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Created by Ibotmealot on 1/11/2025 in #questions
Pale Oak Logs Unstrippable
Before I start binary searching this, anyone experience this bug or have any ideas? (I've attached a video as well)
Current Purpur Version: 1.21.4-2376-4bf1b98 (MC: 1.21.4)*
* You are running the latest version
Current Purpur Version: 1.21.4-2376-4bf1b98 (MC: 1.21.4)*
* You are running the latest version
[04:58:00 INFO]: Paper Plugins: (1):
[04:58:00 INFO]: - PaperTweaks
[04:58:00 INFO]: Bukkit Plugins: (54):
[04:58:00 INFO]: - AdvancedAntiVPN, *AlwaysOnline, ArmorStandEditor, AxGraves, BlueMap, Celebrate, Chunky, ChunkyBorder, CoreProtect, CoreProtectTNT
[04:58:00 INFO]: DeathCoordinates, DimensionPause, DiscordSRV, eGlow, EnderDragonTweaks, FlagsH, floodgate, FreedomChat, Geyser-Spigot, GSit
[04:58:00 INFO]: Hat, Infiniteannouncements, InteractiveBooks, InteractiveChat, InteractiveChatDiscordSrvAddon, InventoryRollbackPlus, InvisibleItemFrames, LibertyBans, LPC, LuckPerms
[04:58:00 INFO]: MinecraftStats, NBTAPI, OpenInv, OreAnnouncer, packetevents, PetNameFix, PL-Hide, PlaceholderAPI, Plan, PluralKitMC
[04:58:00 INFO]: PreventStabby, ProtocolLib, PurpurAFK, SimplePMs, SuperVanish, TAB, Tebex, UltimateAutoRestart, Vault, ViaBackwards
[04:58:00 INFO]: ViaVersion, voicechat, Vulcan, WitherSound
[04:58:00 INFO]: Paper Plugins: (1):
[04:58:00 INFO]: - PaperTweaks
[04:58:00 INFO]: Bukkit Plugins: (54):
[04:58:00 INFO]: - AdvancedAntiVPN, *AlwaysOnline, ArmorStandEditor, AxGraves, BlueMap, Celebrate, Chunky, ChunkyBorder, CoreProtect, CoreProtectTNT
[04:58:00 INFO]: DeathCoordinates, DimensionPause, DiscordSRV, eGlow, EnderDragonTweaks, FlagsH, floodgate, FreedomChat, Geyser-Spigot, GSit
[04:58:00 INFO]: Hat, Infiniteannouncements, InteractiveBooks, InteractiveChat, InteractiveChatDiscordSrvAddon, InventoryRollbackPlus, InvisibleItemFrames, LibertyBans, LPC, LuckPerms
[04:58:00 INFO]: MinecraftStats, NBTAPI, OpenInv, OreAnnouncer, packetevents, PetNameFix, PL-Hide, PlaceholderAPI, Plan, PluralKitMC
[04:58:00 INFO]: PreventStabby, ProtocolLib, PurpurAFK, SimplePMs, SuperVanish, TAB, Tebex, UltimateAutoRestart, Vault, ViaBackwards
[04:58:00 INFO]: ViaVersion, voicechat, Vulcan, WitherSound
36 replies
Created by Ibotmealot on 7/5/2024 in #questions
lag spikes
anyone notice anything obvious from this report they could point out? the tps appears fine, but there's noticable spikes and stutters here and there: https://spark.lucko.me/9paapsCJAW
10 replies
Created by Ibotmealot on 6/23/2024 in #questions
Stat tracking plugin for items?
https://builtbybit.com/resources/stattrackers.23938/ Basically looking for alternatives to this, there's different trackers a user could apply to their items. Like damage dealt, blocks broken, etc.
2 replies
Created by Ibotmealot on 6/14/2024 in #questions
What's the catch?
No description
9 replies
Created by Ibotmealot on 6/14/2024 in #questions
Player warps plugin
Anyone know and use an alternative to https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/⚠%EF%B8%8F-player-warps-⚠%EF%B8%8F-➢-set-your-warps-1-7-1-20-4.66692/ ? Looking for something for free, just want to hear from people that have switched / use something else.
3 replies
BSBuape Studios
Created by Ibotmealot on 5/19/2024 in #kiai-support
XP Bug?
Hm, no idea what happened or why, I haven't messed with anything at all. Server ID is 857028988072361995
7 replies
BSBuape Studios
Created by Ibotmealot on 5/17/2024 in #kiai-support
Duplicate Commands?
They both appear to be doing the same thing, /xp-decay should be removed and it should just be kept under the settings server command imo.
7 replies
BSBuape Studios
Created by Ibotmealot on 5/17/2024 in #kiai-support
[KIAI-307] Category Bug
Kiai lets you add categories to the denylist but does not actually take them into account. Kiai will also show the categories when you use the /denylist list command. (The ideal resolution would be adding category support, not disallowing them).
7 replies
BSBuape Studios
Created by Ibotmealot on 5/17/2024 in #kiai-support
API Key Request
ID: 951938922836021338 Application name: SpudCraft
4 replies
LSLurkr Support
Created by Ibotmealot on 8/2/2023 in #support
Purge command is broken
No description
2 replies