowed it down to server configs. Then I just went thru and tried with a brand new spigot.yml and purpur.yml file (and not my configured ones), and it worked. So then just searched in the purpur discord and other people have had that issue.
IbotmealotOP7d ago
No description
Lunaiskey7d ago
im glad you found the issue and was able to fix it

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