Looking for a Mod for Regional Music similar to OpenAudio
Currently using Simple Voice Chat for Paper 1.21.4 and it works great because it's completely optional for users to install. Would like something similar to this which deals in music rather than vc.
OpenAudioMc (https://openaudiomc.net/) is a prime example of the capabilities I'm looking for (using worldguard, music crossfades etc) but it's web-based (redundant) and clashes with Simple Voice Chat.
Anyone have a recommendation for such a mod+plugin that would check these boxes?
OpenAudioMc - The Minecraft Proximity Voicechat and Audio system
OpenAudioMc is a spigot plugin for Minecraft that offers proximity voice chat and audio system without the need for mods. It supports Bungeecord, Velocity, Spigot and more.
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Thats an API that allows you to play music on your server from noteblock files
This connects to that and worldguard to play music in WorldGuard regions