What plugin is this?
I already have "CustomTab" but i want there to be the TPS, ping and players with it aswell.
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Requested by scribe#7862
you should be able to use PlaceholderAPI with this plugin
Once I add the plugin what do i do?
If im not mistaken it is this plugin call Tab TPS. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/tabtps-1-8-8-1-20-1-show-tps-mspt-and-more-in-the-tab-menu.82528/
SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft
TabTPS [1.8.8-1.20.1+] Show TPS, MSPT and more in the Tab menu
But you can use PAPI to do the same.
TABTPS overwrites on my customtab message.
papi is probably the better option anyways
i haven't seen a server without it in ages
Use papi then.
it should be trivial to setup
And fun!!
you should use TAB plugin free trial version with papi
GitHub - NEZNAMY/TAB: "That" TAB plugin.
"That" TAB plugin. Contribute to NEZNAMY/TAB development by creating an account on GitHub.
You get the full plugin for free
There is no difference between free and paid tab.
yeah i know
You’re only paying for the support
the free version is basically just a trial before buying the actual thing
that's what it's supposed to be atleast
There is no trial
You get the full version for free forever
And newer versions
they can just use it infinitely, but neznamy did say it's a version to test out the plugin before buying it
I have purchased tab. There is no difference. It’s not a trial
It's not about the difference
You’re strictly purchasing the support. Not the plugin
I'm not talking about any differences
I'm saying that the free version available on GitHub is purely made for being a trial version, basically testing before buying. Just that you don't have to buy it if you don't need support
NEZNAMY has already said this, so I don't have to explain it to you
lol. Idk wat ur arguing. There is no “free version” neznamy has said this numerous upon numerous times. There is not trial version. He just doesn’t have the patience to support everyone. It's literally that simple.
oh i didn't realize he made the prices free
seems made the plugin available on modrinth and github only (as far as im aware)
since when there is a trial version.. lol
there is no trial, it's just free src